Obstacles Part 1/3

This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Heroes in Hell

Hi, it’s my posting day at seasonal_spuffy. First of all, thanks to enigmaticblues for all her hard work and to everyone else for your wonderful posts. The theme of this round was ‘obstacles’ and I’m afraid I’ve been very lazy and just called my story the same thing.

Pairing: Spike/Buffy (it goes without saying). Mention of Angel/Nina.
Rating: R, I think, but mainly for language.
Setting: This story is a sort-of sequel to my previous seasonal_spuffy story, Heroes in Hell. Events go AU after Chosen, with Spike never having gone to Wolfram & Hart and AtS season 5 unfolding without him. He and Buffy are now a couple again (or for the first time, depending on how you look at it) and a few years have passed. As in the Buffy comic, Buffy is living in a castle in Scotland and training Slayers, but it doesn’t matter at all if you’ve never read the comic.
Beta: Many thanks to my beta laisserais for all her help. Thanks, too, to woman_of who read through the Scottish characters’ dialogue for me. Any remaining mistakes are, of course, entirely mine.

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FIC: The Widening Gyre (1/1)

Good morning, all. Today is my day at seasonal_spuffy, and first I’d like to thank enigmaticblues for all of her hard work in keeping this wonderful community going. What a great round this has been so far. And now, on to the fic!

TITLE: The Widening Gyre
AUTHOR: Cindy (cindergal)

RATING: R for dark themes and sexual content
SUMMARY: A horror story. A love story. A dark fairytale.
DISCLAIMER: The characters aren’t mine, but Joss said I could play with them.

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A Walk In the Woods (1/1)

My posting day is here, and yay! despite all obstacles I have something to post. Infinite thanks to the fabulous edenfalling, who read this for me at the last possible minute. She gives the best feedback! A few of the best jokes are hers, too — I’ll let you try to figure out which ones.

Title: A Walk In the Woods
Author: Willowgreen
Rating: PG at worst
Length: 4400 words
Summary: Buffy needs new shoes, but Spike has dragged her out for a hike and a picnic instead. Can any possible good come of this?
Author’s note: This is a sequel to my 2007 Seasonal Spuffy story A Cup of Kindness, although there’s no need to read that one for this to make sense.
Disclaimer: These characters aren’t mine, although I love them almost as if they were.

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Thanks to enigmaticblues  for continuing this community – it’s wonderful to see so many things still being created after all these years. Determined not to begin yet another WIP, this is a one-shot (but complete!) Enjoy!

Title: Survivor
Author: Anne
Rating: PG
Setting: Post BtVS and AtS. Quotes from S4 Fool for Love
Summary: Buffy Summers. She hasn’t used that name in months, hasn’t even thought of herself as Buffy in weeks. It’s easier, becoming someone else. She stays under the radar and they think she died with all the others.

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“Clipping Service” – 16/16

This entry is part 16 of 16 in the series Clipping Service

“Clipping Service”
Rated PG
Disclaimer: All names of people, places, things, literary and creative works of art are used lovingly in this work of fiction. None of them belong to this author, and no profit is derived from this use.

Note: Thanks to everyone for sticking with me this far, and thank you dearly to all those who left wonderful comments – I hope you’ve enjoyed it!

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“Clipping Service” – 11/16

This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series Clipping Service

“Clipping Service”
Rated PG
Disclaimer: All names of people, places, things, literary and creative works of art are used lovingly in this work of fiction. None of them belong to this author, and no profit is derived from this use.

Note: Sorry for the delay – minor newsroom crisis. Also refining some of the last entries, but it will all go up tonight!
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“Clipping Service” – 4/16

This entry is part 4 of 16 in the series Clipping Service

“Clipping Service”
Rated PG
Disclaimer: All names of people, places, things, literary and creative works of art are used lovingly in this work of fiction. None of them belong to this author, and no profit is derived from this use.

Note: We’re moving to Great Britain in this one. I’m going to immediately post the next one, or else this probably won’t make much sense…
Apologies to any of my British readers, if I’m totally screwing up geography in your neck of the woods.
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