Don’t faint: After the Deluge

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

It’s my day and I’ve been working on my long-moribund fic, After the Deluge. I started it on seasonal_spuffy a mere twelve years ago, and I’m going to finish it here. You might like to refresh your memory of it here.

Quick summary – post NFA, Spike and Buffy have finally met to combat the resurgent First Evil in the Cotswolds – indeed, at the site of the Deeper Well. Rupert Giles has a brother, Oscar, who has not been behaving at all well.

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Fic: Thanks to Spike

I enjoyed visualising our pair trapped in the deeply weird Britain of 2020. This week cultural clashes work both ways, and for the last Free-For-All posting day of this round of seasonal_spuffy I offer a Thanksgiving companion piece to Fireworks

Thanks are due to all the mods (including your humble servant for a while) and contributors who have kept this wonderful event going for fifteen years, and to the lurkers readers and viewers who have made it worthwhile. May you have lots to be actively thankful for in the year to come, and a year containing far fewer apocalypses than 2020 has offered so far.

Title: Thanks to Spike
Author/creator: gillo
Era/season/setting Present day.
Rating: As low as it could be. Positively down-home wholesome.

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Fic: Fireworks

I volunteered for today because it is a date with meaning over here in England. Poor old Guy Fawkes; sometimes you can’t help but feel his heart was in the right place. And this year it’s the day my country goes back into lockdown while across the Atlantic big decisions have still not been finalised.

This story is set now. Spike and Buffy have settled down, and moved relatively recently to England, only to be hit hard by the mess that is 2020. IOW it’s a bit of fluff.

Rating: R for implied sexytimes.
1600 words



Banner Fireworks

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School Hard anniversary fic

Not something I could miss – the beginning of it all for the Spuffy-inclined amongst us. In honour of the occasion this fic is new.

Juliet Mills, daughter of Sir John, sister of Hayley, was in the film Avanti! in 1972, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award. She later went on to play the role of Tabitha in Passions. Spike couldn’t have watched the soap in 1997, as it started in 1999, but I liked the idea of a little shout-out.

All belongs to Joss, but he did say we could play with his toys.
Rating – R for language (It’s Spike), but otherwise PG13.
437 words

We’re Moving In

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After the Deluge – 27

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

It’s still the 1st where you are, right?

I’ve been bogged down in essay-writing and other academic stuff, but I couldn’t let this anniversary pass without something. I started my WIP, After the Deluge on this comm, more years ago than I care to admit, and here is another chapter. Two, possibly three to follow. The first 26 chapters can be found here.

Rated PG13 for mild violence in this chapter, rather stronger overall.

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After the Deluge – the WIP that just won’t die.

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

Today is slaymesoftly‘s posting day, but she is struggling with a poorly computer, an inept repair service and the impossibility of using tablets and phones to post anything of actual substance.

So I offered to step in, to share something I had planned to post at the weekend, when you Colonials have a Mother’s Day. Many, many moons ago now I started a post-NFA, post-Chosen story called After the Deluge. Quite a lot of its early chapters were posted to this community. One point three three recurring percent of you may even recall the fic, which had Spike and Buffy slowly moving, one from California, the other from Rome, until they finally meet in the Cotswolds, with a substantial cast of others. The last chapter I posted was Chapter 25.

Well, an MA took up a lot of time, and other writing was a distraction. But I did do more, and as it started on this comm, it seems a good place to offer it up. Spike, Buffy and the gang are in a barn in the Cotswolds, it’s dark, and The First has recently appeared to scare everybody a bit.

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Fic – Hotel Suite Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

As I agreed to the second free-for-all day, I thought I should have something to post on it. This is not quite the end of the story, but very close, and will be followed, tomorrow I hope, by a final section, which won’t be quite so vanilla.

Chapter Four, 957 words. PG13.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to this session of – you have produced some fabulous stories and artwork. Long may our little corner of this fandom continue.

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Fic – Hotel Suite Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

In which I admit to being a moron.

Originally my day was to have been Tuesday last week, but at a slightly later point it seemed to make sense to switch to today, which was then vacant.

However, BECAUSE I AM A MORON I actually posted on Tuesday, which was NOT MY DAY. I apologised properly to the lovely sintonia, who was extremely kind and gracious about it.

So, today is officially my day. And it so happens I have another chapter of my fic, Hotel Suite ready to post. And a banner I made to go with it. This is the landscape you should imagine, folks.

Still PG at most – and that only because of Spike’s language.
Chapter One is hereContinue Reading

Fic – Hotel Suite

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

It’s my day – or was until an hour ago. A mod gave me permission to post now, though, as it’s before bedtime, just. (Guess which mod. ;-) )

Here’s a fic which started out as a ficlet but just growed. This bit is G-rated, as mild as you get. I’m not planning for it to stay that way, though. The rest will come on the Free-For-All day.
Word tells me it’s 1,575 words. Spuffy. But you guessed that.

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Fic: Cruellest Month

OK, a little late, but it’s still Friday in plenty of places! It’s so cool to see so many contributions piling up in this round. Here’s my little offering – vaguely post-NFA, not particularly comics-compliant. It’s that time of year again, when things build to a head and apocalypses have to be faced one more time.

Fic: Cruellest Month
Rating: G
Period: post NFA
Writer: gillo

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