Slide show: A Trip Down Memory Lane

title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show

More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.

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Fairy Tale or Not

Title: Fairy Tale or Not
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: Spike/Buffy, Joyce, cameos put in by Xander/Dawn and a surprise Het pairing at the end, also references PAST Angel/Buffy, PAST Spike/Drusilla, and past Willow/Tara
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Maybe some aspects of fairy tales do exist in this all too often terrible world, after all.
Word Count: 4,588
Written For: Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2023
Warnings: Future (Post-Series) Fic
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

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A Case of Kidnapping

Title: A Case of Kidnapping
Author: Zab Jade
Era/Season/Setting: Post-series
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sixty-four years after the fall of Sunnydale, Buffy and Spike are living comfortably in a small demon town. As the Slayer, it’s Buffy’s job to police the demon community, which is mostly just mediating minor disputes and catching the occasional carnivorous cow before it wanders into a human city. Then, one night, there’s a knock at the door….

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Poem: Wet Ink

Title: Wet Ink
Author: thewiggins
Era/season/setting: 6ish
Rating: PG
Author’s note: I sort of wrote a sonnet, I guess? I was going to post a chapter of the fic that thenewbuzwuzz made the beautiful banner for, but I got too in my head about it. So I turned a fragment of a story in my fanfic drafts into a poem. Was that really easier? Probably not. But it’s what my brain was willing to do today.
This poem is at least an attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. It’s from Spike’s POV, but that’s probably pretty obvious.

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Assorted Icons, And A Link To A New Season 6 Fic

As I still post over here, I am doing a link here, as well … hope that is OK. (I had aimed to cross-link to DW but don’t have posting access)

This is a banner I made –

And 3 of the icons as a teaser for you ….

And, here is the full post … enjoy.

As I said, I also wrote a season 6 fic here called Bargaining Better … hope you enjoy it.

Thanks again to the mods for all their hard work in keeping this comm going x

Originally posted at:

Eight Fic Banners

Title – 1. Sepia, 2. Comic #1, 3. Comic #2, 4. Lullaby,4. Sepia, 5. Through the Years, 6. The Eyes Have It, 7. Frames, 8. Just Peachy
creator – teragramm
rating – other

For my entry this round, I have 8 banners under the cut. I normally do my entry in two postings but this time I am doing it in one post because I am never sure everyone sees both posts. I hope all the banners aren’t too overwhelming .

If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

1. Sepia

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Drink Deep

Title: Drink Deep
Author: Garnigal
Era/season/setting: Season 6
Rating: PG


She fought viciously, with a speed he’d never seen. He threw himself at her with a manic grin, absorbing her attack and battering her with his own blows. They were both bleeding, but his grin remained intact, even as her breathing grew laboured and her eyes glittered with pain and panic. He pulled her off her feet, dragged her to his chest, and broke her neck.

He drank deep.

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Post “Place Beyond the Rains” Drabbles

Title: Post “Place Beyond the Rains” Drabbles

Author: thewiggins

Era/season/setting: dimension jumping post s5 au

Rating: G
Author’s Note: These drabbles are follow-ups to my fic “A Place Beyond the Rains.” Basic details from that that you need to know is that Buffy was stuck in a pocket dimension for five years working as a waiter in a demon-run truck stop and Spike (who’d worked as a bartender to support Dawn) saved her by convincing her that she needed to let go of a set concept of home in order to move on. Then the rains magically carried them away. It’s a weird fic.
These four drabbles are setting during their dimension-hopping journey home.
Thanks to teragramm for allowing me to change my posting day when I was feeling icky post covid vaccination. And thanks to thenewbuzwuzz for the encouragement.

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Video: Spike | My Favourite Game

Title: Spike | My Favourite Game
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 2 to 7
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”/”Buffy/Other”: brief Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel

So, this vid wasn’t made specifically for Seasonal Spuffy but falls squarely into the category of “something I’ve been working on, but haven’t posted”. It’s a Fandom Trumps Hate 2021 (!) gift for thewiggins . I recently finished it, but have waited until now with making it public. Huge thanks go to thewiggins for the vid idea and for their immense patience while I took my time working on the vid!

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1 fic banner

Title: You Made a Bear
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

Happy ritual sacrifice with pie day! Below the cut is one Fic Banner. If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

You Made a Bear

The caps used in this banner were made by me from Buffy HD episodes found here

All resources can be found on my lj profile pageor my dreamwidth profile page

Originally posted at:

Banners: 7 deadly sins

Title: 7 deadly sins
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 4 to 6 and 10
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”: Spike and his date from Hells Bells in #6

My contribution doesn’t exactly match this round’s theme, but it was inspired by it. Specifically, by the hell part, which for some reason led my mind to the seven deadly sins (which I suppose have the potential to land you in hell, according to Christian teachings).  

So I made seven banners, each illustrating one of the sins in connection to Spuffy. Some were more challenging than others! Below, I’ve ordered them according to Buffy and Spike’s journey through time. If anyone wants any of these re-purposed as a fic banner, just let me know.

1. Wrath

There are other scenes I could have chosen for this one, but I wanted to keep things lighthearted.

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My Spuffy Tribute: Malkia Mpendwa

Title: Malkia Mpendwa
Author/Creator: Apache Firecat
Era/Season/Settings: Icons and puzzles come from all the seasons. The story is set post-cannon with a couple of slight, unimportant AU twists, but also reflects back on all previous seasons.
Rating: Icons and puzzles range from G/K to PG-13/T. Fic is R/M and includes mentions of character deaths, a CANNON character death, and non-con.
Spike/Buffy all the way throughout but there are nods to PAST Angel/Buffy in the story and a healthy helping of Angel/Cordelia. Also background Xander/Dawn.

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Stickshifts and Safetybelts

Title: Stickshifts and Safetybelts
Author: Lady Emma
Era/season/setting: Indeterminate era, established relationship, road trip.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sexual situations, light-to-medium BDSM, dom!Spike/sub!Buffy, porn utterly devoid of plot
Author’s Note: Title from the song by Cake. Betaread by trevino. Includes a gorgeous and sexy banner made by scratchmeout. This is far and away the dirtiest thing I’ve ever put out for public consumption, so I hope you all enjoy it. ;)

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