1 wallpaper | 1 banner + icons

.| Title: 1 Wallpaper | 1 banner + icons
.| Creator: sintonia

Hi everyone! I made a wallpaper and a shorter version, I don’t have my computer and I can’t make icons without my stuff but I used brushes and textures by joorteloog and sanami276! Oh that was soooo great because I totally love everything about both HAHA! I hope come back at the end, hugs and congratulations for so many years! <3 <3

.| 1 Wallpaper – US | 1366 x 768 pix
.| 1 Banner – US | 900 x 506 pix | + 3 icons

1366 X 768 pix | .jpg | download deviantart

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Icons !

.| Title: Spuffy Icons
.| Creator: sintonia
.| 12 icons random

Hi! Here we are again between icons and a little bit of love and maybe masks? April was endless, full of work and madness and I don’t think I remember when was the last time I saw a movie at the cinema. How strange is that? I’m making a wallpaper and it’s sad! Well, it’s something in my head and you know, total writer’s block but I’m going to share some icons now and then add it here if I can take control of my little monster. So take my hand.

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1 Wallpaper | Stay + 2 banners + icons

.| Title: 1 Wallpaper | Stay + 2 Banners + Icons
.| Creator: sintonia

Yes, here I’m again! I wanted to share a wallpaper I made for this round, I skipped the standard format because I adjusted it to my preferences but I think there will be no problems with that. I’ve never made one to share so I hope you like it. Well now I see here and I think it was a little dark, maybe I should increase the light a bit. Btw, here are those banners for the round too and some icons. If you want any let me know, I don’t have any problem if you want to customize. *hugs*

.| 1 Wallpaper – Stay | 1600×1400
.| 2 Banners + icons


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Happy Anniversary! Omg how old am I?

First of all, happy anniversary to everyone! Omg fifteen years! I know it’s a difficult year but you are in the right place. You could travel back in time with those posts and relive it all again, the effort you dedicated, all your creative work, every message of support, all that fun we share every round, there’s so much love around, you have been extraordinary. I really believe it, thank you so much I think after all, we’ve been immensely happy here and I can only be grateful.

And of course if you have been going backwards in that great orgy full of love, happy 20th anniversary of Fool for Love too! It’s a perfect time to stop for a moment because we only had one episode like this in the whole show and we can’t let it go so fast. Please don’t get me wrong, I love too many episodes for different reasons, I can’t decide which one I prefer, I have a natural tendency to contradict myself but maybe it’s the exception. I didn’t have time yesterday but it’s my posting day and I’m going to take advantage of it. Yes please, you can do it with me right here. After all, you actually do it all the time. In fact, I think we have been talking about Fool for Love for years without thinking it. So under the cut I will not try to wash your mind, it’s not necessary, we’ve been doing it ever since we saw it.

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20 icons

.| Title: 20 icons
.| Creator: sintonia

Hello everyone! A little late, I know, but here I am. As always I have to catch up but how are you? A big hug for you and your family, it’s difficult for many and this, well, they’re icons and it’s distracting me so if you’re having a very bad time I hope this helps to distract you for a while. You do it with me too, all the time you write, all the time you do something, thanks for being there. <3

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20 Icons | Something Blue

.| Title: 20 icons | Something Blue
.| Creator: sintonia

Hi everybody! I’m going to hurry because I’m here from my phone, yeah, my Internet is falling since Thursday night. Sorry about that, really, I want to tell you so much! <3 And the worst part is that I’m totally tuned, I want to come back!

Oh! I dedicate this entry to Sandy, she has been my source of inspiration since October but honestly, she always has been (I owe you a banner and a comment because this is the story of my life with you but don’t worry, I’m on it!) And because I love you people too much, don’t miss her fic tomorrow! I could give you spoilers but I’m just going to say if you lose this you will regret it, stay tuned!



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26 Spuffy Icons

.| Title: 26 Spuffy Icons
.| Creator: sintonia
.| 24 icons | 100x100px
.| 2 icons | S5 & S6 | 200x200px

Hi everybody! I’m sorry if I go a little slow today, I have some fever, come and go, but I’m here if you need something :) As always I made some icons and I played around with the colors and the backgrounds for some of them for this round. Not all, just a few but you can imagine anything, manipulating a background allow yourself to build a different world for a few minutes and you can imagine other possible universes. Omg that was great! Take my hand, it’s just fever.

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Banner & Icons

.| Title: Banner & Icons
.| Creator: sintonia/stnia
.| 1 banner & 4 icons | After Life

Hello everyone, I made a banner and some icons, can be used wherever you want but I think it could work better for any forum. This is very simple but I wanted to share something new with you and useful for other places too. Yeah, I should try to be more useful, I should do this for a fanfic but I’m a total mess.

Knowing what I’ve lost | After Life 6×03 | 700×100 pixels

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Icons | free-for-all

.| Title: Icons | free-for-all
.| Creator: sintonia
.| 20 icons

Hi everybody! Wow, I had to survive without internet for a week and I couldn’t respond to most of your comments and entries, I can’t tell you how sorry I am but I’m going to check out everything. Thanks to everyone and thanks to the mods for your hard work, I’m always late, sorry! but a pot of icons waits at the end of the rainbow, hope you enjoy. :)



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Headers + Icons | Road Trip

.| Title: Headers + Icons | Road Trip
.| Creator: sintonia

.| 1 header | 800×400 | + 3 icons
.| 1 header | 900×500 | + 2 icons

Hi everybody! I absolutely loved your theme for this round, one of my favorite topics in a fic, not too much in the way of angst, usually somewhere in the future, a place where I can find rest. Of course, I can’t write anything lately but I have thousands of scenes thanks to you. This was a clear case of love, you are the perfect partner for this long road trip.

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20 icons spuffy | round 24 night and day

Hi everybody! First of all, sorry I’m a little late, I made some icons for this round. As we all noticed, after photobucket decided to block the links on third-party sites, every corner of the fandom was affected so I was not the exception. I’m changing the links ohlord but obviously it’s affected all. You know, I’m sad for everything we lost, it’s a catastrophe of multiple proportions. I will try to change it as fast as I can, I hope you can forgive me for not being able to do it before. I’ll be around, reading your fanfic with my drama queen crown on my head.

.| 20 icons Spike/Buffy


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Spuffy icons

Hello everyone! I made some icons in black and white for this round, the rest I used light textures as always and effects to create the right kind of atmosphere according with this theme. To be honest not sure I got what I wanted but it was great, a whole new experience. I hope you enjoy them and thanks so much for this round! :)

.| 24 icons Spike/Buffy, BtVS [S4, S5, S6 & S7]

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spuffy icons

Hi everybody, today is my posting day and I just want to say thank you so much for everything you have done for us this round. Here are some random icons (mi mente debe estar desordenada si estoy perdiendo mi obsesión de crear por episodios) but you can request icons here if you want something specific. Enjoy guys :)

.| 20 icons.

 photo sp02_ronda20_by_stnia.jpg  photo sp11_ronda20_by_stnia.jpg  photo sp02_ronda20_by_stnia.jpg

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1 header + Icons

This is what I call a real feast, congratulations to everyone! It’s been ten years, lord, I was not involved all these years but however I was reading in the shadows and I don’t know if you feel this way but there’s so much love in this place, present in every nook and corner. You are a beautiful part of this fandom, thanks for always being there.

As you know, English is not my first language so I beg pardon for my mistakes. I have always been inspired by many people (mostly fanfic writers) but I want to talk about someone who has inspired me all my life in the fandom – inxsomniax.  I thought maybe you could take a look icons & iconswallpaper & wallpaper + header A great artist, a designer full of talent and passion for design who one day fell in love with spuffy so hard (you know sometime when life is simple we insist on making it complicated) and I was lucky to be around to enjoy all this pain. I’m just kidding, I always thought what she meant to say was “I carry it in my heart” so say what you need to say, say something that’s going to touch somebody’s heart. I know how silly this sounds but the time passes and there is a lot of affection, you could feel this in everywhere. I wanted to know what this was all about, I wanted to build something for myself, learning and exploring design because of that. You don’t even know if you could say something about your ships in your designs and for many people It just makes no sense but for some others that is why it makes sense, It’s the only way it makes sense. That is the spirit that has inspired me, one of the most important lessons I learned about graphics. I would like to give thanks for everything.

1 header & icons.

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24 Icons [btvs S2, S5, S7, spike/buffy]

Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since I made icons, I used photoshop for two years almost just for work and I was out there thinking `do you remember when I had that obsessive-compulsive disorder?´ I miss that! I played around with a different textures and I have to admit, I was not sure of anything again but that’s fine, this is so compulsive and obsessive and fantastic, you have brought me back. Thanks and enjoy! ;)

.| [01-09] 5×22 The Gift.
.| [10-16] 2×22 Becoming Part 2.
.| [17-21] 7×20 Touched.
.| [22-23] 7X02 Beneath You.
.| [—-24] 7×01 Lessons.

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Spuffy icons (random)

Hi guys, I’m sorry that I’m writing a little late but I’m trying to upload some icons more but photobucket isn’t working. Now I can get to the login screen but after I log it’s still crashing and I can’t upload more. I couldn’t see these until an hour ago and have been waiting but nothing happens. So if I can upload them in a few hours, I’ll edit this entry to not disturb others and these appear as a magic trick. I know, this will get worse! I don’t know if still I have posting access, but if I can’t I’ll be back later on the free for all day.

I don’t want to leave with just bad news so requests are open here! I think it’s the least I can do. So sorry guys, love you, always.

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20 Icons ramdom !

Hello everybody! First of all let me say thank you for this awesome round, I’m trying to catch up but I missed a lot! I’m late but I so grateful to be here anyway, thank you for all your work.

I have some icons to share but it’s not much. I KNOW! I’m so sorry, really, I was so slow last week, I had some bronchial spasms (sorry I’m not sure if it’s spelled that way) but the important thing is I feel beter today and happy to see you guys and I don’t want to miss this so please enjoy them, promise more in the near future when my lungs go back to normal :)

•| 20 icons [spuffy random]

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Hi everywhere, I’m late but this is my posting day! Just for the record, I’m sintonia (LJ) / stnia (DW) and I made some icons to share but never enough for me. Oh! for reasons I can’t explain if you see so many icons of Spike as I can see now, well, it’s just a coincidence! I’m so sorry guys I hope you enjoy this, more at the end of the road.

{01-37} 5×07 “Fool For Love”
{38-40} 7×05 “Selfless”

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket



Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.dreamwidth.org/815625.html