The King And She Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The King And She

It’s my posting day today and I bring a rather long fic with a terrible title (I can’t think of anything better).

This story started life in July on sb_fag_ends  so the first 5000 words might be familiar to those of you who read it then. The rest I’ve made up as I’ve gone along in discrete 1000 word(ish) chunks. My evil twin has used this technique for writing stories many times, but it’s the first time I have.

It’s similar to the evil twin stories, though, in that it’s basically self-indulgent fannish wish fulfilment. Hope you enjoy it anyway.

Setting: Place-wise, London. Timewise, bit indeterminate, actually. The Fag Ends prompt the first five chapters were written for was What if Giles got in contact with Spike on Buffy’s behalf ten years on,but I got confused and forgot that ten years after Chosen is… well, now. So there are some things that might seem puzzling, like Buffy wearing shoes designed not by Jimmie Choo, but by his daughter Emily etc. Oh, just go with it.

ETA: Just to be clear, this story does not give the Buffy comics the time of day.

Pairing: Spike/Buffy (weirdly enough), mention of Buffy/Angel and some Spike/Angel prickly bromance-y type stuff. Also, Willow/Kennedy.

Rating: PG13/R (mostly for swear words).

Unbeta’d.(My spelling’s quite good, okay?)

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The Best of All Possible Worlds (Spike/Buffy, R)

Title The Best of All Possible Worlds
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating R
Words 3500
Setting the not so good old days. Despite first appearances, very much not an all-human AU.
A/N Blame Gill for how this turned porny. I was going for a romp, mostly, before she nudged me a bit. Anyway. I’m not sure it was ever going to make much sense.

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FIC: When the Rest of Heaven Was Blue 4/6 (WIP)

My contribution this year will be another chapter of the WIP I started for Seasonal Spuffy a couple of years ago, and which I have been since updating at a glacial pace. It seemed apt, considering the theme of this round.

Title:When the Rest of Heaven Was Blue
Rating: R-ish (for violence)
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (d’uh)
Summary: After Willow’s spell goes wrong during a mission, Spike and Buffy have to face the demons in their relationship.
Spoilers/setting: Set in a vague post-everything future where Spike and Buffy are an established couple. Ignores the comics.

Read @ AO3

Expect the next chapter, oh, sometime next year maybe ;)

fic: And Indeed There Will Be Time

Sorry this is a little on the late side, but it’s been an alarmingly busy week!

Here’s my entry for today, which is a post series (technically, AtS Season 5) ficlet about Spike’s resurrection. It’s a little short, because the fic I was planning on finishing and posting is as of now unfinished, as a result of my aforementioned awful week. I’ll post it on the free for all day, assuming that I finish it by then. Nonetheless, here’s today’s fic!

Title: And Indeed There Will Be Time
Rating: PG-13
Words: 941
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything in this unofficial fanwork, nor do I claim to or profit in any way.
Summary: Spike hadn’t wanted Buffy to know that he was alive, but she found out anyways. Set in S5, after Spike’s corporialization.

It’s Written in the Stars

Title: It’s Written in the Stars
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike/Buffy
Genre: Mystery, angst, memory loss, hurt/comfort
Setting: Post ATS series. Non comics
Words: 5,300
Rating: MA for language and mentions of violence and sex
Prompt: For seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: The charachters belong to Joss and Co. This story line is mine though.
Summary: Buffy and Spike wake in an unfamiliar room, injured from an unremembered battle, with faulty memories of their past.

‘Let the healing power begin. Let my will be safe again. As these words of peace are spoken, let this harmful spell be broken.’

Willow looked around the crypt. The demons had vanished. Anya and Xander were standing, checking each other for injury. Buffy and Spike were… Buffy and Spike were still embracing each other, still kissing. Oops. That wasn’t right. Not right at all.
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Fic: What A Drag It Is, Buffy/Spike, NC17

OK, I’m a teensy bit early, but it’s past midnight somewhere, right?

What A Drag It Is
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike, Willow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Buffy decides to spice things up for Spike’s birthday. Things get a little spicier than she bargained for.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It contains spoilers for previous works in the series. Written for Seasonal Spuffy’s 2012 Fall Round. Many thanks to betas bruttimabuoni, slaymesoftly, typographer, and kehf, without whose invaluable help this story would be significantly less nifty. As an aside, it should be noted that The Vamp is a real thing, available at fine purveyors of erotic appliances everywhere.
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Fic: Fire in the Soul (5/?)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Fire in the Soul

Title: Fire in the Soul (5/?)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 4100
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, with Dru and OCs.
A/N: Thanks for the quickie betas by shapinglight and MiAmor. Some photos contained herein are copyrighted as noted. NOT comics compliant.
Summary: A few years after Sunnydale’s spectacular demise, Buffy and her crew are getting on with their lives in San Francisco. A not entirely unwelcome blast from her past (Spike! It’s Spike!) blows into town, but he’s brought more than the generally allowable amount of baggage with him.

Chapter 1 on LJ / Chapter 1 on DW — In which a “chance” encounter leads to strong language and less-than-adult behavior. Also: animal magnetism.
Chapter 2a on LJ / Chapter 2a on DW — In which Dawn makes her feelings known and Buffy tries not to.
Chapter 2bc on LJ / Chapter 2bc on DW— In which Buffy gets on with her Sunday, which naturally ends up being weird.
Chapter 3 on LJ / Chapter 3 on DW — In which Buffy checks in with Giles and has another bizarre vampire meet up.
Chapter 4 on LJ / Chapter 4 on DW — In which Buffy possibly overthinks things before she and Spike try that new-fangled “communication” thing.

New today:
Chapter 5 on LJ / Chapter 5 on DW — In which Spike and Buffy lick their respective wounds after a communication breakdown.

Always Knew I’d Go Down Fightin

So, my day! I’ve got two things: The first (below) is set in the verse I (unintentionally) started with Things That Go Bump in the Night. By now, in addition to that original long fic, there are lots of ficlets documenting Spike and Buffy’s early years together (thanks to Schmoop Bingo). All you really need to know about that verse, is that quite a few years after Chosen and NFA, Buffy found Spike again, and after the aforementioned long fic, Spike is now fully human but has the same slayer powers as Buffy. This ficlet is set many years in the future, when their family has grown and now includes grandchildren. The title is one of Spike’s lines from the show – he just had no idea how long it would be until it actually happened…

Title: “Always Knew I’d Go Down Fightin’”
Author: Slaymesoftly
Words: 2800+
Rating: PG13
Summary: Spike and Buffy wonder if they’ve become too old to be effective slayers. Turns out they get a chance to find out… (see above for backstory)
Disclaimer: Not my characters and no money is being made off them.
Thanks: to gillo who offered to look this over for me before it went up, and as always, improved it greatly. Any mistakes left are due to my tinkering and/or ignoring her good advice. ☺

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Fic: Time Can Fly But Also Slow by Laure Alexander

I never post to comms over here, wondered why I didn’t have posting access on the LJ comm; luckily I figured it out pretty quickly. *sigh*

Title: Time Can Fly But Also Slow
Author: Laure Alexander
Rating: PG14
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Suggested sex, aging
Disclaimer: Nothing about BtVS belongs to me; it’s all Joss; I’m just playing with his characters and making them do naughty things.
Distribution: Please ask first. Will be at my site Meandering Muse
Word Count: 2102
Summary: Written for seasonal_spuffy. I liked the “time” bit about the “time after time” prompt so I went with something set many, many years in the future as an elderly Buffy and her never aging vampire spend the twilight of her life in peace and happiness.
Author’s Note: Okay, I’m twenty minutes late, but I wrote 15000 words of a big bang over the last two days! And yet I can still write Buffy/Spike at the drop of a hat. Helps I’ve been doing it for nearly fifteen years. *g*
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Fic: Cruellest Month

OK, a little late, but it’s still Friday in plenty of places! It’s so cool to see so many contributions piling up in this round. Here’s my little offering – vaguely post-NFA, not particularly comics-compliant. It’s that time of year again, when things build to a head and apocalypses have to be faced one more time.

Fic: Cruellest Month
Rating: G
Period: post NFA
Writer: gillo

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Ver Sacrum (Spike/Buffy, PG13)

Title Ver Sacrum
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Words 4100
Setting Post-series: quite soon after Not Fade Away, Buffy has a visitor
Genre Adventure/quest
A/N Inspired by, among other things, three photos from the writerconuk photostream (two of them are mine, but the third is courtesy of curiouswombat), and my recentish trip to Vienna, where the Secession artists took Ver Sacrum as their motto.

The original photos are The Dark Tree, The Steps to the Sea, and the Ballroom of Ghosts. The very minor art is my own.
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fic: with my face to the sun

author: verity
title: with my face to the sun
rating: NC-17
setting: post-series
words: 4200
contains: parties, pancakes, resurrection, explicit sex, redemption, and friendship.
summary: After mysteriously surviving the battle in LA, Faith joins Buffy and Spike in Cleveland. It’s complicated. (Spuffy romance, Buffy & Faith and Spike & Faith friendship.)
notes: This is a direct sequel to the principle of the thing (700 words), which I recommend reading beforehand.
thanks: to aerintine for her comments about a much earlier draft which I shared with her many moons ago!

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fic: they’re telling our story on the radio

Title: they’re telling our story on the radio
Author: Lirazel/penny_lane_42
Medium: fiction
Rating: PG
Word count: 10,520(!!!)
Warning: Crack, silliness, and (fond) mocking of real people
Setting: post-“Not Fade Away,” can possibly be set in my “Variations on Eternity”-verse if you like

Explanation: Um. So. My head’s been totally in kdrama land lately, but it’s my seasonal_spuffy day. So I decided to combine the two things. Because that is who I am now apparently. There are a couple of not-so-veiled references to various kdramas floating around in here as well as appearances by actual people, but no real knowledge of Korean pop culture are necessary to understanding the story. I’ll be honest with y’all: this is really just an excuse to cast Yoon Eun Hye as a Slayer and to make fun of Kim Myung Soo. I have no excuse for my ridiculousness. Just love me anyway.

A/N: The only thing you need to know to understand this story is that fangirls for the band Infinite call themselves “Inspirits.” There are links to songs and videos that might help you enjoy the fic more, but they’re absolutely not necessary to understanding it (and I make no promises as to the quality of the music). Korean culture is not my own, so I apologize for any mistakes I may have made. The title comes from the song “Cuckoo” by Lissie. Thanks to angearia for absolutely invaluable feedback and to snickfic for saving me from ruining Spike’s voice completely. This hasn’t been fully betaed, though, so any and all mistakes and rough patches are my own.

Summary: “We have to save them. They have a comeback scheduled next week. And if it’s too hot where the demon is keeping them, Myung Soo might go crazy.” Wherein Buffy and Spike have to team up with Korean Slayers to save a kpop boy band from a demon. And there is crack and dancing demons and a discussion about how great Black Books is and torture-by-pop-music and unrequited love and harnessing the power of fangirls to take over the world. Of course.
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Last Dance

Hi. It’s my posting day today. As usual, I’ve just gone with the theme of the round. Hope you enjoy.

Setting: Post-apocalyptic rather different outcome of Shells in AtS season 5.
Pairing: The one, the only.
Rating: PG-R, for a little bad language
Beta: Beta’d by Dwyld on LJ, to whom many thanks.
2442 words. May be part of a longer fic one day, but I hope it stands on its own.

Last Dance
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Not Quite the Fireworks I Was Expecting

Medium: Fic
Title: Not Quite the Fireworks I Was Expecting
Timeline: Post-Chosen, loosely AtS Season 5
Rating: PG-13 for Spike-style swearing
Summary: That bad jazz is awfully familiar, and who could forget that ear-searing red silk suit? Of course, the consummate consumer of melodrama has just popped by Spike’s dingy room for a friendly chat….
A/N: I am so excited to be writing for Seasonal Spuffy, my first home in the Buffy fandom and always always an exciting challenge for me! I tried to stick with the theme this time through, just for a challenge. Thanks, mods, for sneaking me on to the calendar at the last minute and running such a tight ship!

Also, this is my first-ever adventure off of lj and onto Dreamwidth… If you catch me doing something idiotic, boy I’d appreciate the high sign!

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