
Special thanks to cordykitten for saving many of my old Spike/Buffy icons! This post is dedicated to her… And you can go here to find all the ones she saved…please forgive the quality of the older ones.

I used a lot of screencaps from Blood Queen and brushes by inxsomniax. Thank you to fangfaceandrea for letting me use the comic book images you posted on your LJ.
Season 4:
1 spuffy10-10-15m.png 2 spuffy9-19-15c.png 3 spuffy9-19-15d.png

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Banners and Icons Inspired by Shapinglight’s “Casablanca” (and Rebcake’s request for poppies)

My apologies for missing the 11th: my internet connection went bust as I was finishing this post. We just came back live, yay!  Now without further adieu, on with the show.

This being my first post proper at seasonal_spuffy: HAPPY TENTH ANNIVERSARY! Thank you to the mods and members for all the work they do to keep this alive and especial thanks this past month to teragramm for all her advice and support and to rebcake for still being one of the nicest people I know in fandom.

First off, some poster art for shapinglight ‘s “Casablanca” from Round 18; I’ve wanted to make artwork for it since I read it last May and this round provided the perfect motivation and excuse.  As usual for me there are alts: in this case, four poster styles, plus accompanying icons. I’ve tried to be faithful to the spirit if not the letter of shapinglight‘s wonderful, mournful, elegant and strangely hopeful tale. I hope she approves. She is welcome to use any and all she likes.*


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Picspams, icons & banners

Hi! :) This is my first participation to Seasonal Spuffy. November 5th is my day, so here we go! I wasn’t really inspired by the theme, but I tried to do some stuff that I hope you will like. I’m not great when it comes to fanarts, but I find them fun to make. :) There are picspams, icons & banners.

Happy 10th anniversary to Seasonal Spuffy!

Creator : Miss Kitty

Warning: It contains some spoilers for the comics canon (season 8 & season 10). Please be careful if you don’t want to know anything about it :)

(For the moderators: I just noticed that some tags haven’t been accepted when I wrote them, I don’t know why, but sorry about that.)

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More comic icons – free for all day

Creator: double_dutchess
Form: icons
Era: comics season 10

Thanks to all who have made this Seasonal Spuffy such a great event with their wonderful contributions! Here is mine: a set of S10 comics icons. If anyone’s interested in any of them, snag away. (Don’t forget to check out the comic icons made by teragramm as well!)

Original artists: Steve Morris (6/7), Megan Levens (2/16), Rebekah Isaacs (all the rest).



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A Matter of Time

matter_of_time_thumb.jpgTitle: It’s Just a Matter of Time
Author: comlodge
Characters: Buffy & Spike
Medium: Art – Icon, Wallpaper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters but they should be.
A/N: An homage to the comics finally seeing the light and drawing the Spuffy!!! It’s about time!!! Comic Canon!! In colours of red and gold for the passion and truth of their love.
Winner at the 2015 No Rest for the Wicked Arwards

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24 Icons [btvs S2, S5, S7, spike/buffy]

Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since I made icons, I used photoshop for two years almost just for work and I was out there thinking `do you remember when I had that obsessive-compulsive disorder?´ I miss that! I played around with a different textures and I have to admit, I was not sure of anything again but that’s fine, this is so compulsive and obsessive and fantastic, you have brought me back. Thanks and enjoy! ;)

.| [01-09] 5×22 The Gift.
.| [10-16] 2×22 Becoming Part 2.
.| [17-21] 7×20 Touched.
.| [22-23] 7X02 Beneath You.
.| [—-24] 7×01 Lessons.

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It’s free for all day on Seasonal Spuffy

spike_buffy_thumbTitle: Spike & Buffy love_story_thumb
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Buffy
Medium: Artwork
Genre: High Romance
Rating: PG
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: I play for fun.
Summary: So basically I’ve been able to work my Spuffy heart a lot this past week or three. The problem with Spuffy art, is that Joss was mean and gave us so little ‘couple’ time with these guys – even in promo shots. So one is restricted to either heads and caps from SB or S6 or Buffy bot and, nothing wrong with that, but we have to go rip off other peoples’ bodies to get in some good cuddling time. I’ve done a bit of both in my attempt to give my fave couple just a little romance.

All totally work safe. As always, I’m happy for anyone to use anything that takes your fancy.

So, I started with a simple one and used a time honoured phrase that i think fits them both well.

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Spuffy icons (random)

Hi guys, I’m sorry that I’m writing a little late but I’m trying to upload some icons more but photobucket isn’t working. Now I can get to the login screen but after I log it’s still crashing and I can’t upload more. I couldn’t see these until an hour ago and have been waiting but nothing happens. So if I can upload them in a few hours, I’ll edit this entry to not disturb others and these appear as a magic trick. I know, this will get worse! I don’t know if still I have posting access, but if I can’t I’ll be back later on the free for all day.

I don’t want to leave with just bad news so requests are open here! I think it’s the least I can do. So sorry guys, love you, always.

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The Good Old Days… Part 1

4X09SB1547_thumbTitle: Unlikely Beginnings
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Buffy Summers and Spike aka William the Bloody
Medium: Art – Banners
Genre: Romance with a dash of Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The charachters belong to others. This is a small tribute.
Summary: A retrospective of a relationship that was unlikely, that began with obsession, continued in desperation and ended in love and sacrifice.

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20 Icons ramdom !

Hello everybody! First of all let me say thank you for this awesome round, I’m trying to catch up but I missed a lot! I’m late but I so grateful to be here anyway, thank you for all your work.

I have some icons to share but it’s not much. I KNOW! I’m so sorry, really, I was so slow last week, I had some bronchial spasms (sorry I’m not sure if it’s spelled that way) but the important thing is I feel beter today and happy to see you guys and I don’t want to miss this so please enjoy them, promise more in the near future when my lungs go back to normal :)

•| 20 icons [spuffy random]

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Gif Requests Filled, Part One

On my posting day I asked for gif requests and today I’ll be sharing the results! I hope you’ll check them out even if you haven’t requested anything, there were some great prompts all around.

First up are a pair of lovely S7 moments.

For frayadjacent who said: I’d love to see one showing the look they exchange when Buffy rescues Spike at the end of “Showtime”. A definite top Spuffy moment for me. :)

For debris4spike, a personalized icon and gif from the bedroom scene at the end of Touched. (Plus a non-personalized icon up for grabs.)

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