Banner-The Gift

Title: The Gift
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

For free for all day I made one banner.

I know that “The Gift” isn’t a Spuffy episode per se. For me, seeing how devastated Spike is at seeing Buffy’s body confirmed that he truly loved her and it wasn’t just love or obsession. Enjoy!

Lately, I have been obsessed with templates but they never seem to match the banner I want to make, so I made my own template.

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Eight Fic Banners

Title – 1. Sepia, 2. Comic #1, 3. Comic #2, 4. Lullaby,4. Sepia, 5. Through the Years, 6. The Eyes Have It, 7. Frames, 8. Just Peachy
creator – teragramm
rating – other

For my entry this round, I have 8 banners under the cut. I normally do my entry in two postings but this time I am doing it in one post because I am never sure everyone sees both posts. I hope all the banners aren’t too overwhelming .

If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

1. Sepia

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1 fic banner

Title: You Made a Bear
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

Happy ritual sacrifice with pie day! Below the cut is one Fic Banner. If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

You Made a Bear

The caps used in this banner were made by me from Buffy HD episodes found here

All resources can be found on my lj profile pageor my dreamwidth profile page

Originally posted at:

16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

Title – 16 icons. Discord avatars: 1. Comic Kiss 2. Back Porch 3. Comic Sweet Moment 4. Kitchen Dream Scene
creator – teragramm
rating – other

Below the cut find my last entry of the day, 16 icons, and 4 Discord avatars. If you would like any icons personalized just ask! Enjoy!!


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2 fiction banners and a wallpaper for Kink Meme Prompts

Title – Kink Meme Prompts
rating – G

Below the cut find one wallpaper and 2 fiction banners, that were made for the Kink Meme Prompts. If you would like a banner personalized or resized, just ask! Enjoy!!

1. This banner is made for the first prompt…
Instead of Angel being the one to interrupt the fight with Caleb, it’s Spike. by Anonymous


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