My Spuffy Tribute: Malkia Mpendwa

Title: Malkia Mpendwa
Author/Creator: Apache Firecat
Era/Season/Settings: Icons and puzzles come from all the seasons. The story is set post-cannon with a couple of slight, unimportant AU twists, but also reflects back on all previous seasons.
Rating: Icons and puzzles range from G/K to PG-13/T. Fic is R/M and includes mentions of character deaths, a CANNON character death, and non-con.
Spike/Buffy all the way throughout but there are nods to PAST Angel/Buffy in the story and a healthy helping of Angel/Cordelia. Also background Xander/Dawn.

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Twenty-Five Trips Around the Sun (2/2)

Title: Twenty-Five Trips Around the Sun (2/2)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: It’s Buffy’s twenty-fifth birthday, and she’s still fighting the good fight. Only, this time, her job is interrupted by someone bearing a gift. Post-series.

Here’s the second part! Thank you to the mods for all their hard work on Seasonal Spuffy this round and in the previous years. :o) Happy 25 years of Buffy!

(It’s free for all day, right? Feel free to delete if it’s not.)

P.S. According to AO3, this is my 100th Buffyverse fic.

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Chapter 4 – (k)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home

Hello! So the last fic I posted was back in November 2020, when I was about 6 months into long covid. I am now over two years into what is now looking more like chronic disability than a temporary illness, and has already involved two separate 4-month stints of being too ill to get out of bed and do basic self-care, let alone work. (Don’t get covid, kids.)

I had hoped and planned to submit something substantive for this spring’s seasonal-spuffy, but sadly I’ve just been too ill. So I thought for the 25th anniversary theme, I’d submit a new chapter to a story I started way-back-when for the 25th round. It’s kind of thematic, in a half-rhyme kind of way.

Many thanks to everyone who still cares about this story, despite the time between updates! If you no longer remember the details, the whole thing (excluding this chapter) is available here on AO3. (I expect this will be most of you.)

Title: (k)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home – Chapter 4
Author: stuffnonsense
Era: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

Summary: Buffy and Spike are finally a couple. But after spending so much time and effort building up their emotional intimacy, they’ve sort of lost their way with the physical side of things. A road trip to Oregon seems like the perfect time and place for them to work it out. Through talking. Definitely talking. Certainly using their mouths. And tongues. And maybe a few other things.

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Don’t faint: After the Deluge

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

It’s my day and I’ve been working on my long-moribund fic, After the Deluge. I started it on seasonal_spuffy a mere twelve years ago, and I’m going to finish it here. You might like to refresh your memory of it here.

Quick summary – post NFA, Spike and Buffy have finally met to combat the resurgent First Evil in the Cotswolds – indeed, at the site of the Deeper Well. Rupert Giles has a brother, Oscar, who has not been behaving at all well.

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Happy Spuffyness

Hi everyone – today is my day.  I hope you are all enjoying celebrating our favourite couple.  Thank you to all those who have posted in this season … and for the Mods for all the organisation.

I have a few icons, and a couple of banners to share …. here are a couple of teasers –

And the full set is here

I have also written a one-shot fic. I almost didn’t post it here as I feel that it doesn’t 100% flow. However, I have decided that it is up to you whether you enjoy it or not!
Burning Love … a fic from Buffy’s POV immediately after Chosen.

Well, I hope you enjoy … see you again next season

Originally posted at:

Soldiers of the Light (4/?)

Title: Soldiers of the Light (part 4 of ?)
Rating: R for violence and fighting in this chapter
Summary: In a dystopian future, the Senior Partners sent a horde of demons to overrun Angel and his crew, and the Senior Partners won. Buffy and her friends are on the hunt for something to save the world, and on one mission, Buffy finds something belonging to someone she never thought she’d see again. After all, he lit up in the Sunnydale hellmouth, saving the world from a different source of evil.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.

Author’s Note: I ran out of time…I have no idea where May went. This is skating in under the wire and I missed my posting day. Thank you to slaymesoftly for giving me a poke. But here is chapter four to my WIP. Typos are all me. This is a good chapter for Seasonal Spuffy because Buffy is on the hunt for Spike and there is a big reveal and lots of action.

You can read the first three chapters here:

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Epilogue to And I Still Do (Love You)

Today’s post is the Epilogue to my last story in the I Would Still Have Loved You Series. The cereal scene is an Easter egg for a small group and a discussion on the EF FB page some time ago. They know who they are….

I hope to have a new fic finished in time to post on one of the Free-For-All days, but we’ll see…. Meanwhile, here’s a little wrap-up for And I Still Do (Love You).

Title: Epilogue to AISD(LY)
Author: Slaymesoftly
Form: Ficc
Rating: strong R

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A Christmas Wish

Title: A Christmas Wish
Author: all_choseny
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: PG-13
Note: This fic was written for sandy_s for the Elysian Fields 2020 Secret Santa Challenge. It was just my luck that I decided to post it on the same day as Seasonal Spuffy’s Winter Soltice Free for All day! This story has been cross-posted to Elysian Fields, AO3, and my journal.
Note 2: This story was inspired by The Family Man, starring Nick Cage

A Christmas Wish

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Fic: Thanks to Spike

I enjoyed visualising our pair trapped in the deeply weird Britain of 2020. This week cultural clashes work both ways, and for the last Free-For-All posting day of this round of seasonal_spuffy I offer a Thanksgiving companion piece to Fireworks

Thanks are due to all the mods (including your humble servant for a while) and contributors who have kept this wonderful event going for fifteen years, and to the lurkers readers and viewers who have made it worthwhile. May you have lots to be actively thankful for in the year to come, and a year containing far fewer apocalypses than 2020 has offered so far.

Title: Thanks to Spike
Author/creator: gillo
Era/season/setting Present day.
Rating: As low as it could be. Positively down-home wholesome.

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Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 5

This is the last chapter! Please do read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 before starting this one. I’ll also put the whole thing up on AO3 on (probably) Monday.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 5
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 4

For those of you who are still staying with me … please do read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 before starting this one. This story will be posted in its entirety in Seasonal Spuffy before going anywhere else.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 4
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Fic: Sleeping Beauty Awakes

Title: Sleeping Beauty Awakes
Author: titti
Character: Buffy/Spike, Willow/Kennedy
Era: Post-series
Rating: G
Summary: After a fight with a demon, Spike falls asleep and doesn’t wake up. Willow, Kennedy, Dawn and Buffy go to LA to help.
Notes: Written for Fall 2020 round of seasonal spuffy will run on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth. Theme: Fairy Tales Retold

I don’t read the comics and I don’t know what happened in the post series-comics for Angel and/or Buffy. If you consider the comics canon, then it’s AU since I’m making it all up.

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