Title: Winter Lights [4/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.
form: other art
Winter Lights [3/6]
Title: Winter Lights [3/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.
Illustrated Fanfic: Winter Lights [Master Post]
Title: Winter Lights [0/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
- Inspired heavily by the London Grammar song Sights.
- This is a very personal story and a lot of people helped me out with it along the way. My very great thanks go to angearia for looking over an early version, torrilin for answering my questions about huskies, and yavannie82 and bewilde for excellent and comprehensive betaing, through which they have made this fic so tight it could float. Bottomless appreciation also to kylathelurker for a superlative alpha-read, cultural input and seemingly unending support and enthusiasm. They all helped me make this as good and as accurate as possible – any remaining mistakes are my own.
- Further thanks to my lovely, generous and incredibly talented artistswolveswithhats, kylathelurker and bewilde who have produced some truly stunning illustrations for this story. Their art is indexed and credited below. Some pics are still on their way, however, so keep an eye out :) If you enjoy their work along with mine, I hope you will remember to let them know.
- Constructive criticism is always welcome, and in fact encouraged. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 – “Whatever important place a hedgehog would have to go.”
Chapter 2 – “Here there be bloody dragons.” | Art by kylathelurker
Chapter 3 – “I don’t like you enough to put it into smaller words.” | Art by wolveswithhats | Art by kylathelurker
Chapter 4 – “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”
Chapter 5 – “Don’t die on a dark night.” | Art by kylathelurker | Art by bewilde
Chapter 6 – “That border at the edge of the campfire.”
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/516315.html
Out For a Walk AU gifset
Title: Out For a Walk AU
Author: Restfield
Medium: Art – gifset
Rating: G
My take on “She came back wrong”. Hope it still counts as Spuffy. At least I tried to keep Buffy as much in character as possible.
a comic a day
Fan comic below the cut.
Creator: Torrilin
Form: comic or other artwork
Era: season 2
Rating: PG-13 (no sex, canon typical violence)
Gifset: Not in your nature
I have one last gifset to offer for , who suggested Spike’s visit to Buffy’s bedroom in Into the Woods. WIth apologies to Spike, for giving him another bad dream…
As usual, I’m here to help you, and I – are you naked under there?
Gifset: Spike, Superstar
Squeezing in another request at the end of the free day. For , who asked for S4. Guys, this one was rrrreally fun. And hey it fits the theme!
You could even make like a freaky world where Spike’s some kind of not perfect mouth breather if that’s what’s blowing up your skirt these days. Just don’t ask me to live there!
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A couple more bits for Free for All Day…
A picspam of the last scene in Smashed.
Gifset: Drinking buddies
Finally back with the first request! asked for Spuffy + drinking.
S6 drinking buddies, straight up.
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Now taking requests! Plus: Buffy, crushed.
Last round I really enjoyed filling your gif and graphics prompts, especially remixing episodes for maximum Spuffiness. Let’s do it again!
A Spuffy alternate scene from Crush and more details below the cut.
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I’m back again for a second batch of graphics! These are Tumblr-friendly posts, so I’m adding the link to where I posted each on one of my blogs if you want to reblog. :)
(Requests and suggestions for additional posts for a free-for-all day are still welcome!)
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Gif Requests Filled, Part Three
Oops, coming in a bit late even for Pacific time, but I wanted to get these up.
For spuffy_noelle who said: I love what you did with the Thanksgiving gifs where you made it like Buffy was talking to Spike in a scene where she actually wasn’t. If you could do something else like that? I hadn’t remixed gifs this way before but it’s addictive…
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Gif Requests Filled, Part Two
This gifset might be my favorite thing I’ve made this round. I just had to combine two excellent prompts – hope you don’t mind!
For rebcake who suggested the line from Potential, and slaymesoftly who wanted moments of genuine affection between Spike and Buffy.
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Gif Requests Filled, Part One
On my posting day I asked for gif requests and today I’ll be sharing the results! I hope you’ll check them out even if you haven’t requested anything, there were some great prompts all around.
First up are a pair of lovely S7 moments.
For frayadjacent who said: I’d love to see one showing the look they exchange when Buffy rescues Spike at the end of “Showtime”. A definite top Spuffy moment for me. :)
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For debris4spike, a personalized icon and gif from the bedroom scene at the end of Touched. (Plus a non-personalized icon up for grabs.)
Christmas Cards!
So I was going to make a Spuffy Barbie wall calendar, but it turned out to be a disaster, so for my day I am going to salvage what I can from the mess and I give you two Spuffy Christmas cards in small and large sizes for your all your Spuffy Christmas carding needs!
If you are mad enough, print them out A4, fold along the lines and send them to your friends and family! Watch them run for the hills swell with the spirt of the season (Stolichnaya for me please)!
Fingers crossed these work:
S6 Gifs for kudagirl and Gillo
Wow, today was BUSY. But seeing all your comments about favorite spuffy moments honestly helped me get through! I’ve managed to fill a couple of your requests this evening, and the rest will be up on Dec 15.
Thanks to kudagirl for being first to request!
“Would you be able to do one from the scene in Flooded where Buffy is on the back porch and Spike arrives to talk to her. I just love how she smiles at him when he jokes with her. “
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Gifset: Romance Is Dead
For the free day today I couldn’t resist Spuffying up our fandom’s Thanksgiving special a little. All the images and dialogue come from the episode Pangs though you will notice I have taken some liberties with the continuity! Gifset + 2 icons under the cut.
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Gifs and Icons
Hideeho, Spuffyfiles. This is my second time participating in Season Spuffy, but only my first time posting on Deamwidth. So, please bear with me if I screw it up. :-P For you, today, I have Spuffy gifs and icons:
Hi everyone! First I want to thank the mods for running this comm yet another round, and also to everyone who is contributing and commenting! You guys are the best. ♥ Today I’m offering one pretty huge picspam of Spike and Buffy looking at each other! Beware, it make take some time to load, because of the size. I hope you enjoy!
Graphic Novel: Black Widow Part DVD Extra
Graphic Novel: Black Widow Part DVD Extra