Title – 1. Sepia, 2. Comic #1, 3. Comic #2, 4. Lullaby,4. Sepia, 5. Through the Years, 6. The Eyes Have It, 7. Frames, 8. Just Peachy
creator – teragramm
rating – other
For my entry this round, I have 8 banners under the cut. I normally do my entry in two postings but this time I am doing it in one post because I am never sure everyone sees both posts. I hope all the banners aren’t too overwhelming .
If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!
1. Sepia
2. Comic # 1
3. Comic # 2
4. Lullaby
5. Through the Years
6. The Eyes Have It
7. Frames
8. Just Peachy
Buffy/Spike comic image taken from Dark Horse Buffy comics A/W by Rebekah Isaacs and Megan Levens.
The caps used in these icons/banners were made from caps made by me from Buffy HD episodes found here
All resources can be found on my lj profile page. or my dreamwidth profile page