Together Again – 1 and 2

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Together Again

And I’m not quite failing miserably, although it might be close… My intended SS entry is five completed chapters in to a probably six or seven chapters. So, I’ll post what I have today (perhaps a couple of chapters now and more when I get to the land of broadband in a few hours) and hope to have those last chapters finished by the next/last free-for-all day. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll just post the link to my journal and website where those last chapters will be found when they’re completed.

To make up for it, I’ll post a link to my current wip, the theme of which really fits the theme this round as well as, if not better than, this one. Operating on the assumption that there are people reading here who may not be reading Spuffy anymore and won’t have seen it. It’s long, so no obligation to read it as a SS entry – just throwing it out there because so many people have contributed more than one, relatively short, unfinished fic. :)

So, here are the Prologue and Chapters One and Two of Together Again It takes place in some non-specific future well after the events of season eight comics and in no way related to them except for a couple of quick references to events there. I don’t think knowledge of that season is necessary as I’ve tried to provide enough information to explain the references without going into the whole plot arcs that led up to them.

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Raison d’Etre

Hi everyone. First of all, many thanks to the mods for keeping this community going. Secondly, apologies for hardly commenting on any one else’s posts so far. I always find it very difficult to do that when I have my own contribution sort of hanging over me. But as it’s my posting day today, that excuse won’t fly any more, and I hope to catch up with all your entries soon.

Due to various circumstances (some my fault, some not), I ended up with only two days to write this fic, so I’ve fallen back on that old staple, or a variation thereof, the post-apocalypse/final climactic battle story, plus avoided any complications (such as having to think of an actual plot) by dumping my readers in medias res and running for cover. ;)

Setting: post-series and post-apocalypse/final climactic battle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (obvs) but mention of Spike/Drusilla and Angel/Buffy
Un-beta’ed, so please forgive (and point out so I can amend) any mistakes with my American.
Mention of character death
Disclaimer: Not for profit, don’t sue etc.
2260 words

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Fic: The Sun Rises (PG)

Title: The Sun Rises
Words: ~500
Rating: PG
Setting: Post-series
A/N: *Waves*  For those of you who don’t recognize the username, I used to be spuffy_luvr.  I finally quit complaining about how lame my username was and changed it.
Warnings: I tried to write the happy and the fluffy, but my brain said NO!!! (It was very emphatic.) This story deserves warnings, but because it’s so very short, warnings would be spoilery.  Let’s just say that if you need to read happy fluffiness today, this is not the fic you are looking for.

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One Last Fiction Banner: for Closure is a Silly Word by Herself_NYC

A personal challenge – can I whip out a fiction poster in a couple of hours?  If I start with a rough draft from the Casablanca project I can.  I was certain that I had nothing left to give for this round but I was so inspired by herself_nyc‘s “Closure is a Silly Word” tonight that I had to respond. So few Spuffy stories (or really fandom stories in general) take Dawn’s trauma, or the relationship between the two Summers sisters, seriously. I adore the angst, the heartbreak, the love and the stubborn hopefulness. Plus, New York City and especially the Chelsea Hotel is nearly a character in it’s own right.

(And how could I not love a fic that mentions the Dojo, one of my favorite places to eat when I’ve visited the city? Dark, damp, overcrowded, noisy, dirty, cheerful, oddly comforting, long wooden tables shared with strangers, my boots soaking wet from the rain, and bowls of hot, damnably tasty noodles is what I think of when I think of the Dojo.)

First, though, read the fic:
part 1   part 2

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After the Deluge – 27

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

It’s still the 1st where you are, right?

I’ve been bogged down in essay-writing and other academic stuff, but I couldn’t let this anniversary pass without something. I started my WIP, After the Deluge on this comm, more years ago than I care to admit, and here is another chapter. Two, possibly three to follow. The first 26 chapters can be found here.

Rated PG13 for mild violence in this chapter, rather stronger overall.

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Fic: Displacement (3/?) PG13

Title: Displacement, Chapter Three
Author: spuffy luvr
Rating: PG13 (for now)
Setting: Post-Series crossover with “S.H.I.E.L.D”
Word Count: ~2300/~30,000
Summary: Spike’s amulet is left to languish at the bottom of the Sunnydale crater, until a S.H.I.E.L.D. team accidentally uncovers it ten years later.

Warnings:  Spoilers through mid-S2 of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”,  as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  I suspect knowledge of “S.H.I.E.L.D.” will make the story, or at least the initial chapters, far more enjoyable.  Temporary Buffy/Other, sort of.

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If You Need a Job Done Right, Send a Slayer 5

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series When You Need a Job Done Right, Send a Slayer

The last two chapters – These may or may not be how they look by the time I put it up elsewhere, but they are where I am right now. There were a few places I felt like it could have ended. This is not one of them. LOL But it will do for now. I suppose I should resolve things with Angel, I hate to leave him alone, but that would require more time than I have today. Let’s just assume he makes friends with Anteres or something…

Thanks again to Abelina whose extra eyes kept me from making any plot dimples into actual holes. :) Obviously, I’ve tweaked after she saw things, so….

(Chapter Eight is what earned it the strong R rating – FYI)

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Fic: ‘The Page of Wands’ by Quinara (PG-13) [1/5]

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The Page of Wands

Hello Seasonal Spuffy!!! So excited to be back for the tenth year of Spuffiness; thanks to all the mods who’ve been keeping this place going. I have been more than remiss with everything that’s been posted so far – hoping to remedy that ASAP.

My offering for today is a new completed fic, which is about 11,000 words in total and spread across five short chapters. I had many grander plans, but it was suggested to me around the time I was stressing out about having nothing that it would be sensible to do something straightforward. What this meant was finding one of the beginnings in my WIP folder and winging the rest of the story, which has resulted in something fairly indulgent of my fic predilections. Which is surely in theme with all of the random shite I have presented to this community over the years!

So, where does this story come from? Well, fans of the comics may remember that a few months(?) ago, there was an issue previewed and then released about Buffy going inside Spike’s head. I don’t actually read the comics, but I love all of that stuff, so I was intrigued. Of course, it seems as though the comic writers and I disagree about how that sort of storyline should play out, so I was inspired to do my own version. As a story actually about the plotline of the comics, this thing pretty much stalled, so what I’ve done instead is really a riff on the basic premise of that issue. It’s a story that could be set in a much more generic futureverse, but hopefully it also fits within the comics canon, for people who would like it to! There are kittens. Also tarot…

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Fic: Displacement (2/?) PG13

Title: Displacement, Chapter Two
Author: spuffy luvr
Rating: PG13 (for now)
Setting: Post-Series crossover with “S.H.I.E.L.D”
Word Count: ~2500/~30,000
Summary: Spike’s amulet is left to languish at the bottom of the Sunnydale crater, until a S.H.I.E.L.D. team accidentally uncovers it ten years later.
Beta: The ever-incredible foxstarreh, who watched “S.H.I.E.L.D.” just so they could beta this for me.

Warnings:  Spoilers through mid-S2 of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”,  as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  I suspect knowledge of “S.H.I.E.L.D.” will make the story, or at least the initial chapters, far more enjoyable.  Temporary Buffy/Other, sort of.

Chapter One here.

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Banners and Icons for Round 19

Once again, I want to wish the members and maintainers of seasonal_spuffy  a very happy 10 year anniversary! This was only the second time I’ve participated in the banner competition and I learned a lot about digitial editing and design via this project; and I picked up some skills and confidence I didn’t have beforehand. Below is a selection of my banner alts, suitable for use in a story or website project, and of course some icons to go with.

(And if you don’t like alts, or artists gabbing about “the process”, simply scroll down to the pretty icons below. Because this post might be of greater interest to other artists than the general population. Or it might not. I’m just sayin’)

Teasers: spuffybanner6b_iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD_1.png spuffybanner6soikeiconoct2015RSD2.4.jpg spikesNLMiconforssfall2015byrsd_3.1.png spuffyhuglevinsbanner8iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD.jpg

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When You Need a Job Done Right, Send a Slayer – 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series When You Need a Job Done Right, Send a Slayer

AKA as the day to post for dummies like me who had their posting date wrong… Moving along, and wishing all my fellow Americans a very happy ritual sacrifice with pie, here are seven chapters of my intended entry for this anniversary round at Seasonal Spuffy. I hope to have the last one or two chapters completed in time for the next free-for-all date. Still debating about the other fic (the one that ate my brain and made it harder to work on this one). I think I’m going to post it on the sb-ashtray, but we’ll see. I may make it a second offering here. Can’t decide…

Anyway, moving along, I’m posting this two chapters at a time to save my download allowance.

I can’t believe I posted all this and forgot to mention that abelina has taken time from her own writing to run an extra set of eyes over these chapters for me. Needless to say, she is not responsible for whatever tinkering I may have done to them after she saw them. Thanks, Abs! :)

Post NFA – Set very loosely in the LA of After the Fall comics. All you really need to know is that Angel and Spike survived the demon army the Senior Partners threw at them. When that didn’t work, the Sr. Partners encased the city of Los Angeles in a dimensional bubble, which allowed the demons to quickly take over the city. Humans are rapidly becoming an endangered species, although some of those unable to find hidden shelters are being kept as slaves before being killed. Angel and Spike work to save as many of them as they can. Because the comics at IDW wandered around a bit, I’ve decided not to worry about “canon”, it’s just too complicated. So, I’ve borrowed the setting and mention of a dragon, but that’s it. Don’t look for specific demon lords or events. This is my story set in that world.

When You Need a Job Done Right, Send a Slayer
author: Slaymesoftly
season: future after NFA
rating: eventually R, but don’t look for a lot of sexy times.
genre: fic

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Suburban Disturbance

Happy Tenth Anniversary to seasonal_spuffy!! And many thanks to the mods for keeping the comm going. Much appreciated.

It’s my posting day today, so here’s my entry. Whi-ich has not much to do with the theme of the round, and is nothing like anything I’ve written before. Hope you enjoy.

Setting: A nebulous time, some years post-NFA and post-the release of Frozen on DVD, in a nebulous place that could be suburban London, or suburban somewhere in the US where they have colder winters than California.
Rating: PG-13/R(ish) for the occasional swear word and sexual(ish) situations.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, very brief mention of Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel
Disclaimer: Not for profit, don’t sue etc
Author’s note: Just for the record, I do not hate Kennedy. Also, in case you’re not familiar with Frozen, without spoilering you, Elsa is the heroine (or one of them) and Hans is… well, let’s say a not so popular character.
5000 words

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