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“Clipping Service”
Rated PG
Disclaimer: All names of people, places, things, literary and creative works of art are used lovingly in this work of fiction. None of them belong to this author, and no profit is derived from this use.
Note: We’re moving to Great Britain in this one. I’m going to immediately post the next one, or else this probably won’t make much sense…
Apologies to any of my British readers, if I’m totally screwing up geography in your neck of the woods.
The Northern Echo
May 20, 2003
Constable’s Report for County of Durham
Daniel Reeves, 19, of 17 Blickling Street, Stockton-on-Tees, was arrested and charged with one count of attempted assault.
Orlando Roberts, 25, of 19 Main Road, Stockton-on-Tees, was arrested and charged with one count of attempted assault, and three counts of resisting an officer.
Francine Boyd, 30, of 12 Stockton Avenue, Spennymore, was arrested and charged with one count of littering.
Nate Lions, 48, of 99 Bell Street, Spennymore, was arrested and charged with one count of brawling, one count of indecent exposure, and one count of resisting arrest.
Nadia Grange, 60, of 909 Main Street, Spennymore, was arrested and charged with public intoxication.
Between May 14-20, police reported
12 lost/missing/wanted persons were reported.
1 parking ticket was reported
15 traffic stops were reported.
11 abandoned vehicles were reported.
13 calls for an ambulance were reported.
8 suspicious vehicles were reported.
9 suspicious persons were reported.
1 possible burglary in progress was reported.
6 untimely deaths were reported.
11 alarms were reported.
8 calls for motor vehicle assistance were reported.
11 animal complaints were made.
10 motor vehicle complaints were made.
10 motor vehicle accidents were reported.
8 domestic disturbances were reported.
2 reports of criminal threatening were made.
3 services of paperwork were reported.
1 civil matter was reported.
7 lost/found items were reported.
4 requests to see the complainant were made.
5 escorts were reported.
2 larcenies were reported.
1 report of harassment was made.
Rutland Times
June 1, 2003
Real Estate Transactions in the County of Rutland
Uppingham –
Land on Eaton Avenue, owned by Edward Craft, sold to Dolores Bamford for 364,000 pounds.
Land and building on Seton Drive, owned by Doris Spence, sold to Joseph Gray for 156,000 pounds.
Land and building footprint at 25 Watch Street, owned by the Travers Estate, sold to Uppingham Community College for 3.7 million pounds.
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/282484.html