Fic rec: Not In The Brochure

Voilá! A ficlet set in Chosen that calls back (urgently) to School Hard. It’s Spuffy, but more accurately Spuffy-adjacent.

Title: Not In The Brochure
Beer Good Foamy
Word count: 600
Pairing: Buffy/Spike… sort of
Summary: It’s the end of “Chosen.” Spike is burning up in the Hellmouth, and Buffy’s holding on to his hand, unable to let him go without telling him… except Spike has something to tell her, too. And it concerns her mother.

The above link will take you to the author’s site on Dreamwidth. Enjoy.

Originally posted at

Fic: The Replacement (Rated R)

Hello everyone, welcome to my posting day. I have a fluffy/humourous one-shot for you. It’s been a tough couple of weeks (and I don’t mean just the writing), so I thought I’d do my part to help cheer everyone up. I’ve had to dig real deep for this, scrapping two depressing Season 6 stories and thus sparing you thousands of words of sad (you’re welcome). :)

Thanks to baphrosia  (aka spuffyluvr) for the 2015 prompt about a robot vampire on sb_fag_ends. A heart-felt thank you to the mods, fellow creators and fans, for keeping Seasonal Spuffy alive and thriving after all these years!

Rated: R for sexually suggestive language.
Setting: Early Season 7 with a reimagined happy Season 6, because that’s what happened (in my head). You can interpret the in-story reference to Spike’s absence as his soul-searching journey in canon, though it’s not elaborated on.
Word Count: 1100
Beta: The speedy, wonderful and supportive All4Spike. Thank you! (Apologies for keeping all the long sentences.)
Feedback: Yes, please! It would make my day, and make 2016 that much more tolerable. Thank you!

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Fic: Five times Spike and Buffy were under the influence of… and one time they weren’t

It’s my posting day, yay!

I was quite shocked when I saw garnigal ‘s entry (as much as there was still room for more shock, given her posting date), and even more so when I saw how really amazing it is. (If you haven’t read it, I strongly recommend you go do it!) But my awesome cheer-me-on beta thenewbuzwuzz  told me (unasked, I might add :) thank you for that, honey!) I shouldn’t worry, it was different enough from mine, so I stopped thinking about throwing it away and go into hiding on my posting day.

Mine lacks the total awesomeness that is garnigal’s almost poetic piece and is intstead more of a run-of-the-mill fic, but hey, I offer more words, that’s something, right?

A huge thanks to my two betas! While Thenewbuzwuzz was my first impression voice on the raw draft, encouraged me and pointed out some ‘huh?’-moments, my amzing long-time beta (well, it is more than a year now, is it?) seapealsh took care of all those preposition errors, the weird cases of ‘-ing’ or not to ‘-ing’, and generally all those things that happen when a non-native speaker butchers your wonderful language. I’d be lost without her. Thank you both so much!!!

I also want to thank the mods for all the work they put into making this amazing event possible, time after time!
So, here goes… enjoy!

Title: Five times Spike and Buffy were under the influence of…and one time they weren’t
Author: freecat15
Setting: s4 to post series
Rating: PG-13; contains canon typical violence and sex.
Length: ~ 3,500 words

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Icons: Under the Influence

Happy Seasonal Spuffy everyone! Sorry for my lack of comments so far; I’ve been needing the litle fannish time I’ve had to finish my own contribution. Unsurprisingly, it’s icons: a set showing various Spuffy interactions “under the influence”. (I could think of a few more, but these are all I had time for.) Also, apologies for not posting before twelve in my time zone. But if I’d done that, my contribution would have been about half as small…

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Under the Influence – For Her

Title: For Her
Creator: comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Artwork – Icons, Banner, Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: Round 21 Under the Influence
Disclaimer: All belong to their orginal owners
A/N: As soon as I read the theme for this round I knew what I would do. I did however get All Saints Day and All Souls Day confused and had found this wonderful image through google to use because I thought I was doing All Souls Day – silly girl! I liked it too much not to use it, placing Buffy’s eyes bright and clear within it. If Joan of Arc is considered a saint I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is most certainly a warrior saint and Spike is her chivalric Knight Errant and for her he changed his world.

Some Icons

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

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Fic: The Anniversary Gift (Chapter 1/2, R) by feliciacraft

Here is the second offering I have for you today! (The first story, “Those Three Little Words”, is posted here.)

May I present the first part of a fluffy fic, set in a happier and Spuffier AU Season 7. The second part of the story will be posted on one of the remaining free-for-all days.

Title: The Anniversary Gift (Chapter 1)
Word count: ~1400
Summary: A first Spuffy anniversary. In this chapter, Buffy attempts to write a poem as an anniversary gift for Spike. Yeeeah. :P
Setting: AU S7 without the dark S6, because it’s my story. :)
Rating: R (so far) for suggestive content.
A/N: Felicia turns her back on angst/drama for fluffy humor! *gasp* (And has Buffy suffer through writer’s block as a surrogate.) :P Context-switching between writing this goofy story and the more somber Those Three Little Words (posted just before this) has been a bipolar experience. Hopefully it turned out OK so far. Beta’d by the effulgent All4Spike.
Feedback: Won’t you please be so kind? :)

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Fic: Those Three Little Words (R) by feliciacraft

Hello, my fellow Spuffy readers! I’m so excited to have my posting day here at Seasonal Spuffy Round 20! *does a happy dance* Thanks to the mods and everyone for making this community possible. I *heart* all of you so much! Here’s to another 20, yeah? :P

I have one completed fic (this one) and the first part of a second fic (Chapter 1 of “The Anniversary Gift”) for your diversion and entertainment today. The rest of the second story will be posted on one of the remaining free-for-all days.

Title: Those Three Little Words
Word count: ~3500
Setting: Mid-episode towards the end of “Chosen”; canon-compliant.
Rating: R for violence, etc. consistent with the TV show.
A/N: Not fluffy. (“The Anniversary Gift” is the fluffy one.) But if you’ve watched “Chosen” to the end, well, it’s like that, only… not exactly. ;) I kind of agonized over this story, reeeally not sure how it’ll be received. Little nervous about that. Early draft beta’d by the wondrous All4Spike, before I altered it significantly in the last 48 hours. So, all errors my own, with too many lattes partially to blame.
Feedback: Yes yes yes, please! Oh, pretty please? (Okay, putting away that latte, now…)

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Banners and Icons for Round 19

Once again, I want to wish the members and maintainers of seasonal_spuffy  a very happy 10 year anniversary! This was only the second time I’ve participated in the banner competition and I learned a lot about digitial editing and design via this project; and I picked up some skills and confidence I didn’t have beforehand. Below is a selection of my banner alts, suitable for use in a story or website project, and of course some icons to go with.

(And if you don’t like alts, or artists gabbing about “the process”, simply scroll down to the pretty icons below. Because this post might be of greater interest to other artists than the general population. Or it might not. I’m just sayin’)

Teasers: spuffybanner6b_iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD_1.png spuffybanner6soikeiconoct2015RSD2.4.jpg spikesNLMiconforssfall2015byrsd_3.1.png spuffyhuglevinsbanner8iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD.jpg

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Special thanks to cordykitten for saving many of my old Spike/Buffy icons! This post is dedicated to her… And you can go here to find all the ones she saved…please forgive the quality of the older ones.

I used a lot of screencaps from Blood Queen and brushes by inxsomniax. Thank you to fangfaceandrea for letting me use the comic book images you posted on your LJ.
Season 4:
1 spuffy10-10-15m.png 2 spuffy9-19-15c.png 3 spuffy9-19-15d.png

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Picspams, icons & banners

Hi! :) This is my first participation to Seasonal Spuffy. November 5th is my day, so here we go! I wasn’t really inspired by the theme, but I tried to do some stuff that I hope you will like. I’m not great when it comes to fanarts, but I find them fun to make. :) There are picspams, icons & banners.

Happy 10th anniversary to Seasonal Spuffy!

Creator : Miss Kitty

Warning: It contains some spoilers for the comics canon (season 8 & season 10). Please be careful if you don’t want to know anything about it :)

(For the moderators: I just noticed that some tags haven’t been accepted when I wrote them, I don’t know why, but sorry about that.)

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Fic: “Ipseity” Chapter Three: Giles [3/3 (posted here), 3/27 (overall)]

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Ipseity

Title: Ipseity.  Chapter Three: Giles
Author: Spuffy_Luvr
Setting: Starts at the end of “Chosen”, and goes off-canon from there.
Rating: R (language)
Word Count: 1900
A/N: This is a long story (27 chapters).  It’s fully written, but still in the process of being betaed and edited.  I’ll be posting the first 3 chapters today, and the rest to AO3, EF, and in future weeks.
A/N2: Thanks to my betas, margueritedaisy, All4Spike, and foxstarreh

Chapter One
Chapter Two
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Fic: “Ipseity” Chapter Two: Buffy [2/3 (posted here), 2/27 (overall)]

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Ipseity

Title: Ipseity.  Chapter Two: Buffy
Author: Spuffy_Luvr
Setting: Starts at the end of “Chosen”, and goes off-canon from there.
Rating: R (language)
Word Count: 2500
A/N: This is a long story (27 chapters).  It’s fully written, but still in the process of being betaed and edited.  I’ll be posting the first 3 chapters today, and the rest to AO3, EF, and in future weeks.
A/N2: Thanks to my betas, margueritedaisy, All4Spike, and foxstarreh

Chapter One
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Fic: “Ipseity” Chapter One: Dawn [1/3 (posted here), 1/27 (overall)]

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Ipseity

Title: Ipseity.  Chapter One: Dawn
Author: Spuffy_Luvr
Setting: Starts at the end of “Chosen”, and goes off-canon from there.
Rating: R (language)
Word Count: 3350
A/N: This is a long story (27 chapters).  It’s fully written, but still in the process of being betaed and edited.  I’ll be posting the first 3 chapters today, and the rest to AO3, EF, and in future weeks.
A/N2: Thanks to my betas, margueritedaisy, All4Spike, and foxstarreh

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The Journey of Spike and Buffy

spuffy_moments_thumb.jpgTitle: Spuffy Memories
Author: comlodge
Characters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: M – depictions of violence
Disclaimer: They belong to someone else.
A/N: Some snaps of some my fave episodes and scenes in the journey that was Spike and Buffy from S4 to S7. One almost always begins with Something Blue for Spuffy. There was so much more to their engagement than a simple wish of “Why don’t they just get married.” The happiness, the intimacy, the thoughtfulness from both. Feelings to linger in both long after the spell.

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You love so hard…

you_love_so_hard_thumb.jpgTitle: You Love So Hard
Author: comlodge
Medium: Art – Icon, Wallpaper, Banner
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: For play
Season: S7
A/N: I love this scene. Soft, a changing in their relationship, a new beginning after the horrors of S6. I’ve used the colours of passion and love – reds and purples – with a touch of gold for the truth and purity of his love for her and finally hers for him. The blues are for their strength and the texture for the depth of their passion, A tender moment that acknowledges what they recieve from the other.

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