Title: The Spuffiest Words
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Link to poetry kit: HERE
I was going to make a poetry kit in honor of “Some Assembly Required”, but then I started thinking it should be SPUFFIER, and I went off on a tangent trying to find which words are The Most Spuffy, using a few pages of AO3 and an online word frequency counter. This word-rearranging poetry kit contains approximately half of my results. :)
creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery
Title: Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
A/N: For this free-for-all day, I’ll make a rec post to celebrate our new tag, “form: meta/recs”. I am certain that I’m only scratching the surface of the category I chose. Say, what are your favorite Spuffy works that involve night/day or light/darkness? We could rec all day…
11 cinquain poems
Title: 11 cinquain poems
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Season: 2 and 5-7, but mostly 6
Rating: G, I think
Spike/Other warning: temporary Spike/Drusilla.
A/N: This post brought to you by the BtVS cinquains of dawnofme, though I tried (vaguely) for a different variation of the form.
OffYourBird kindly helped me make a couple of these less cryptic. <3
Shoutout also to the_wiggins, whose useful comment on a different work made me stop and look at one of these and think, ‘Hey, this could be less convoluted’. You can thank thewiggins for not having to sprain your brain as you read, I hope.
I always appreciate feedback, including about things that don’t work so well.
Interactive poetry kits! o/
Title: Becoming poetry kits
Rating: PG-13 (potentially)
Notes: You know the drill! Let’s rearrange the dialogue of Becoming until it Becomes something else.
To play with the full text of Buffy and Spike’s conversation from ”Hello, cutie” to ”Let’s get inside”, go here.
To try another Becoming kit that is enhanced with things like Latin and rhymes, go here.
Fic: DeLuxe Instant GenderBender
Title: DeLuxe Instant GenderBender
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: s5 between The Replacement and Out of My Mind
Rating: T
Words: 1257
Summary: So maybe that bottle Spike had won in a poker game wasn’t liquor. So maybe he should have made sure before drinking the whole thing. Nobody’s perfect.
What a quiet weekend so far. :) To those who are still writing/making art/editing, good luck! You can do it!
halincandenza kindly beta-read this once, but I rewrote half the thing afterwards, so who knows what may be wrong with it now! Read if you dare.
The other Femme!Spike ficlets turned out not to be Spuffy, so I’m not going to post them here. The whole set, including the final version of this one, will eventually be here: AO3, LJ, DW.
I’m here to learn (that and make weird things happen to Spike), and I’m a big fan of feedback. If nothing about this was off, I’d be most surprised. Feel free to disagree – let’s talk about Spike and gender and stuff. :)
Drabble: the opposite of a genderswap
Title: the opposite of a genderswap
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU season 4 or 5, but it doesn’t really make a difference in the text.
Rating: T for body parts.
I suspect this isn’t, properly speaking, a drabble. It’s more like a teaser (and so am I). This is a 100-word epilogue to a set of ficlets I’m working on. The entire relevant backstory is that Spike has been stuck in a female body (as Spike does), and he’s now transforming back.
If that one line sounds like “Doomed”, that’s because it is.
Posting fic end first is not the most sensible idea I’ve ever had, but I really wanted to finish something that’s made of words. And it’s separate from the rest of the set anyway. So here we are.
Poetry kits: Halloween and I-love-yous
Title: Poetry kits: Halloween and I-love-yous
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Hey, dear spuffins! I made you more poetry kits! Let’s mess those episode transcripts up.
Links to poetry kits:
To bring out the inner Spuffiness of “Halloween”, go here.
To play with some (really, only a few) Spuffy I-love-you quotes, go here.
Spuffy screencaps meet tumblr text posts
Title: Spuffy screencaps meet tumblr text posts
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Rating: probably R for profanity. Not worksafe.
Notes: so. This isn’t the first, second, or third project that I started with the intention of posting on this round. Apparently I’m making them in reverse order. *shrugs* This is kind of a placeholder. Think of it as more time to read “In for a Penny” or something. ;)
School Hard poetry kits (Not a Spectator Sport)
Title: Not a Spectator Sport
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: School Hard (as material), indeterminate (as actual setting)
Rating: PG-13 (potentially)
Notes: Okay, I’m opening, but I’m opening with a thing that people can participate in.
You know how I sometimes mutilate shooting scripts? This isn’t one of those times. This time, I invite *you* to mess with a transcript. Instructions are under the cut.
Mood board based on rahirah’s Necessary Evils
Title: Mood board based on rahirah’s Necessary Evils
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Warning: mildly NSFW
Notes: Some visual associations with the fic Necessary Evils by rahirah. I do not own the images (sources below). My laptop protected me from running out of time by refusing to let me edit colors. Obviously, this does not exhaust the themes, imagery, or coolness of NE, but I didn’t feel like dragging it out another two weeks (or more).
Ficlet: Something White (Meerkat AU #2)
Title: Something White
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU based on Something Blue
Rating: T, probably (but it’s a WEIRD T)
Word count: 412
Summary: Around two years later, Meerkat!Buffy and Albino!Cobra!Spike seem to be under a mysterious spell. Can their love transcend species?
Notes: Thank you again to seapealsh for language beta. And that’s all from me today! I might finish a fic moodboard for one of the free for all days.
Ficlet: Meerkat Hard (Meerkat AU #1)
Title: Meerkat Hard
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU based on School Hard
Rating: G, I think
Word count: 471
Summary: How do you think School Hard would have gone if Buffy was a meerkat?
Notes: This is a ripoff of the All-Penguin AU, the Serengeti-verse, etc., inspired by rule 5 of the posting guidelines. A big thank you to seapealsh for helping make sure the thing is written in real English.
Moodboard/collage tribute to “West of the Moon, East of the Sun” by KnifeEdge
Title: Moodboard for “West of the Moon, East of the Sun”
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Author’s notes
Based on “West of the Moon, East of the Sun” by KnifeEdge.
The goal was to recreate the feeling/mood of reading the fic, but then, intertextuality happened.
helped and isn’t responsible for my visual choices.
I don’t own any images or other collage ingredients; sources at the bottom of the post, as much as I could find them.
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Moodboard/collage tribute to “My Life Closed Twice” by anaross
Title: Moodboard for “My Life Closed Twice”
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Author’s notes
Based on “My Life Closed Twice” by anaross.
The idea to make moodboards for fanfic comes from a tumblr post that I saw sometime this year and didn’t manage to track down afterwards. My goal was to arrange pre-existing images and texts so that whoever looks at them would (ideally) feel like I feel when I read the fic.
Thanks goes to the generous freecat15 for quality cheerleading, helping me become unstuck, and providing the valuable perspective of someone who doesn’t see into my head, so that I could then ignore it. Any visual blunders are all mine.
I don’t own any images or other collage ingredients: sources at the bottom of the post.
Free for all day: blackout poems from shooting scripts
Good morning! *beams* It’s a beautiful day to ship Spuffy.
The idea: Because any Buffy script can be Spuffy if you read between the lines. ;)
Thanks: to the mods for making the whole thing happen; freecat15 for encouraging me; the absent tumblr user alightintheswamp for betaing the “Welcome to the Hellmouth” poem.
Explanations & excuses: The poems are NOT set during the episodes that the words are from. I’ve included text versions and two kinds of clickable image versions, so if you want you can try and read the classic blackout way, or look at where the words came from. I ignore capitalization for the text versions, and I messed with the unused parts of the text a little so that the images wouldn’t be too huge.
Rating Tagging NC-17 in case, for mentions of sex.
Medium: blackout poetry.
Other pairings: not intentionally. I’ve stretched the name “Will” to mean William the Bloody in one line, so if that doesn’t work for you, it’s a Willow/Buffy poem. I hope it does work for you.
Disclaimer: All the words were written by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. I merely selected the ones I like best. The only pay I’m after is attention.