Fic: In for a Penny [10b/?]

This entry is part 16 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [10b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~11,200 words this chapter (79k in total so far)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Apologies for the delay in getting this second half posted. Moony was supposed to do it during her kiddo’s nap time, but then she fell asleep too, d’oh :)

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Fic: In for a Penny [10a/?]

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [10a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~11,200 words this chapter (79k in total so far)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: We’re back! Maybe? Well, we have a new chapter at least. Between Moony’s parenting woes and Bewildered’s 24/7 work schedule, things have been tough lately, but we’re trying very hard to regain some (slow) momentum. Yay! Some dialogue taken from Fear Itself, for which we cannot take credit. Many, many thanks to rahirah for a very thorough beta. And if anyone is left feeling a little lost and uncertain about our characterisation of The Tea, we would like to refer you to this important cultrual PSA regarding what British people really care about when having a brew (hint: it has nothing to do with that loose leaf bollocks). Enjoy!

You can read previous chapters here on LJ, or AO3, or EF.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9c

This entry is part 14 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9c/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9b

This entry is part 13 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9b/?]
Authors:  the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9a

This entry is part 12 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Embarking on the first of our episodes re-writes in this timeline o/ Some dialogue taken from Fear Itself, for which we cannot take credit. Currently unbeta’d, but we will re-post when our poor beta has actually had a chance to look at it! Posted in twoTHREE parts (again) because LJ (again) — apologies for the teeny tiny posts *soft weeping*  Continue Reading

In For A Penny – Chapter 8b

This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [8b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~8,400 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 8a

This entry is part 10 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [8a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~8,400 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Since last we saw all you fine folks, we have both been horribly busy working/being ill/parenting/so on and so forth, but we were also really keen to contribute, so here is a new chapter to the story we started last round. Honestly, just posting feels like a minor victory! But we are also hoping to have chapter 9 finished by one of the later free for all days, so keep your fingers crossed for us ;) You can read previous chapters here on LJ, or AO3, or EF. Many thanks to for beta reading. Posted in two parts because LJ.

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Fic: In For A Penny [5b/?]

This entry is part 9 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [5b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~11,000 words this chapter (yes, yes we do have a problem)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny [5a/?]

This entry is part 8 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [5a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~11,000 words this chapter (yes, yes we do have a problem)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Moony would like it noted for the record that this chapter was, like, 75% Bewildered. At least. Three cheers for Bewildered! (For those interested, this is also the chapter that Bewildered was referring to in her end notes to True Blue *snicker snerk*) This is the last of our contributions to this round’s seasonal_spuffy — a big thank you to all of the mods for continuing to make it happen. If you would like to know about future updates to this fic, you can also find it on AO3, EF, or by friending/following this LJ account (there will be a little bit of a hiatus as we get back ahead of ourselves). Now, onwards to the spuffy!

Beautiful banner by javajunkie247

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Fic: In For A Penny [4/?]

This entry is part 7 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [4/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,300 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Woohoo for figuring out how to make LJ and gdocs play nicely!

Beautiful banner by javajunkie247

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Fic: In For A Penny [3c/?]

This entry is part 6 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [3c/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny [3b/?]

This entry is part 5 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [3b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny [3a/?]

This entry is part 4 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [3a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: See end of chapter for Translation Notes for the Americans ;) Apologies in advance for having to break the chapters up like this — gdocs and LJ are the NOTP of fandom platforms, apparently

Beautiful banner by javajunkie247


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Fic: In For A Penny [2b/?]

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [2b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~5,600 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.  Continue Reading

Fic: In For A Penny [2a/?]

This entry is part 2 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [2a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~5,600 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

Notes: see Chapter 1 for author’s notes, disclaimers, etc.
Translation notes for the Americans: Smarties are a different type of candy in the UK than in the US. They’re kind of like M&M’s and, more importantly, actually taste good. Traditionally, Smarties come in a cardboard tube with a little plastic cap, and their advertising tag line is “Only Smarties Have the Answer,” which is a little joke Moony is having with herself, because one of her pet theories is that Harmony is actually 100% right about everything she says about Spike.

Beautiful banner by javajunkie247

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Fic: In For A Penny [1/?]

This entry is part 1 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [1/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~1,000 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

Moony’s Notes: So a couple of months ago I texted bewildered with a plot bunny, hoping vaguely that she might write it for me. She said, no no, I should write it for her. But both of us were too busy and it was very sad. So then I said, let’s do it together! Sometimes, I have good ideas :) Honestly, the original bunny was for a one-shot smutlet, but I guess this one caught ficomatosis (get it? *snerk*) because, oh look, we’re closing in on 30k and only just getting started! This whole process has been so much fun, with much more to come :D Enjoy!
Bewildered’s Notes: Real Life has been keeping me from writing for a while, so when the_moonmoth texted me an idea for a collaborative fic, I was reluctant to take on the commitment… for about two seconds. Writing this fic has been so, so delicious — and it’s only getting better as we go along. You ain’t seen nothing yet, folks.
Standard disclaimer: Quotes, references and allusions are scattered liberally throughout this story. We own nothing but our naughty, naughty imaginations.

With many thanks and much appreciation to javajunkie247  for the beautiful banner.

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Fic: Left for Yesterday [1/5]

Title: Left for Yesterday [1/5]
Author: the_moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-13 for language
Length: ~1,300 words
Timeline: S5, after Checkpoint but before Crush.
Warnings: Ranks a 10 on the fluffometer scale
“What,” the slayer said in tones of abject bewilderment, “is going on here?”
Notes: Thanks go to bewilde  for the beta and for suggesting the set up. True to form, I have not completed my story /o but I have not-completed it early enough that there will certainly be more for the free-for-all days o/ Title from I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons – my happy Spuffy anthem. Any suggestions, anecdotes or funny stories that I can work into future parts, you are more than welcome to share ;) With thanks to my husband, who is nowhere near as inept as Spike, but who provided much of the inspiration for this story nonetheless! Feedback makes my baby sleep longer ;)

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Fic: Third Base

Title: Third Base
Author: the_moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike, (Buffy/Riley)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~5,400 words
Timeline: S4, after ‘A New Man’ but before ‘The I in Team’.
Warnings: sorta mild, beginning-of-a-maybe-relationship infidelity on Buffy’s part; Spike being his manipulative, semi-evil S4 self.
Summary: sequel to Fool Proof (AO3 | EF). Buffy decides she needs help with figuring out the male anatomy as things progress with Riley. Who’s she gonna call? Spike. It’s Spike.
Notes: I set myself a stern limit for this round: 5k and NO MORE. I am as surprised as anyone that I actually made it! (Give or take…) This story is a PWP, has zero nutritional value, and I strongly recommend having a toothbrush to hand to protect your teeth from the ending :D Many thanks as always to bewilde, who made this silly, porny little bit of candyfloss the best silly, porny little bit of candyfloss it could be <3

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Fic: The Soul Lies Down [11/?]

Title: The Soul Lies Down, Chapter 11
Author: The Moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike, (Anya/Xander, Willow/Tara)
Rating: NC-17 (this chapter: PG)
Length: ~52,100 (1,900 this chapter)
Timeline: AU S5, S6, S7 and post-series (this chapter: S6)
Warnings: character death, violence and gore
Summary: As a child, I used to dream of a man in black and white, spinning in the desert like a dervish, sword flashing in the moonlight as he danced with death. (A sequel to angearia‘s Fin Amour).
Notes: posting completely on a whim, since I hate to see one of my favourite comms empty on opening day. This is a new chapter from a longer fic, earlier parts of which can be found here: LJ | EF. Many, many thanks to rahirah and bewilde for fantabulous beta work. Quote lifted from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Concrit is most welcome :)

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Fic: The Ewer of Enheduanna [2/4]

Title: The Ewer of Enheduanna [2/4]
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: the_moonmoth
Rating: NC-17
Setting: An AU Season 6
Length: 4,200 this part (10,200 total)
Warnings: Extremely dubious-consent, since demons made them do it; enjoyment of said dub-con situation
Summary: A life-saving quest, a road-trip to another dimension, two friends pretending to be master and slave, and a tantric ritual that no one’s really sorry for. But what the hell does a long-dead Mesopotamium priestess have to do with anything?
Notes: Many thanks to bewilde for beta duty and all round excellent cheerleading when I was feeling too ick to tackle this. I sadly haven’t finished it like I said I would. I suck. But here is another chapter! Enjoy :)

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