School Hard mini-season

Ok – no time to write something new, but this very short piece written waaaaay back in the day for someone (name on story, I think) is set in School Hard. It’s all I’ve got that isn’t just one scene in a much longer fic with no relation to SH. This scene stands on its own:


For Braat 44 who wanted to see a Season II attraction between Spike and Buffy.

Do we really need weapons?
words 375
rating pg13

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School Hard poetry kits (Not a Spectator Sport)

Title: Not a Spectator Sport
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: School Hard (as material), indeterminate (as actual setting)
Rating: PG-13 (potentially)

Notes: Okay, I’m opening, but I’m opening with a thing that people can participate in.
You know how I sometimes mutilate shooting scripts? This isn’t one of those times. This time, I invite *you* to mess with a transcript. Instructions are under the cut.

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Fic: Headache [1/1]

Title: Headache
Author: sunalso
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 592
Setting: S2 immediately post School Hard
Summary: Buffy has always made Spike’s head hurt
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations

A/N: Thank you to Gort for the beta! This is just an itty-bitty thing, but if you want, you can squint at it and it fits into the Doomverse. Also, I’m going with the headcanon that Buffy was on her period in School Hard.

Thank you mods for hosting this little celebration and cheers everyone on 20 years of Spike! :-D
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Ficlet: Meerkat Hard (Meerkat AU #1)

Title: Meerkat Hard
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU based on School Hard
Rating: G, I think
Word count: 471
Summary: How do you think School Hard would have gone if Buffy was a meerkat?
Notes: This is a ripoff of the All-Penguin AU, the Serengeti-verse, etc., inspired by rule 5 of the posting guidelines. A big thank you to seapealsh for helping make sure the thing is written in real English.

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Fic: Stitched Up (10/10 FINALE)

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.


Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Fic: Stitched Up (9/10)

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Fic: Stitched Up (8/10)

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Fic: Stitched Up (7/10)

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Fic: Stitched Up (6/10)

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Banners and Icons for Round 19

Once again, I want to wish the members and maintainers of seasonal_spuffy  a very happy 10 year anniversary! This was only the second time I’ve participated in the banner competition and I learned a lot about digitial editing and design via this project; and I picked up some skills and confidence I didn’t have beforehand. Below is a selection of my banner alts, suitable for use in a story or website project, and of course some icons to go with.

(And if you don’t like alts, or artists gabbing about “the process”, simply scroll down to the pretty icons below. Because this post might be of greater interest to other artists than the general population. Or it might not. I’m just sayin’)

Teasers: spuffybanner6b_iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD_1.png spuffybanner6soikeiconoct2015RSD2.4.jpg spikesNLMiconforssfall2015byrsd_3.1.png spuffyhuglevinsbanner8iconforseasonalspuffysept2015RSD.jpg

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Fic: Blood

I still have a few more minutes left before free-for-all day is over? :D (In my time zone, anyway?)

Title: Blood

Medium: fic

Author/creator: tei_lj

Era/season/setting: A series of vignettes spanning pre-S1 (1994) to post-S6 (2006).

Rating: NC-17 for sex, violence, and, obviously, blood.

Word count: ~2800

Notes: So, this fic was inspired by an offhand remark made on the Female Gaze Podcast about how even in fanfic, let alone most canons, there isn’t enough acknowledgement of menstruation and how it would realistically affect characters’ lives. Menstruation, not Spuffy, is the main theme of this fic, but it is plenty Spuffy by volume ;)

Warnings: Uh, basically, if you think you are going to find this gross, you’re probably right.

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Fic: Stitched Up (5/5/?)

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

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Fic: Stitched Up (4/5/?)

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

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Fic: Stitched Up (3/3/?)

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

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Fic: Stitched Up (2/3/?)

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

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Fic: Stitched Up (1/3/?)

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

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Fic: Stitched Up [Master Post]

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

Warnings: By the laws of California, Buffy is still under the age of consent (18) at the beginning of this fic, and will be for many more months. Spike doesn’t care (he’s evil) and Buffy doesn’t care (she’s a teenager who wants to be treated like an adult) and since Spike has the emotional development of a teen (or even tween) himself, we’ll call it good. She’ll be 18 before they get TOO far, anyhow. There will be sexual situations, bad language, character death (or characters-sucked-into-a-demon-dimension, which is close enough), and plain old explicit sex. Also an ensouled sock. If you keep reading, don’t blame me.

Temporary Spike/Drusilla & Buffy/Angel – nothing explicit, but given where this fic veers off, some mooning is inevitable.

Thanks to feliciacraft, who wrote a post on Tumblr that was the initial inspiration for this plot, and to restfield and the_moonmoth, who kept making it worse, until we ended up with this fine and glorious adventure. Tumblr is a scary, scary place. More thanks to the_moonmoth for her thorough beta-read, especially for coming through on very short notice for chapters 2 and 3

EDIT 11/29/15: Story is in its final form! 10 chapters, just over 50,000 words. Thank you all for reading!

Chapter 1: Becoming (a Sock)

Chapter 2: A Sock with a Soul

Chapter 3: A Sock with a Mission

Chapter 4: A Sock with a Scheme

Chapter 5: A Sock at a Loss

Chapter 6: A Sock Changes Course

Chapter 7: A Sock on a Rampage

Chapter 8: A Sock’s Plans Unravel

Chapter 9: A Sock Victorious

Chapter 10: A Sock Moves On (finale)


Originally posted at

Picspams, icons & banners

Hi! :) This is my first participation to Seasonal Spuffy. November 5th is my day, so here we go! I wasn’t really inspired by the theme, but I tried to do some stuff that I hope you will like. I’m not great when it comes to fanarts, but I find them fun to make. :) There are picspams, icons & banners.

Happy 10th anniversary to Seasonal Spuffy!

Creator : Miss Kitty

Warning: It contains some spoilers for the comics canon (season 8 & season 10). Please be careful if you don’t want to know anything about it :)

(For the moderators: I just noticed that some tags haven’t been accepted when I wrote them, I don’t know why, but sorry about that.)

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