Artwork: Some Kind of Cuddling Relationship (worksafe)

Title: Some Kind of Cuddling Relationship
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Era/season: s7, Touched

I heard that making art with your hands is supposed to be a grounding activity, so I’ve been playing with a watercolor kit and also an ink pen and a delightful metallic marker. Can confirm, doodling stars all over this thing was incredibly relaxing.

a colorful watercolor of Spuffy cuddling, overlaid with stars and ornaments

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Graphics – Manips

Thanks to everyone involved in this latest Seasonal Spuffy round – wonderful artwork and stories for all the Spuffy lovers to enjoy.  Thank You all very much.

I worked on a few pieces trying to use the Frineds With Benefits theme – excellent choice of theme.  I will post three of them today and some others for the final Free Day.  Hope you like them.

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13 Icons

I think it’s my day – so if I am wrong, sorry!

I had actually made 40 icons over the last couple of weeks, however when I turned on my lap-top late last night to upload them, I found the lap-top totally dead. So I have been busy today … I hope that these are OK!

Here are 3 teasers –

 photo 1_zpsyveu6ebj.jpg       photo 13_zpsz9wyxpwm.jpg      photo 6_zpsblpfcvuy.jpg

The 13 are here at my journal

Thanks again to all the mods for their hard work.

Originally posted at

Two Spuffy Drawings

Title: Two Spuffy Drawings
Creator: Fra_Apples (MaggieLaFey)
Warnings: One of the two is slightly NSFW.

Hello all!
I’ve recently practiced with a bit of drawing and of course I chose Spuffy as my subject. I hope you like the results, and yes, I do consider them complete even though some parts may seem unfinished… I can only copy pictures when I draw, and in this case the original pics were just a bit too shadowy. (*coff coff* Buffy’s hand *coff coff*)
I apologise if the picture quality isn’t ideal but I hope you can still like them! And if you feel like it isn’t NSFW please let me know and I’ll remove the warning.
Last but not least: I ALWAYS love and welcome critiques and tips to improve. If you have any, do feel free to let me know :) and if you feel like suggesting scenes/pictures to draw, suggest away!

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Wallpaper: Quiet

My last entry for this round! Sorry for posting again so early, but it’s already 30 November where I am,and I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to post later today. And I need to do it today because again, this entry doubles as a fill for my buffyversebingo   card and this is the last day (and my last entry) to get my bingo!
Anyway, here it is. Nothing to do with Something Blue, but it is blue, so that also counts for something, right?

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Some Banners

Hi everyone – long may the Spuffy love continue!

Today is my day for posting, and I have 2 entries to share. Both are art work, and this first one, here, at my journal are some banners. They are something I am less comfortable with, but have managed to make some Spuffy-love … I hope you enjoy.

For those Mods, and those who worry, my LJ is totally open, so no worries on the link

Originally posted at

Fic: Ostara Blessings

Title: Ostara Blessings

Author: fancyflautist 

Era/season/setting: S6/S7

Rating: PG (minor language)

Summary: Willow enlists the help of the Scoobies for a big abundance ritual for Ostara.  Meanwhile, Buffy is trying to push forward in her relationship with Spike. Featuring grass facts, a hell-bunny, and an original Wiccan ritual!

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Title: ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
Rating: G

Since it’s very close to Christmas, I thought I would make a Christmas themed banner based on the poem “A Visit From St Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore. The banner is specifically based on the line… And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

If you are unfamiliar with the poem, you can view it here.

Below the cut is the banner. Enjoy!

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A banner and an icon

Title: banner and icon
Creator: Sandy S.
Era: banner (Chosen, season 7) and icon (Crush, season 5)
Rating: None
Summary: A banner from that Spuffy sleeping scene in Chosen and an icon from Spike confronting Buffy on their “date.”
Notes: All screencaps by me. I don’t remember where the brushes are from, but I used Photoshop.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and this was just for fun!

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Free for all!

Ok, so, I had nothing for the last round and haven’t written a damn thing for almost 2 months. Then someone posted this amazing picture of Spike on the EF Discussion page…

It was taken from a tumblr post by JPratt. That’s all I know about it, other than it sparked an immediate need to write something about sexy Spike.

ETA: kazzy_cee has recognized the picture as one of her old manips, so someone seems to have added text to that to make a meme. Tumblr is a mystery to me, so I’ve no idea if that’s kosher or not.

So, for free for all day, I have this un-beta’d, thrown together in a hurry, probably likely to be tweaked out of all recognition at some point, little Spuffy ficlet. I’m hoping the awesome picture shows up. Otherwise, the title will make little sense….

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[Fanart] I want the fire back (banner)

Title : I want the fire back

Creator : Miss Kitty

“You are full of love. You love with all your soul. It’s brighter than the fire… blinding.” – First Slayer to Buffy (season 5)

I always particularly liked the fire metaphor when it comes to Buffy and love. The way the first slayer chose to word it by saying that her love was “brighter than the fire“. When Buffy said she wanted “the fire back” in Once More, With Feeling. Spike who describes great love as something that “burns and consumes” in Seeing Red. And of course, the final scene in Chosen, in which Buffy metaphorically got the fire back, when she opens herself to (romantic) love again. I thought it was a beautiful theme regarding their relationship, so here’s a banner about it :)

Originally posted at:

Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery

Title: Spuffy poem recs: light/darkness imagery
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
A/N: For this free-for-all day, I’ll make a rec post to celebrate our new tag, “form: meta/recs”. I am certain that I’m only scratching the surface of the category I chose. Say, what are your favorite Spuffy works that involve night/day or light/darkness? We could rec all day…

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11 cinquain poems

Title: 11 cinquain poems
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Season: 2 and 5-7, but mostly 6
Rating: G, I think
Spike/Other warning: temporary Spike/Drusilla.
A/N: This post brought to you by the BtVS cinquains of dawnofme, though I tried (vaguely) for a different variation of the form.
OffYourBird kindly helped me make a couple of these less cryptic. <3
Shoutout also to the_wiggins, whose useful comment on a different work made me stop and look at one of these and think, ‘Hey, this could be less convoluted’. You can thank thewiggins for not having to sprain your brain as you read, I hope.
I always appreciate feedback, including about things that don’t work so well.

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