Slide show: A Trip Down Memory Lane

title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show

More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.

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Video: Spike | My Favourite Game

Title: Spike | My Favourite Game
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 2 to 7
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”/”Buffy/Other”: brief Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel

So, this vid wasn’t made specifically for Seasonal Spuffy but falls squarely into the category of “something I’ve been working on, but haven’t posted”. It’s a Fandom Trumps Hate 2021 (!) gift for thewiggins . I recently finished it, but have waited until now with making it public. Huge thanks go to thewiggins for the vid idea and for their immense patience while I took my time working on the vid!

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Banners: 7 deadly sins

Title: 7 deadly sins
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 4 to 6 and 10
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”: Spike and his date from Hells Bells in #6

My contribution doesn’t exactly match this round’s theme, but it was inspired by it. Specifically, by the hell part, which for some reason led my mind to the seven deadly sins (which I suppose have the potential to land you in hell, according to Christian teachings).  

So I made seven banners, each illustrating one of the sins in connection to Spuffy. Some were more challenging than others! Below, I’ve ordered them according to Buffy and Spike’s journey through time. If anyone wants any of these re-purposed as a fic banner, just let me know.

1. Wrath

There are other scenes I could have chosen for this one, but I wanted to keep things lighthearted.

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Vidlet: Obsessed With You (worksafe)

Title: Obsessed With You
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Rating: worksafe
Summary: this short Spike POV video is a tribute to two flavors of early Spuffy: best enemies in denial and Spike’s feral gremlin era. The Spuffy ride wouldn’t be nearly as fun without these humble beginnings and unhinged detours. :’)

Watch on Vimeo

Notes: happy Seasonal Spuffy, everyone!! Sorry about overshooting midnight.
I made this in Kdenlive using the HD eps from and roughly following marnanightingale’s cutting and syncing tutorial.
Thank you to the ever-lovely thewiggins for beta-watching this on short notice and pointing out that I had unintentionally implied Buffy has 1 (one) friend.

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Vid: Now Might Be A Good Time For Something Heroic

Title: Now Might Be A Good Time For Something Heroic

Creator: flowspuffy

Era/season/setting: Season 5

Rating: PG

Notes: Two years ago I made a Playmobil Spuffy couple for Seasonal Spuffy. They lived happily on my bookshelf ever since but as of late, they have started complaining about the quietness of their lives. They really wanted to go out and fight some baddies. So, I gave them a Winnebago and some Knights of Byzantium and made a Playmobil stop motion film (with the invaluable assistance of both my sons who know more about Playmobil and video making than I do). I hope you enjoy it.

Watch on Vimeo

Originally posted at:

Vid: Spuffy Abridged

Title: Spuffy Abridged
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: All of ’em!
Rating: Same as the show (I guess that’s R?). Expect an overview of ALL of Spuffy, not just the highs but also including the lows.
Notes: This vid was inspired by the classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Abridged vid by Rowena. A Spuffy version seemed to fit the “Celebrating 25 Years” theme pretty well.

I’m sorry if your favourite scene hasn’t been included; it’s hard to cram 11 seasons of Spuffy into less than 2 minutes, so some sacrifices had to be made. Thumbnail clipart (film reel) is from pixabay, the rest of the credits are at the end of the vid!

Originally posted at:

Polaroid — oneshot in the Camperverse

Title: Polaroid

Author: MrsAkers

Era: between seasons/S6, post “The Gift”, AU

Rating: R (just to be safe)

Genre: lighthearted, angst, hurt/comfort, fluffy

AN: Set in my Camperverse, which includes “What Remains” and “Monongahela,” both of which can be found on EF and A03. Takes place during WR. If you haven’t read these other one-shots, pertinent information is that everyone except Spike and Buffy die in the fight with Glory and Spuffy leaves Sunnydale in grief. 

Summary: Spike gets a Polaroid camera. 

Banner by me. Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes also by me.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

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16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

16 Icons and 4 Discord Avatars

Title – 16 icons. Discord avatars: 1. Comic Kiss 2. Back Porch 3. Comic Sweet Moment 4. Kitchen Dream Scene
creator – teragramm
rating – other

Below the cut find my last entry of the day, 16 icons, and 4 Discord avatars. If you would like any icons personalized just ask! Enjoy!!


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Cuddling With the Darkness – Chapters 9 and 10

Chapters 1 – 3

Chapters 4 – 6

Chapters 7 – 8

Chapters 9 and 10 behind the cut.


After Buffy had eaten something more substantial than toasted waffles, and Spike had drunk another of his rapidly-disappearing packets of pig blood, they settled onto the couch comfortably. Buffy was tucked under his arm and snuggled into his side in a reversal of their normal positions when he was a bat.

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Cuddling With the Darkness – chapters 4, 5, 6

First 3 chapters are here.

Next three chapters behind the cut:


To avoid Joyce’s probing questions about Spike and his crypt, Buffy left soon to go to the Magic Box, where she found Spike and Giles in the training room. Spike was laughing at Giles who was peppering him with questions. He held a clipboard in his hand and was jotting down Spike’s answers as he sputtered them out.

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Title: Unconditional
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Late season 6, in place of Entropy
Rating: G

I can’t write concisley, is what I’ve discovered, and this ended up being longer than I intended. As such, I present it here in all its cumbersome, unpolished, typo-ridden glory, but it is FINISHED, which I am very happy about! It will be much prettier when I post it elsewhere, I promise. Thank you for reading!

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Video: Truth or Dare

Title: Truth or Dare
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: R. I’ll follow thenewbuzwuzz‘s example, and say that this should be rated 15+ for “moderate sex” because it has scenes from Dead Things in it. Actually I’m not sure I’d call it “moderate” in this case — at least not in terms of quantity. I crammed quite a lot of it into this vid :-)
Other notes: Many thanks to the mods for all their hard work, and to all my fellow contributors so far. If I haven’t commented on your entry yet, I will be checking it out soon, now that I’ve posted mine.

Most of the clips are from the HD episodes on
Background cloud footage
Background smoke effects

Originally posted at:

Living the Dream

Title: Living the Dream
Author: Holly
Era/season/setting: AU Season 5, set in the Paraverse
Rating: R
Warnings: language, Buffy/Other, emotional infidelity, sexual content
Summary: There were few things in this world she could count on, but somehow Spike had become one of them.

Story Notes: This takes place in the Paraverse, an AU in which Angel never turned back the clock in IWRY and he and Buffy got married. It is Spuffy, I promise. Other installments include Almost Paradise and Lost, both WIPs but updated on a weekly basis at Elysian FieldsNo previous knowledge of either fic is needed as this takes place before either of them.

Acknowledgments: Thank you so much to bewildered, Niamh, and Kimmie Winchester for betaing, and to kats_meow for the gorgeous banner.

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Sweet Surrender (gifs)

Title: Sweet Surrender (gifs)
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: other art
Era: S3, S5, S6, S7
Rating: possibly not quite safe for work

This is an entry I had planned but didn’t have time for during the last round of Seasonal Spuffy. It’s a gifset I made for my last buffyversebingo  prompt, “Surrender”.
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Sunrise manips

Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Title: Sunrise manips
Setting: The first screencap is, I believe, of Spike right before he says, “So you’ll give me what I want. Make me what I was. So Buffy can get what she deserves.” But I think it looks similar to Spike in the final scene of “Intervention” too, and upon reflection I don’t mind. The second screencap is of Buffy as she’s about to say, “What you did, for me, and Dawn … that was real.”

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Fool for Love: complicated gifs

Title: Fool for Love complicated gifs
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: all worksafe

So these gifs were originally meant for last week’s Fool for Love anniversary, but I didn’t make it before the deadline then. (And in fact, I didn’t quite make it before the deadline today either, but I reckon it’s close enough.)

I call them complicated (not just animated) gifs because I wanted to do something extra with them. As a result of their complicatednes, the first four gifs have pretty big file sizes, so they may take some time to load; my apologies for that. Only the last one is uncomplicated and relatively small in size.

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