Hi guys, be patient, it’s an experiment! Just under two minutes.
I’m so, so, so sorry for the problem with this! It works now.
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/653350.html
Hi guys, be patient, it’s an experiment! Just under two minutes.
I’m so, so, so sorry for the problem with this! It works now.
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/653350.html
Title: Spring Bookmark
Creator: teragramm
Rating: G
Below the cut find a spring spuffy bookmark.
Title: Walk On The Wild Side
Creator: Double Dutchess
Medium: Wallpaper
Rating: worksafe
I really wanted to do something with the wonderful Spuffy Aesthetic Pack javajunkie247 contributed to the past round, and this wallpaper is the result:
.| Title: Icons | free-for-all
.| Creator: sintonia
.| 20 icons
Hi everybody! Wow, I had to survive without internet for a week and I couldn’t respond to most of your comments and entries, I can’t tell you how sorry I am but I’m going to check out everything. Thanks to everyone and thanks to the mods for your hard work, I’m always late, sorry! but a pot of icons waits at the end of the rainbow, hope you enjoy. :)
I’m still new making graphics but I made 4 banners that you may have (with credit please). If you want one personalized let me know. Titles are just for my reference not intended to be a story title unless you want it to be.
title – Road Trip 1, Road Trip 2, Road Trip 3,
creator – teragramm
rating – PG
Below the cut find three “Road Trip“ Fiction banner. If you would like a banner personalized or resized, just ask! Enjoy!!
A little pretty I threw together for Free for All day. Use however you want.
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/636987.html
Title: Editable World Map of Spuffy Fic Recs
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Notes: I wanted to make a playground for something collaborative, but I’m bored with online magnetic poetry kits – though I would play if someone else made a kit. ;)
So, instead, I lifted the format off of something unrelated to recs that OffYourBird did in the Elysian Fields Facebook group, and I mapped the settings of some Spuffy fic I have recced in the past. For example, “One Gazelle in All the World” by baphrosia takes place in the Serengeti, so I stuck a pin in Serengeti National Park and put the fic title and author in the description.
So. Theoretically, one could use the map to find fic recs based on setting. Travel the world with Spuffy, so to speak. :)
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/633973.html
I’ve had so much fun with this theme! Many thanks to rahirah for coming up with it.
01. 02.
Title: The Spuffiest Words
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Link to poetry kit: HERE
I was going to make a poetry kit in honor of “Some Assembly Required”, but then I started thinking it should be SPUFFIER, and I went off on a tangent trying to find which words are The Most Spuffy, using a few pages of AO3 and an online word frequency counter. This word-rearranging poetry kit contains approximately half of my results. :)
Just made it in time – simple but I really wanted to get one with the seasonal theme –
The Personal Touch
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Rating: Teen
Summary: It wasn’t the big dramatic confrontations that threw her for a loop, oh no. Buffy was prepared for those, and so was he. It was the little things that caught them both off-guard.
Notes: Barbverse. This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In the Sun, Necessary Evils, and A Parliament of Monsters. It’s set during the summer between Necessary Evils and POM. Written for the Seasonal Spuffy Summer Solstice Free-For-All day. This story is not exactly fluff, but then, it’s not exactly not fluff, either.
Title: I Love You
Creator: Comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy Free for All June 21st
Disclaimer: This is a work of love and learning. Dedicated to Spike & Buffy lovers everywhere.
There is something about Spuffy art that is very good for the soul…oh right….they’re meant to be!
Title: Night & Day
Creator: Comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: Seasonal Spuffy Free for All
Disclaimer: This is a work of love and learning. Dedicated to Spike lovers everywhere.
There is something about Spuffy art that is very good for the soul…oh right….it’s playing with Spike!
Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/622638.html
Cheat Sheet, Part 1
By Barb C
Rating: PG
Author’s Notes: Barbverse, set in the same universe as Necessary Evils et al. I’d hoped to get a little more done on this, but the muse has not been cooperating! So this is just a teaser, but hope you like anyway.
Feel free to use however you want or message me for personalization . Thanks for letting me participate in another great round of Seasonal Spuffy!
Hi everybody! First of all, sorry I’m a little late, I made some icons for this round. As we all noticed, after photobucket decided to block the links on third-party sites, every corner of the fandom was affected so I was not the exception. I’m changing the links ohlord but obviously it’s affected all. You know, I’m sad for everything we lost, it’s a catastrophe of multiple proportions. I will try to change it as fast as I can, I hope you can forgive me for not being able to do it before. I’ll be around, reading your fanfic with my drama queen crown on my head.
.| 20 icons Spike/Buffy