Title: Wholesome Home
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: Spike/Buffy, Joyce, mentions past Spike/Drusilla and past Angel/Buffy
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Spike adjoins his wife on a very special visit.
Word Count: 1,683
Written For: Nekid Spike Mod’s Choice: Moonlight and Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2023 Free For All
Warnings: Slight AU, Post-Series, Future Fic, Cannon Character Deaths
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.
Banner-The Gift
Title: The Gift
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other
For free for all day I made one banner.
I know that “The Gift” isn’t a Spuffy episode per se. For me, seeing how devastated Spike is at seeing Buffy’s body confirmed that he truly loved her and it wasn’t just love or obsession. Enjoy!
Lately, I have been obsessed with templates but they never seem to match the banner I want to make, so I made my own template.

There Should Be Groveling (Chapters 10 – 12)
AN: The remainder of the fic will be posted on my Live Journal and/or Dreamwidth one chapter at a time, as new chapters are completed. Just couldn’t get it done in time for posting this round.
Continue ReadingThere Should Be Groveling (Chapters 7 – 9)
AN: I don’t often post to LJ anymore and I’m struggling with the things that work differently from DW. Which, it seems, include the tags….
Continue ReadingThere Should Be Groveling (Chapters 4 – 6)
AN: This is not a completed fic, so I’ll put what I can up here today, and then the rest will be available at my journal/DW as chapters are completed.
Continue ReadingThere Should Be Groveling (Chapters 1 – 3)
This is a sequel to an earlier short story titled Redemption Redux. The old prequel was written for a Good Angel prompt, so in it, he is less arrogant and cranky about Buffy and Spike than he will be in this sequel. Not much to be done about that, except realize that after all that time with Buffy, he was still pretty sure of himself… I will post a link to that fic at the end of this post.
In a brief summary of that short story, he has received the Shanshu, Spike has not, and he has left it to Angel to find Buffy. Both of them are sure that Buffy would prefer human Angel to vampire Spike. She has no idea Spike didn’t die in the battle, and Angel prefers to keep it that way. However, after Dawn has insisted several times that Buffy is still mourning Spike, and after Angel has paid more attention and realized that’s true, he confesses that Spike is alive, and gives her a ticket to Cleveland to find out if she still loves him. This story begins very shortly after the ending of the first one.
These are the first three chapters – more to be posted later. I’ll fix the tags then also.
Slide show: A Trip Down Memory Lane
title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show
More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.
Continue ReadingFairy Tale or Not
Title: Fairy Tale or Not
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: Spike/Buffy, Joyce, cameos put in by Xander/Dawn and a surprise Het pairing at the end, also references PAST Angel/Buffy, PAST Spike/Drusilla, and past Willow/Tara
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Maybe some aspects of fairy tales do exist in this all too often terrible world, after all.
Word Count: 4,588
Written For: Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2023
Warnings: Future (Post-Series) Fic
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.
A Case of Kidnapping
Title: A Case of Kidnapping
Author: Zab Jade
Era/Season/Setting: Post-series
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sixty-four years after the fall of Sunnydale, Buffy and Spike are living comfortably in a small demon town. As the Slayer, it’s Buffy’s job to police the demon community, which is mostly just mediating minor disputes and catching the occasional carnivorous cow before it wanders into a human city. Then, one night, there’s a knock at the door….
Continue ReadingPoem: Wet Ink
Title: Wet Ink
Author: thewiggins
Era/season/setting: 6ish
Rating: PG
Author’s note: I sort of wrote a sonnet, I guess? I was going to post a chapter of the fic that thenewbuzwuzz made the beautiful banner for, but I got too in my head about it. So I turned a fragment of a story in my fanfic drafts into a poem. Was that really easier? Probably not. But it’s what my brain was willing to do today.
This poem is at least an attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. It’s from Spike’s POV, but that’s probably pretty obvious.
Banner based on thewiggins’ story “You Must Remember”
Title: Banner based on thewiggins’ story “You Must Remember”
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Notes: Hi all! Sorry about the late hour. This is a banner for the Casablanca-inspired post-series fic that thewiggins started posting in 2017.

Assorted Icons, And A Link To A New Season 6 Fic
As I still post over here, I am doing a link here, as well … hope that is OK. (I had aimed to cross-link to DW but don’t have posting access)
This is a banner I made –

And 3 of the icons as a teaser for you ….

And, here is the full post … enjoy.
As I said, I also wrote a season 6 fic here called Bargaining Better … hope you enjoy it.
Thanks again to the mods for all their hard work in keeping this comm going x
Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/762073.html
Bargaining Better
It is set literally as season 6 begins (but this time there are no invading demon biker gang

Eight Fic Banners
Title – 1. Sepia, 2. Comic #1, 3. Comic #2, 4. Lullaby,4. Sepia, 5. Through the Years, 6. The Eyes Have It, 7. Frames, 8. Just Peachy
creator – teragramm
rating – other
For my entry this round, I have 8 banners under the cut. I normally do my entry in two postings but this time I am doing it in one post because I am never sure everyone sees both posts. I hope all the banners aren’t too overwhelming .
If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!
1. Sepia

Drink Deep
Title: Drink Deep
Author: Garnigal
Era/season/setting: Season 6
Rating: PG
She fought viciously, with a speed he’d never seen. He threw himself at her with a manic grin, absorbing her attack and battering her with his own blows. They were both bleeding, but his grin remained intact, even as her breathing grew laboured and her eyes glittered with pain and panic. He pulled her off her feet, dragged her to his chest, and broke her neck.
He drank deep.
Continue ReadingGraphics – Manips
Buffy & Spike on their Spuffy Road of Life. Wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season.
Continue ReadingGraphics – Manips
Second entry – I’ve always loved these images of Buffy –
Continue ReadingGraphics – Manips
Managed to get three graphics done for this round – I would have hated to not participate in one of my favorite Spuffy fan events. Thanks to all the mods and other participants for your efforts and keeping Seasonal Spuffy around for all the Spuffy fans to enjoy.
Continue ReadingPost “Place Beyond the Rains” Drabbles
Title: Post “Place Beyond the Rains” Drabbles
Author: thewiggins
Era/season/setting: dimension jumping post s5 au
Rating: G
Author’s Note: These drabbles are follow-ups to my fic “A Place Beyond the Rains.” Basic details from that that you need to know is that Buffy was stuck in a pocket dimension for five years working as a waiter in a demon-run truck stop and Spike (who’d worked as a bartender to support Dawn) saved her by convincing her that she needed to let go of a set concept of home in order to move on. Then the rains magically carried them away. It’s a weird fic.
These four drabbles are setting during their dimension-hopping journey home.
Thanks to teragramm for allowing me to change my posting day when I was feeling icky post covid vaccination. And thanks to thenewbuzwuzz for the encouragement.
Video: Spike | My Favourite Game
Title: Spike | My Favourite Game
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 2 to 7
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”/”Buffy/Other”: brief Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel
So, this vid wasn’t made specifically for Seasonal Spuffy but falls squarely into the category of “something I’ve been working on, but haven’t posted”. It’s a Fandom Trumps Hate 2021 (!) gift for thewiggins . I recently finished it, but have waited until now with making it public. Huge thanks go to thewiggins for the vid idea and for their immense patience while I took my time working on the vid!
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