Fic: I Never (1/2) by annapurna_2 (PG-13)

I didn’t get any of my remaining three unfinished ficlets done for today, but I’m sneaking in just under the wire to get this first part posted. I’ll post the second and final part on my LJ in the next few days. Hope you enjoy!

Medium: Fic
Title: I Never (1/2)
Author: annapurna_2
Setting: Season 9 comics (AU post-Issue #1)
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Slight mention of Spike/Other
Summary: Did they or didn’t they? Plus Buffy has a little competition for Spike’s attention and she’s not sure how to handle it.

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Okay, according to the calendar, this is Open Posting day at the comm. I hope that’s right. Behind the cut is a little thing I wrote on a bunny from Taming_the_Muse. Missed getting it done in time for that week at Taming, and missed finishing it in time to post on my posting date here by a day. So here it is. Set in Season Nine comics, but I don’t think you need to be overly familiar with them to enjoy it. For lack of imagination and thought, it is entitled “INK”.

Title: INK
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: PG13
Summary and AN: The Taming the Muse prompt last week was “Ink” and it immediately gave me a bunny. Didn’t get the bunny finished in time to use it for a Taming entry, nor in time to add to my Seasonal Spuffy day entry, but here it is now. Set in the comics Season Nine, just after the end of issue #1 and the beginning of issue #2 – it’s AU for what’s happening so far, of course. But not out of the realm of possibility…

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18 Icons and 5 colorbars

Hello people! I hope you have a awesome time here, my English is pretty awful but my love for Spuffy is limitless ♥. For this seasonal_spuffy I bringcookies icons, colorbars and a The Ramones Fanmix :)

[1-8] Spike/Buffy – Season Eight
[9-18] Spike/Buffy – Season Six

[1-2] Spike/Buffy – Season Six
[3-5] Spike/Buffy – Season Eight

0004fq13 0004k4s9 0004tbfa 0004xdxd



Originally posted at

Fic: Our Secret Flares (NC-17)

Hello everyone! So, this is my very first seasonal_spuffy, and I’m super-stoked (and a bit nervous!) to be participating :)

Title: Our secret flares
Author: bayloriffic
Fandom/Pairing: Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Buffy/Spike
Rating: NC-17, just to be safe
Words: 9,543
Summary: Buffy and Spike go on a stakeout. Sexy hijinks ensue.
A/N: This is set post-s8/early s9, but specific knowledge of the comics definitely isn’t necessary for this fic. If you are following the comics, this can be read as post-Freefall #1 (albeit with at least one minor, just-Jossed plot point because I finished this before 9.01 was released). Or, if the comics aren’t your scene, you can just think of this as a general post-series story that’s set in San Francisco.

our secret flares [link to story on my LJ]

Fic: that stream of consciousness you’re drowning in is called denile

Title: that stream of consciousness you’re drowning in is called denile
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Medium: Fiction
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 8
Summary: Welcome to the brain of Buffy Summers. Watch your step: things can get a bit hard to navigate, between the whitewater rapids of the River Denial and the deep canyons of Attempts at Introspection (and watch out for the quicksand of random fantasies that tend to pop out of nowhere—they’ll suck you in!). And your tour guide most likely won’t be of any help: most of the time, she’s not even sure what’s going on in here.

A/N: First off, this isn’t betaed, because I waited till the last moment again (I’m a horrible person). So I’ll probably keep tweaking it for a while, so don’t be surprised if you revist and something’s slightly different. And my apologies for the pretentiously meta title.

This fic is set post-S8, but I assure you that you don’t have to have read the comics to understand (or, hopefully, enjoy) it. It makes allusions to the broader plot points and themes of the comics, but I feel pretty comfortable saying that even if you don’t recognize Buffy from them, you’ll recognize her here. What I’m saying is, don’t let the comics association keep you from reading, okay?

Thanks, as always, to snickfic (for help with the ending) and angearia (for endless encouragement).

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Fic: Boots to the Fire (Escape)

Happy Easter, everybody! I’ve got a couple of things for you today, both set in scenic San Francisco, California. If Joss can do it, why not the rest of us, right? First up, a cheery little one-shot!

Title: Boots to the Fire (Escape)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2350
A/N: Ostensibly set just after the end of the Season 8 comics, but you need not have read (or liked) them in order to enjoy this bit o’ fluff.
Summary: In the grand old (since January 2011) tradition of Spuffy fic centered around Dawn and Xander’s San Francisco fire escape, I bring you a story that begins with a make-out scene…

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Shadowy Corners

Sorry this is on the line of late ~ I’m on Central US time currently (in New Orleans, which is nice since it’s still snowing at home in Buffalo). Suffice to say, life is big on the crazy and grad school is evil. Also, the Internet and livejournal apparently dislike me… But I’m really excited to be posting ~ first Seasonal Spuffy! but although I’ve been spending every (few and far between) spare minutes writing, I don’t have as much for you as I intended. Hopefully you’ll still enjoy anyway. I have a short one-shot, below, and a teaser scene for a four-part AU season four fic to follow, probably on free-for-all-day. Happy reading and I can’t wait to rededicate my free time to reading what everyone else has been posting!!

Title: Shadowy Corners
Author/Creator: onlylyin (I’m on as lyin’, you might, or might not, have spied me there!)

Era/Season/Setting: Season 8 Comicsverse, pre the four-months-later scenes in Issue #40. Very little comics knowledge actually needed to follow, except that Buffy’s now working in a coffee shop.
Rating: All Ages
Genre: …er, doughy conversation?
 I was going to link a download to “Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop,” which is very on-the-nose and not a song that would automatically make me think Spuffy, except that it did. And I say “I was going to” because trying to link makes my entry post crash and burn. but if anyone wants it, give me a shout. Enjoy!

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FIC: What semi-retired champions do on their nights off (1/1), by bobthemole [PG]

Title: What semi-retired champions do on their nights off
Author:  bobthemole
Era: post-S8
Rating: PG
Genre: Crossover with Dancing with the Stars

A/N: Follows angearia ’s utterly hilarious His Majesty, the Bug Queen – which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it yet. The relevant bit is that Spike is living with Dawn, Xander and Buffy because he got kicked out of the Bug Ship and is too comfortable to find a place of his own. The mooch.

Beta/Hand-holding: Humongous thank yous to angearia , snickfic and ladyofthelog for cheering me through the writing process, coaching me through my blocks, and offering advice throughout. Emmie, especially, gave me a crash course in writing action sequences and laughed at me while I watched Dancing with the Stars for “research”. She is also half-responsible for this cracktastic verse and some of the funnier lines here.

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Fic: To Bring Her Back – 1/1 (R, for violence)

Back with my second offering of the day–there will be five in total, four of them fics. This is a bit of a darker tale, though I’d like to think it ends on a bright note.

Title: To Bring Her Back
Author: okdeanna
Rating: R, for violence
Word Count: 0840
Beta: dusty273
Written For: seasonal_spuffy Round 11
Theme: Love is a temporary madness
Warnings: violence, torture, dark angst, implied future romance, also there is an appearance of Angel in this fic.
Timeline: Post Chosen, Buffy S7; Post Not Fade Away, Angel S5; Btvs S8 comics (sort of)
Spoilers: Btvs S8 comics, though only in the top surface since as I’ve not actually read them, just heard things here and there. I’ll put my own twist on everything that happens, as I have no actual idea of what is really going on in the comics. I’m just using something I read as a basis for a new Spuffy story. ;-)

Summary: Spike cannot accept the person Buffy has become, but to find the strong woman he knew before, he must dig deep within himself and turn his back on the man, the Sire, who fought beside him these last few months. He will not give up on Buffy without a fight, or the relationship they might find once the spell-enhanced fog clears from her head. Buffy belongs with him; she just doesn’t know it yet. Continue Reading

Love can be a Temporary Madness (a drabble)

Title: Love can be a Temporary Madness
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Fiction
Rating: PG
Summary: Buffy may have had the “bestest day of her life” but it was complete insanity!
Setting: Drabble (100 word) takes place after the events of S8 comic issue #38 at some point after Buffy’s magic driven impulses end.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me and are being used for amusement purposes only. All rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the original writers of the episodes, books and other licensed products connected to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, particularly Twentieth Century Fox, WB, CW, and UPN, all rights reserved.

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Drabbles: Spuffy By Seasons

Spuffy By Seasons
Author: all-choseny
Ratings: G- PG-13
Summary: Drabbles from season 2-8. Contains spoilers for season 8 comics.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
A/N: I missed my original posting date as a result of being on vacation and writers block. I wanted to post something and stick to my commitment, so I wrote these drabbles at midnight today.

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Fic: “Positive Exposure (2/2)” by Quinara

On to Part 2!

Title: Positive Exposure
Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for some briefly graphic sex and relatively high amounts of swearing.
Word Count: c. 13,600 in total.
Summary: Safe in the bosom of the A-List, Spike is set up on a date with Buffy: the world’s most hated tabloid trash. Wackiness refuses to ensue.
Author’s Notes: Please see Part 1 for notes and to begin reading!

Warnings: Pervasive misogyny, but otherwise none in particular.

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Fic: “Positive Exposure (1/2)” by Quinara

Hello! It’s so nice to be back at seasonal_spuffy again – thanks, enigmaticblues, for continuing to do such a great job! I’ve got some short bits of poetry to post later, but until then I have fic!

Title: Positive Exposure
Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for some briefly graphic sex and relatively high amounts of swearing.
Word Count: c. 13,600 in total.
Summary: Safe in the bosom of the A-List, Spike is set up on a date with Buffy: the world’s most hated tabloid trash. Wackiness refuses to ensue.
Author’s Notes: Not AHAU! This instead takes place some time on from the end of the comics Angel: After the Fall #17 and BtVS 8×21 (Harmonic Divergence). It does not rely heavily on comics canon, apart from the idea that now Spike, Buffy, Angel and Harmony are famous! And people have been made aware of vampires, demons and slayers. It should still be accessible, hopefully, even if people haven’t read the comics. Massive thanks to bogwitch and spiralleds for their betas!

Warnings: Pervasive misogyny, but otherwise none in particular.

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FIC: Sad Song in His Heart

Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 3/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 2310

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FIC: Sad Song in His Heart

Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 2/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is a WIP. The other chapter is being beta’d and I hope to have it posted later on today.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 2003

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