Hi, it’s my posting day at seasonal_spuffy. First of all, thanks to enigmaticblues for all her hard work and to everyone else for your wonderful posts. The theme of this round was ‘obstacles’ and I’m afraid I’ve been very lazy and just called my story the same thing.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (it goes without saying). Mention of Angel/Nina.
Rating: R, I think, but mainly for language.
Setting: This story is a sort-of sequel to my previous seasonal_spuffy story, Heroes in Hell. Events go AU after Chosen, with Spike never having gone to Wolfram & Hart and AtS season 5 unfolding without him. He and Buffy are now a couple again (or for the first time, depending on how you look at it) and a few years have passed. As in the Buffy comic, Buffy is living in a castle in Scotland and training Slayers, but it doesn’t matter at all if you’ve never read the comic.
Beta: Many thanks to my beta laisserais for all her help. Thanks, too, to woman_of who read through the Scottish characters’ dialogue for me. Any remaining mistakes are, of course, entirely mine.