Fic: The Paper Incursion

Title: The Paper Incursion

Author: myrabeth

Setting: Pre-series to Season 5, post-series

Rating: PG-13

Word Count: 8950

Special Thanks: zabjade

Author’s Note: I managed to snag my own birthday for this round’s sign ups, and ended up producing a birthday-themed fic, a small gift to a fandom that has given me so much over the years, and continues to do so. Thank you all.

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FIC: Transilience [3/3 today (more to come)] PG

Title: Transilience
Author: Baphrosia
Setting: S2, pre-series
Rating: PG (for now, will change to R later)
Word Count: 3000
Summary: Early S2.  Ethan Rayne opens his costume shop a few weeks earlier than in canon.  This time, his cursed costume sends Buffy, who has yet to deal with Parent-Teacher night (and a certain vampire), on a journey through time.
A/N: The last chapter for today.  Look for more on AO3,, or Elysian Fields.  Thanks again to stallwartsandall and MiseEnPlace for the beta work!

Chapter One
Chapter Two

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FIC: Transilience [2/3 today (more to come)] PG

Title: Transilience
Author: Baphrosia
Setting: S2, pre-series
Rating: PG (for now, will change to R later)
Word Count: 1700
Summary: Early S2.  Ethan Rayne opens his costume shop a few weeks earlier than in canon.  This time, his cursed costume sends Buffy, who has yet to deal with Parent-Teacher night (and a certain vampire), on a journey through time.

Chapter One

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FIC: Transilience [1/3 today (more to come)] PG

Title: Transilience
Author: Baphrosia
Setting: S2, pre-series
Rating: PG (for now, will change to R later)
Word Count: 1800
Summary: Early S2.  Ethan Rayne opens his costume shop a few weeks earlier than in canon.  This time, his cursed costume sends Buffy, who has yet to deal with Parent-Teacher night (and a certain vampire), on a journey through time.

A/N: I finished this story quite some time ago but have been putting off posting.  I’m sorry to say it doesn’t much fit this round’s theme.  Rather, I was giving myself a deadline so I had to start posting.  It’s quite a long story, ~150,000 words, and I’ll continue posting to the usual places (AO3,, and Elysian Fields).  Thanks to stallwartsandall and MiseEnPlace for the very helpful beta work!  I revise somewhat obsessively, sometimes adding new mistakes after beta-ing, so if you catch anything lmk.

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Fic: William versus the Beast [1/1] PG

Title: William versus the Beast
Author: Baphrosia
Setting: pre-series – S4
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1330
Summary: William’s not happy about losing control of his body to a ravening, ravenous beast.
A/N: I don’t really subscribe to the spilt personality theory, but it’s interesting to explore.  I haven’t posted in awhile, so let’s hope I remember how. Thanks to bewilde for the beta!

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Happy Seasonal Spuffy!

This got… weird.

I got all hung up on the theme. First I tried time travel (it’s been done, and much better), then I read a whole bunch of Harry Potter fanfic (surprisingly helped me not at all), and then I listened to the song, and looked for quotes… all the usual triggers.

Then I wrote half of three terrible stories and barely restrained myself from throwing my laptop across the room.

Eventually, I came up with something. It’s Spuffy… if you squint? Either way, I’m happy to be kicking off this season of Spuffy with a look back in time. And hey, I’m doing everyone a favour – your contributions are going to look fantastic compared to this!  Continue Reading

Fic: ‘The Page of Wands’ by Quinara (PG-13) [1/5]

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The Page of Wands

Hello Seasonal Spuffy!!! So excited to be back for the tenth year of Spuffiness; thanks to all the mods who’ve been keeping this place going. I have been more than remiss with everything that’s been posted so far – hoping to remedy that ASAP.

My offering for today is a new completed fic, which is about 11,000 words in total and spread across five short chapters. I had many grander plans, but it was suggested to me around the time I was stressing out about having nothing that it would be sensible to do something straightforward. What this meant was finding one of the beginnings in my WIP folder and winging the rest of the story, which has resulted in something fairly indulgent of my fic predilections. Which is surely in theme with all of the random shite I have presented to this community over the years!

So, where does this story come from? Well, fans of the comics may remember that a few months(?) ago, there was an issue previewed and then released about Buffy going inside Spike’s head. I don’t actually read the comics, but I love all of that stuff, so I was intrigued. Of course, it seems as though the comic writers and I disagree about how that sort of storyline should play out, so I was inspired to do my own version. As a story actually about the plotline of the comics, this thing pretty much stalled, so what I’ve done instead is really a riff on the basic premise of that issue. It’s a story that could be set in a much more generic futureverse, but hopefully it also fits within the comics canon, for people who would like it to! There are kittens. Also tarot…

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Fic: Blood

I still have a few more minutes left before free-for-all day is over? :D (In my time zone, anyway?)

Title: Blood

Medium: fic

Author/creator: tei_lj

Era/season/setting: A series of vignettes spanning pre-S1 (1994) to post-S6 (2006).

Rating: NC-17 for sex, violence, and, obviously, blood.

Word count: ~2800

Notes: So, this fic was inspired by an offhand remark made on the Female Gaze Podcast about how even in fanfic, let alone most canons, there isn’t enough acknowledgement of menstruation and how it would realistically affect characters’ lives. Menstruation, not Spuffy, is the main theme of this fic, but it is plenty Spuffy by volume ;)

Warnings: Uh, basically, if you think you are going to find this gross, you’re probably right.

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 5/?

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? 4/?

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 3/?

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly? Chapter 2/?

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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Oh My… We’re Where Exactly, Chapter 1/?

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Oh My... We're Where Exactly

This is a sequel to a short four chaptered story I wrote for Halloween for a Live Journal community several years ago. Go here to read the first story titled: Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!

Title: Oh My… We’re Where Exactly?
Author: maryperk73703
Setting: BTVS AU 7, pre-series
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but the plot and the original characters
Warnings: Lots of original characters
Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side
Summary: After the events of Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls… Oh My!, Spike and Buffy return to Skald Hill Manor for Xander’s car. You would think they’d know better than to explore an formerly haunted house, wouldn’t you?

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