24 Icons [btvs S2, S5, S7, spike/buffy]

Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since I made icons, I used photoshop for two years almost just for work and I was out there thinking `do you remember when I had that obsessive-compulsive disorder?´ I miss that! I played around with a different textures and I have to admit, I was not sure of anything again but that’s fine, this is so compulsive and obsessive and fantastic, you have brought me back. Thanks and enjoy! ;)

.| [01-09] 5×22 The Gift.
.| [10-16] 2×22 Becoming Part 2.
.| [17-21] 7×20 Touched.
.| [22-23] 7X02 Beneath You.
.| [—-24] 7×01 Lessons.

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The Good Old Days… Part 1

4X09SB1547_thumbTitle: Unlikely Beginnings
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Buffy Summers and Spike aka William the Bloody
Medium: Art – Banners
Genre: Romance with a dash of Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The charachters belong to others. This is a small tribute.
Summary: A retrospective of a relationship that was unlikely, that began with obsession, continued in desperation and ended in love and sacrifice.

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Fic #2 – The Gentleman Takes His Leave

Here’s the second fic for today. It’s a follow up to
The Gentleman Wore Leather
(in which Ethan’s spell doesn’t break quite so soon and Spike has thrown helpless Buffy over his shoulder and run off. He seduces her into thinking they’re married and has sex with her before ripping her dress off and accidentally breaking the spell. After it has broken, in spite of Buffy’s dismay and anger, they finish what they were doing and she finds herself with a very unfamiliar and gentle vampire who refuses fit her vision of evil. He lets her have his coat so she can get home without putting the dress back on, and she leaves it on her roof for him. In the morning, the coat is gone and in its place is a single red rose.)

Warnings for references to non-con, underage sex and a non-happy Spuffy ending.

The Gentleman Takes His Leave
Rating PG13
Word count 3478
Summary: Buffy tries to fit back into her life and forget what happened to her on Halloween. Harder than you might think….

Wildly AU – season 2  Continue Reading

Fic: To Cancel Half a Line (PG13) (2/2)

The concluding part of today’s story! Part 1 is here.

Title To Cancel Half a Line
Author Brutti ma buoni
Medium Fiction
Rating PG13 (there’s some filthy Spike-ish language, no other content of concern)
Characters/Pairing Spike and Buffy, with hints of Spike/Buffy, with appearances from Giles, Willow, Faith and Xander
Setting post-Becoming AU
Words 7400
Summary After the Apocalypse, Spike thinks about how things could have gone differently.

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Fic: To Cancel Half a Line (PG13) (1/2)

I have one story for you today. It’s a little… odd. Blame my flist, who when polled decided they wanted season 2, season 4, dragons, time travel and an apocalypse. Voila! *waves hands*

Title To Cancel Half a Line
Author Brutti ma buoni
Medium Fiction
Rating PG13 (there’s some filthy Spike-ish language, no other content of concern)
Characters/Pairing Spike and Buffy, with hints of Spike/Buffy, with appearances from Giles, Willow, Faith and Xander
Setting post-Becoming AU
Words 7400
Summary After the Apocalypse, Spike thinks about how things could have gone differently.
Genres Adventure, post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, AU, Pre-romance, perilously close to Gen
A/N I’d like to thank my valued collaborators, Omar Khayyám and Edward FitzGerald, for contributing the title. (Even if they were wrong about it.)

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Blame it on the Black Star 1/1

Hi guys! I’ve been enjoying all the awesome things that have come out of this community this month, and since it’s open posting day I thought I’d give it a shot. Thanks to the mods for keeping it up and running, and for providing an opportunity for lurkers like myself to contribute without having a slot!

Title: Blame it on the Black Star
Author/Creator: smellslikecorruption
Era/Season/Setting: Season 2-4
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Superstarverse (?)
Length: ~3500
Summary: How might have important events gone differently in a universe where Buffy wasn’t Sunnydale’s go-to superhero? Snapshots of the Spuffy relationship in the alternate history created by Jonathan’s spell.
Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me.

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Death by the 13th Genie, Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Death by the 13th Genie

Here is my WIP #16. Yes, it’s true. I’m a WIP-oholic.

Title: Death by the 13th Genie
Author: maryperk73703
Genre: Heck, I don’t know. I start out so serious and then it goes south.
Rating: R for smut, language, and blood play
Pairings: Spike/Buffy, Xander/Cordelia, Drusilla/Anyanka
Beta: Tasha, mistakes are mine not hers.
Season 2, starting Feb. 1st
Summary: A genie will grant Spike three wishes at the cost of someone’s life.

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Drabbles: Spuffy By Seasons

Spuffy By Seasons
Author: all-choseny
Ratings: G- PG-13
Summary: Drabbles from season 2-8. Contains spoilers for season 8 comics.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
A/N: I missed my original posting date as a result of being on vacation and writers block. I wanted to post something and stick to my commitment, so I wrote these drabbles at midnight today.

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Sacrament – Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Sacrament


Author: Holly (holly.hangingavarice@gmail.com)
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Sequel to Wicked in an AU Season 2-3.
Summary: Six months ago, Buffy turned into a vampire at the hands of her greatest enemy and disappeared. Her friends think they finally have found the solution to getting their slayer back…all they need is a witch, an orb, and a soul.
Warnings: language, blood-play, violence, graphic sexual content
Betas: megan_peta, just_sue, and dusty273. Thanks, ladies! You’re awesome!

Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and affection, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

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