Graphic Novel: Black Widow Part I

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Graphic Novel: Black Widow

Hi. It is my pleasure this time to kick off the Spring 2012 round of Seasonal Spuffy!

I have something a little different to offer today.

Six(!) years ago I wrote the story Black Widow for this community and it proved to be my most popular story by far (largely due to all the sex I expect). It was also an ideal candidate for this venture, a full blown photo-comic with Barbies!

I give you then, Part I of the Black Widow Graphic Novel:

Warnings: Dark futurefic. Graphic sex. Strong language, including the ‘c’ word. Violence.

No characters were harmed in the making of this fic (okay, maybe a little). They do not belong to me, but are the property of Fox Entertainment and Mutant Enemy.

Summary: Buffy has been missing for several years. When Spike goes to find her, he’s in for a very deep shock.

Timeline: Post-Chosen, Post Not Fade Away.

I will be back in a little bit with more.

At the End of the Day

So, I failed utterly to meet my proper posting day, as I was in the throes of leaving my job and incapable of paying attention. At least it means I have something to post today – two somethings, in fact. One is just another chapter of my interminable WIP, <i>After the Deluge</i>. The other is this little piece of very nearly entirely PWP. Certainly more pr0n than plot.

Title: At the End of the Day
Author: gillo
Era: S6
Genre: Just sex, really.
Warning for explicit sex. (R? NC-17? I don’t really understand the subtle gradations.) No violence beyond a normal Slayer’s life.
Mid S6. Buffy’s tired, dispirited and, as always, in denial.
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Fic: ‘As Good as a Rest’ (3/3) by Quinara [R/NC-17]

And this is all of it! The last chapter’s a bit of a monster…

As Good as a Rest.
[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same.]
So, Buffy’s alive. Ish. Spike’s dead, but she’s hoping for the ish. Katrina’s definitely dead. At least the cops are investigating that one?

Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for explicit sex (some of it somewhat dark? Or something?)
Length: ~31,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 10,000/9,000/12,000)
Setting: Late S6, AU OAFA.
Notes: Many thanks to evilawyer for her help on US-California finance thingemies, lettered for reminding me how many words could be conceived in a short time period, plus extra massive thanks to dear bogwitch, who was a brilliant and fantabulous beta, sounding board and whinging post, comboed all in one and without whom this fic would probably have been ditched halfway through. Or just suck. [ETA: Plus, she made me a lovely, lovely banner, which you can see under the cut!]
As mentioned above, this fic is a sequel to my seasonal_spuffy fic from the last round, The More Things Stay the Same; I think it functions fairly well on its own as a post AU Dead Things AU fic assuming that Buffy and Spike are getting along better – but why would you read this on its own when you could read a 55,000 word diptych? :P The chapter titles are indeed from Dead Things, BTW.
Warnings: Graphic violence? Otherwise nothing the AO3 would make you warn for, but violence and sex blur a bit at certain points. There’s also angst that maybe isn’t angst and fluff that maybe isn’t fluff? I’m bad with judging tone.

[Chapter One: Don’t Close Your Eyes.]
[Chapter Two: Look at Them.]
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Fic: ‘As Good as a Rest’ (2/3) by Quinara [R/NC-17]

Massive cheers to the mods, I should have said in the last post, also! Yay for seasonal_spuffy!

As Good as a Rest.
[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same.]
So, Buffy’s alive. Ish. Spike’s dead, but she’s hoping for the ish. Katrina’s definitely dead. At least the cops are investigating that one?

Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for explicit sex (some of it somewhat dark? Or something?)
Length: ~31,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 10,000/9,000/12,000)
Setting: Late S6, AU OAFA.
Notes: Many thanks to evilawyer for her help on US-California finance thingemies, lettered for reminding me how many words could be conceived in a short time period, plus extra massive thanks to dear bogwitch, who was a brilliant and fantabulous beta, sounding board and whinging post, comboed all in one and without whom this fic would probably have been ditched halfway through. Or just suck. [ETA: Plus, she made me a lovely, lovely banner, which you can see under the cut!]
As mentioned above, this fic is a sequel to my seasonal_spuffy fic from the last round, The More Things Stay the Same; I think it functions fairly well on its own as a post AU Dead Things AU fic assuming that Buffy and Spike are getting along better – but why would you read this on its own when you could read a 55,000 word diptych? :P The chapter titles are indeed from Dead Things, BTW.
Warnings: Graphic violence? Otherwise nothing the AO3 would make you warn for, but violence and sex blur a bit at certain points. There’s also angst that maybe isn’t angst and fluff that maybe isn’t fluff? I’m bad with judging tone.

[Chapter One: Don’t Close Your Eyes.]
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Fic: ‘As Good as a Rest’ (1/3) by Quinara [R/NC-17]

Helloo!! I’m sorry for being a bit quick off the mark with my day, since it’s only just gone midnight here, but I wanted to make sure I got some work done tomorrow, hence posting it tonight rather than compulsively faffing and not working in the morning!

What I have is a long fic in three parts:

As Good as a Rest.
[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same.]
So, Buffy’s alive. Ish. Spike’s dead, but she’s hoping for the ish. Katrina’s definitely dead. At least the cops are investigating that one?

Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for explicit sex (some of it somewhat dark? Or something?)
Length: ~31,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 10,000/9,000/12,000)
Setting: Late S6, AU OAFA.
Notes: Many thanks to evilawyer for her help on US-California finance thingemies, lettered for reminding me how many words could be conceived in a short time period, plus extra massive thanks to dear bogwitch, who was a brilliant and fantabulous beta, sounding board and whinging post, comboed all in one and without whom this fic would probably have been ditched halfway through. Or just suck. [ETA: Plus, she made me a lovely, lovely banner, which you can see under the cut!]
As mentioned above, this fic is a sequel to my seasonal_spuffy fic from the last round, The More Things Stay the Same; I think it functions fairly well on its own as a post AU Dead Things AU fic assuming that Buffy and Spike are getting along better – but why would you read this on its own when you could read a 55,000 word diptych? :P The chapter titles are indeed from Dead Things, BTW.
Warnings: Graphic violence? Otherwise nothing the AO3 would make you warn for, but violence and sex blur a bit at certain points. There’s also angst that maybe isn’t angst and fluff that maybe isn’t fluff? I’m bad with judging tone.
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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 5/?

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? 4/?

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 3/?

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 2/?

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly, Chapter 1/?

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

This is a sequel to a short four chaptered story I wrote for Halloween for a Live Journal community several years ago. Go here to read the first story titled: Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Fic: Elegies Part 1 – Words for the Faded, Chapter 1

Title: Elegies Part 1 – Words for the Faded
Author: useyourlove
Era: Post-Comics, Dollhouse-Crossover (it makes sense in context?)
Rating NC-17 (language, sexual content)
Genre: eventual post-apocalyptic crossover–see author’s notes

A/N: I feel like this whole endeavor needs some explanation. So, I spent my summer watching Buffy, Angel, and Dollhouse for the first time, and I managed to cram them all in in less than six weeks. Which, by the end of it all, led to much sleep deprivation. It was in one of those strange half-awake moments when I got the idea for this. My brain said “hey, I bet all of Joss’s worlds are really one big interconnected world. A literal Jossverse. Wow… wouldn’t that be angsty as hell?” So, in perfect Whedon Tradition, I’ve made Spike and Buffy an established, stable, and happy couple just so I can steal their happy ending from them.

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Fic: Out of Reach – Chapter 3 (NC-17)

This is just a preview of Chapter Three. It’s unbeta’d so please forgive the roughness of it. You’re about to find out just how good my beta’s are! Thanks to everyone who gave this story a chance. I had so much fun participating in seasonal_spuffy, and I hope if you liked the story you will look for the coming chapters on my LJ.

Title: Out of Reach
Author: Noelle
Season 6
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Amnesia
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary: Goes AU from “Wrecked”. After an explosion, Buffy is left with no long-term memory. Until her memory comes back, she needs to learn what it is to be a slayer, and why she feels so drawn to the blond vampire.
Author’s Note: This is just an unbeta’d start of Chapter Three.
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Fic: Out of Reach – 2 (NC-17)

Title: Out of Reach
Author: Noelle
Season 6
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Amnesia
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary:  Goes AU from “Wrecked”.  After an explosion, Buffy is left with no long-term memory.  Until her memory comes back, she needs to learn what it is to be a slayer, and why she feels so drawn to the blond vampire.
Author’s Note:  Thanks to my wonderful beta’s lovetobitesanityfair1 and slackerace!  Any mistakes are mine alone.

(Follow Fake Cut to Chapter Two)

Fic: Out of Reach – 1 (NC-17)

Hello, everyone!  This is my first time posting to seasonal_spuffy , and I’m very excited to be participating.  Thanks to the mods for putting this together and I hope everyone enjoys this fic.  It is a WIP, but I will be posting the first few chapters today.

Title: Out of Reach
Author: Noelle
Season 6
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Amnesia
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary:  Goes AU from “Wrecked”.  After an explosion, Buffy is left with no long-term memory.  Until her memory comes back, she needs to learn what it is to be a slayer, and why she feels so drawn to the blond vampire.
Author’s Note:  Thanks to my wonderful beta’s lovetobitesanityfair1 and slackerace!  Any mistakes are mine alone.

(Follow fake cut for Ch 1)

Fic: Our Secret Flares (NC-17)

Hello everyone! So, this is my very first seasonal_spuffy, and I’m super-stoked (and a bit nervous!) to be participating :)

Title: Our secret flares
Author: bayloriffic
Fandom/Pairing: Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Buffy/Spike
Rating: NC-17, just to be safe
Words: 9,543
Summary: Buffy and Spike go on a stakeout. Sexy hijinks ensue.
A/N: This is set post-s8/early s9, but specific knowledge of the comics definitely isn’t necessary for this fic. If you are following the comics, this can be read as post-Freefall #1 (albeit with at least one minor, just-Jossed plot point because I finished this before 9.01 was released). Or, if the comics aren’t your scene, you can just think of this as a general post-series story that’s set in San Francisco.

our secret flares [link to story on my LJ]