Title: “Choosey Susie” Medium: vid Creator: Double Dutchess Era/season/setting: S6 Rating: nothing that wasn’t seen in the show, but probably not worksafe
My contribution is a vid about Buffy and Spike’s relationship dynamics in Season 6. Warning: it’s Season 6, so don’t expect anything happy or romantic.
Title: The Spuffiest Words Creator: thenewbuzwuzz Rating: NC-17 to be safe Link to poetry kit: HERE Notes:
I was going to make a poetry kit in honor of “Some Assembly Required”, but then I started thinking it should be SPUFFIER, and I went off on a tangent trying to find which words are The Most Spuffy, using a few pages of AO3 and an online word frequency counter. This word-rearranging poetry kit contains approximately half of my results. :)
Title: Loving You Creator: Double Dutchess Setting: S10-11 (comics) Rating: safe for work
My contribution for this round is a follow-up of my vid “As Time Goes By (Hello Stranger)“, that I made for last year’s Spring round of Seasonal Spuffy. Unlike that one, this one has no story; basically it’s just the Happy Ever After. Health warning: this is super schmoopy. It is so sugary sweet it will make your teeth fall out. Watch at your own risk!
Credits for the comics artwork go to Rebekah Isaacs, Megan Levens, Georges Jeanty, Steve Morris and Phil Noto. The intro with the birds is from Walt Disney’s Bambi. And the song is Loving You by Minnie Riperton.
PS: I will catch up on reading/commenting on everybody else’s contributions for this round soon, I promise!
Title: Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery Author: thenewbuzwuzz A/N: For this free-for-all day, I’ll make a rec post to celebrate our new tag, “form: meta/recs”. I am certain that I’m only scratching the surface of the category I chose. Say, what are your favorite Spuffy works that involve night/day or light/darkness? We could rec all day…
Rating: PG-13 (potentially) Notes: You know the drill! Let’s rearrange the dialogue of Becoming until it Becomes something else.
Links to poetry kits:
To play with the full text of Buffy and Spike’s conversation from ”Hello, cutie” to ”Let’s get inside”, go here.
To try another Becoming kit that is enhanced with things like Latin and rhymes, go here.
Title: School Hard – Falling Medium: vid Creator: Double Dutchess
In the nick of time, a quickly thrown together School Hard vidlet, inspired by my current Twin Peaks rewatch :-)
UPDATE: I’m editing my post to add a note that I didn’t have the energy for last night when I posted this, after my struggle to (more or less) meet the School Hard weekend deadline.
NOTE: The song is “Falling” by Julee Cruise from the Twin Peaks soundtrack. It sounds both romantic and ominous and creepy. I think those last properties make it very suitable for School Hard, where (let’s be honest) Spike is creepily stalking Buffy. “Are we falling in love?” the song asks. (Yes, it’s a question, not a statement. The “are we” bit is just not very well audible in the lyrics.) The answer as I see it is no, not then and there. Not yet. Certainly not Buffy, although she’s clearly fascinated and intrigued by Spike. Spike, on the other hand, is definitely falling for her, but at this stage it’s lust and obsession he’s falling into, not love. And probably he would have vehemently denied this if he’d been asked at the time. Still, this is where it all starts — the Spuffy seed is being planted.
Author: molly_may Title: Ten…uh, Twenty Years of Spike
Author’s notes:
Hi! I have never posted to this community before, though I’ve enjoyed many of the contributions from others over the years. These days, I mostly sit quietly on the sidelines of the Buffy fandom, but I still love the show and the characters dearly, and seeing that it was the twentieth anniversary of School Hard made me remember a little something I posted a decade ago (hahahaha I am old) to a Livejournal community called adecadeofspike. When I reread it, I didn’t totally hate it, so I thought it might be fun to join in the celebration by reposting it here. Thank you so much to the organizers and contributors of this community for keeping it alive and thriving!
Voilá! A ficlet set in Chosen that calls back (urgently) to School Hard. It’s Spuffy, but more accurately Spuffy-adjacent.
Title: Not In The Brochure
Author: Beer Good Foamy Word count: 600 Pairing: Buffy/Spike… sort of Summary: It’s the end of “Chosen.” Spike is burning up in the Hellmouth, and Buffy’s holding on to his hand, unable to let him go without telling him… except Spike has something to tell her, too. And it concerns her mother.
The above link will take you to the author’s site on Dreamwidth. Enjoy.
Vid: As Time Goes By (Hello Stranger) Creator: Double Dutchess Setting: Comic seasons 8-11 Rating: other (a couple of sexy images, but nothing explicit) Comics art: Georges Jeanty, Cliff Richards, Megan Levens, Rebekah Isaacs
So, my offering for this round is a vid. Not a regular one, but a comics based one. Technically, it is a slide show, but I tried to turn it into something more than that. And for those of you who haven’t kept up with the comics: yes, when Spike shows up in S8 he has a space ship…
If you’re in one of the 4 countries where the video is blocked, you can also watch it on Vimeo (hopefully it isn’t blocked there).
Title: Flames Creator: comlodge Characters: Buffy and Spike – of course Rating: R – sexual themes – explicit sexual descriptions in story. Images are worksafe. Medium: Fanvid/Podcast – Artwork – Banners and Wallpapers Disclaimer: For fun and entertainment only Summary: Yes folks. Something completly different for me. Comlodge has read her naughty little fic, a sensual Spuffy interlude during their full on S6 affair. It’s a podcast recorded as a video showing several pieces by comlodge herself that do not necessarily match the timing of the story line. They are pretty though. The music is Gympoiedia by Incompetech. The images are included after the video. The video is set to adults only on youtube. I might add, that it is dashed hard recording yourself reading even a short story, lol. Fun though. The video was uploaded in high def and is best viewed full screen if you wish to study the images. Just saying. :D
Title: Invincible Music: “Invincible” by OK Go (cut for length) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: not really; just lots of canon-typical violence, but that’s what spuffy is about, righ? Thanks to my wonderful betas , and !
Summary: Two and a half minutes of Spike’s POV on Buffy. And 5 seconds of her own.
Title: The Reunion Creator:nvrbnkisst / nvrbnkisst Form: Fanmix inluding 1 wallpaper, 4 gifs, and thoughts.
The theme ‘Time After Time’ got me thinking this round, and I knew I wanted to do something kind of AU.
So this is a fanmix + art stuff that is basically a soundtrack to some of my crazy post-chosen-head-canon/thoughts for these two crazy kids.
Title:The Wait Creator: nvrbnkisst Song & Artist: Fire Escape by Matthew Mayfield Description: Buffy & Spike and the rivers of hope & denial they swim in. They are each others homes, they just don’t know to grasp that. “You know what I am, and you come to me all the same”
So, I really don’t like this video. I’ve reworked a bunch of stuff. Over and Over. and I know I say this every time, but I’m really not ok with this. In fact, the only reason I’m posting it is because I didn’t have any other videos finished to post for my day. So I’m really sorry this is not my best work.
I have a couple other artsy things to post so I hope those will make up for this.
Hi! My posting day has technically been over for an hour and forty-six minutes. I wrote my posting date down wrong, and thought I was supposed to be posting on the seventeenth, not the sixteenth. My fic isn’t quite post-ready (I was planning on polishing it up in the morning and posting in the evening) so I’m going to wait for free-for-all day. But I have a fanmix ready to go now, so I hope lirazel will forgive me for encroaching on her day :-/ I am so sorry for the mix-up!