Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 5/?

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? 4/?

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 3/?

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 2/?

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly, Chapter 1/?

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

This is a sequel to a short four chaptered story I wrote for Halloween for a Live Journal community several years ago. Go here to read the first story titled: Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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(Fic) His Heart Belongs to You PG-14

This is not only my second fanfic EVER, this also my first post for Seasonal Spuffy EVER. So go easy on me!

Title: “His Heart Belongs to You”
Author: chosenenemy
Timeline: Chosen and right after that. Sort of AU
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-14
Warnings: Just a bit of sex talk
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters and places, they all belong to Joss Whedon, and that other God.
Summary: Right before the big fight, Buffy blurrily said to Spike that maybe after the fight, they might start something. But he died, and the suggestion never came to play. But what if Spike hadn’t died?

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Fic: ‘Walking at Midday’ by Quinara (PG-13/R)

This is a piece of angsty/squishy/fluffy smoosh that I didn’t have ready for my day, but conveniently have ready now. In which Spike finds a different way of dealing with the trigger!

Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13/R for, hmm, swearing and reasonably explicit discussion of sex and sexual violence. I’m thinking of it as something like a 15 over here. Teen?
Length: ~7500 words.
Setting: S7, just after Get It Done.
Warnings: Explicit discussion of canonical attempted rape, otherwise no others off the AO3 list.

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Icons, Wallpapers, LJ Stuff & a Manip

Typing this with mostly one hand because I’ve come down with some carpal tunnel like symptoms. Which means my graphics aren’t as nice as I like them. I’m hoping to still be able to complete a couple of fanmixes that I’ve been working on by the free-for-all day, as well as a few more animated icons. We’ll see:)

ETA: I’m so sorry I posted this a day early. Premature postage! I thought for sure my day was Thursday. Sorry for stepping on today’s posters toes. :

{01-12} Icons
{13-24} Animated Icons
{25-30} Wallpapers
{31-31} Friend’s Only Banner
{32-32} Header/Banner
{33-33} Manipulation

Please credit betweenthewoods (my graphics community) or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking!
Comments keep the fire burning


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And a Drabble

During season seven.

Thanks, Seasonal Spuffy, for letting me play again. :)


Another Perspective

I do not know these people. This man, he took me from my family. No one here speaks Serbian. I think it is a bad place. There are too many girls.

There is a vampire in the basement. He is not there for us to hurt. He lives there. I do not understand.

The one who is the Slayer I think, the blonde one, she looks at him. He looks at her. They do not look with hatred as should be. I think they are lovers. Or else they want to be.

This America is a very, very strange place.


Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/444754.html

Vid: 4’33” by Quinara

Hello again! This is a bit of an experiment for me (definitely more so than my earlier fic), but I hope people enjoy it all the same. :)

So, John Cage’s 4’33” is a piece of music made out of silence – or more specifically ambient sounds. It was released as a single last December, in a bid for the Christmas No. 1 in the UK (hoping to beat the latest X Factor winner, like the re-release of Rage Against the Machine’s Killing in the Name did in 2009), under the name Cage Against the Machine. It came with a number of ‘mixes’ – different people’s versions of four minutes and thirty-three seconds of ambient sound, of which Fake Blood’s Needle Drop Mix was one, building a piece around the sound of a vinyl record player just on the verge of playing something.

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FIC: The Space Between

Title: The Space Between
Summary: Buffy spends her days at Sunnydale High working up the nerve to venture down below.
Timeline: Post-Same Time Same Place
Warning: Discussion of the afterlife.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1900
Author’s Note: Thanks to ladyofthelog and snickfic for keeping our community going. ♥  Dedicated to nvrbnkisst  whose video “Everything Will Break” inspired me to work past my writer’s block.  You should go watch it.

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animated icons

I had hoped to complete my Spuffy vidlet by my posting day, but no such luck. Hopefully I can finish it by the free-for-all. In the meantime, I have several animated icons to tide you over. From seasons 5-7 (I’ll be posting some Chosen ones that I didn’t finish on the ffa day too). Also, dial-up users beware: this will probably kill your internets.

56 animated Buffy/Spike icons

Please credit either  or
Comments are like crumbs:)

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