Slide show: A Trip Down Memory Lane

title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show

More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.

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Video: Spike | My Favourite Game

Title: Spike | My Favourite Game
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 2 to 7
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”/”Buffy/Other”: brief Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel

So, this vid wasn’t made specifically for Seasonal Spuffy but falls squarely into the category of “something I’ve been working on, but haven’t posted”. It’s a Fandom Trumps Hate 2021 (!) gift for thewiggins . I recently finished it, but have waited until now with making it public. Huge thanks go to thewiggins for the vid idea and for their immense patience while I took my time working on the vid!

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1 fic banner

Title: You Made a Bear
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

Happy ritual sacrifice with pie day! Below the cut is one Fic Banner. If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

You Made a Bear

The caps used in this banner were made by me from Buffy HD episodes found here

All resources can be found on my lj profile pageor my dreamwidth profile page

Originally posted at:

Banners: 7 deadly sins

Title: 7 deadly sins
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 4 to 6 and 10
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”: Spike and his date from Hells Bells in #6

My contribution doesn’t exactly match this round’s theme, but it was inspired by it. Specifically, by the hell part, which for some reason led my mind to the seven deadly sins (which I suppose have the potential to land you in hell, according to Christian teachings).  

So I made seven banners, each illustrating one of the sins in connection to Spuffy. Some were more challenging than others! Below, I’ve ordered them according to Buffy and Spike’s journey through time. If anyone wants any of these re-purposed as a fic banner, just let me know.

1. Wrath

There are other scenes I could have chosen for this one, but I wanted to keep things lighthearted.

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Vidlet: Obsessed With You (worksafe)

Title: Obsessed With You
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Rating: worksafe
Summary: this short Spike POV video is a tribute to two flavors of early Spuffy: best enemies in denial and Spike’s feral gremlin era. The Spuffy ride wouldn’t be nearly as fun without these humble beginnings and unhinged detours. :’)

Watch on Vimeo

Notes: happy Seasonal Spuffy, everyone!! Sorry about overshooting midnight.
I made this in Kdenlive using the HD eps from and roughly following marnanightingale’s cutting and syncing tutorial.
Thank you to the ever-lovely thewiggins for beta-watching this on short notice and pointing out that I had unintentionally implied Buffy has 1 (one) friend.

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Vid: Spuffy Abridged

Title: Spuffy Abridged
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: All of ’em!
Rating: Same as the show (I guess that’s R?). Expect an overview of ALL of Spuffy, not just the highs but also including the lows.
Notes: This vid was inspired by the classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Abridged vid by Rowena. A Spuffy version seemed to fit the “Celebrating 25 Years” theme pretty well.

I’m sorry if your favourite scene hasn’t been included; it’s hard to cram 11 seasons of Spuffy into less than 2 minutes, so some sacrifices had to be made. Thumbnail clipart (film reel) is from pixabay, the rest of the credits are at the end of the vid!

Originally posted at:

16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

Title – 16 icons. Discord avatars: 1. Comic Kiss 2. Back Porch 3. Comic Sweet Moment 4. Kitchen Dream Scene
creator – teragramm
rating – other

Below the cut find my last entry of the day, 16 icons, and 4 Discord avatars. If you would like any icons personalized just ask! Enjoy!!


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Dear Friend (3B/3B)

Title:Dear Friend (3B/3B)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: some foul language
Rating: PG

AN: Hey! Here’s the second part of the 3rd installment, and the final installment of the tale. I am relieved and glad to have finished a multi-chaptered fic for the first time! This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm. I welcome all constructive criticism from you.
Fic: Dear Friend (1/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (2/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (3A/3B)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: ParfumerieThe Shop Around the CornerIn the Good Old SummertimeShe Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit.

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Dear Friend (3A/3B)

Title:Dear Friend (3A/3B)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: some foul language and angst
Rating: PG

AN: Hi all! Here’s the 3rd installment, yet another year later, this time for Walk Through the Fire. This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm. Writing Spike’s angst at the beginning was what was holding me back from posting this Spring during Truth or Dare. I welcome all constructive criticism from you.
Fic: Dear Friend (1/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (2/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (3B/3B)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: ParfumerieThe Shop Around the CornerIn the Good Old SummertimeShe Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit.

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Did You Ever Know – Chapter 2

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

The torches on the walls continued as Buffy entered the first cavernous room. They only cast a dim glow, but they were bright enough for Buffy to see a door at the other end of the room with something that looked like a scoreboard above it. One of those really old school ones that baseball stadiums used to have in like the 50s… or whatever time period hadn’t had electricity yet.

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Did You Ever Know – Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

Does anyone know how and when Spike and the Scoobies actually find out that the Initiative gave Spike a chip? In “Something Blue” he’s still calling it a spell, and I don’t recall a scene where Riley sits down with him and explains everything. With that in mind, writing a story and NOT referring to it as chip was difficult, let me tell you.

Thanks to everyone who said they were excited to see this, that made me happy!! Like my other entry this is pretty fluffy, somewhat angsty, but also just a quick little Spuffy adventure that probably shouldn’t be taken all that seriously. Thanks for reading!

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We’ve Got To Stop Meeting Like This

Title: We’ve Got To Stop Meeting Like This
Author: slaymesoftly
Era: AU season four
Rating: Probably R
No warnings, beta by all4spike
Not complete yet – will probably have to link to my own journal for the remainder if I don’t get it up by tonight.
Summary: This story continues in the AU world created in P.S. You Suck, and continued in Friendly Enemies. Both were Seasonal Spuffy entries for the past few seasons, so this is a follow up for this spring season. It’s been a progression from enemies who’d had a truce and communicated through the US mail, to much friendlier enemies when one shows up to assist Buffy (if she needs it!) with her Cruciamentum, to even friendlier enemies who’ve become pen pals who exchange the occasional phone call. Spike is now someone Joyce trusts to have Buffy’s back if/when she needs it.

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Fic: Dear Friend (2/?)

Title: Dear Friend (2/?)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: referenced Spike/other and Buffy/other to begin with (tamer than the show)
AN: Hi all! Here’s the 2nd installment. I finally got the second chapter to where I wanted it! I welcome constructive criticism from all of you. This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm.
Rating: PG (Warning: some foul language)
Fic: Dear Friend (1/?)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: Parfumerie, The Shop Around the Corner, In the Good Old Summertime, She Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit. I also do not own an iota of William Shakespeare’s work, but am borrowing a quote from him presently.

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Fic: William the Bloody: Prince of Thieves (1 of ?)

Title: William the Bloody: Prince of Thieves, Chapter 1

Author: DarkVoid116

Setting: AU Season 4

Rating: R

Word Count: 2438

Author’s Note: Thank you to CubbieGirl1723 & Kanotari for beta-reading. This is 1st chapter of maybe 10ish? More will be posted during free-for-all days later in the month. Also, Happy Birthday to me. Decided to choose my own birthday, lol

Summary: Spike, Robin Wood, and their merry band of friends travel to California to rescue a mage. Faced with the Sunnydale Slayer and the Initiative, what are five vigilantes to do?

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Tutor (3/7)

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Tutor

Title: Tutor
Author: Holly
Setting: Season 4, shortly after Something Blue
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 28k, complete
Special Thanks: bewildeNiamhBehind Blue Eyes for betaing, teragramm for the awesome banner.
Summary: Buffy has a certain set of skills: staking vampires, slaying demons, preventing the apocalypse, and chasing off men after a single night. That last thing could stand being crossed off her list. Fortunately, she knows just the man—err, vamp—to help.
Note: I’ll be posting the first three parts today and the following parts on EF and AO3.

Won’t make much sense without having read Chapter One and Chapter Two. :)

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