Art by eyesthatslay
era: post-series
Something Special (2/6)
Art by eyesthatslay
Something Special (1/6)
Title: Something Special
Story Artist: Eyesthatslay
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy sets out to help Spike feel like he means something to her for their anniversary. Set in an AU universe after season 5 of AtS.
Word Count: 7773 (not including this voluminous intro)
Pictures: 6
Author’s Dedication: For eyesthatslay and musing_mia for always being so kind to me and for zarrah04, _sin_attract, inxsomniax, aimeedee, jenniepennie, velvetwhip, amoonchilde, and ghostgirl13 just because. Special thanks to eyesthatslay for coming up the magnificent title and for so beautifully illustrating the story. Collaborating with you has been an amazing, unique, and fun experience!
Artist’s Dedication: For sandy_s, truly one of the kindest people I know, and a friend I will always treasure. For Natalie, my sister by choice. I’m so grateful for you. For amoonchilde and musing_mia, my two earliest fandom friends, that I’ve been blessed to call real life friends for many years now. And for my wonderful Mom, who is more amazing than I can say.
Author’s Note: This project was created for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the theme As Time Goes By. It’s also the 20th anniversary of BtVS, so an anniversary tale…. :o) Thank you to eyesthatslay, petzipellepingo, rebcake, tx_cronopio, gillo, kazzy_cee, trepkos, fangfaceandrea, facingthesun, shapinglight, amoonchilde, and slaymesoftly who helped me with little details, such as what Giles might drink after dinner, little Spuffy moments, and location ideas. While I didn’t use all of them here, I appreciate the discussion… made the fic writing more fun and interactive and made my little corner of fandom feel warm and cozy again… like coming home.
Regarding Grief (2/2)
After Spike’s Death
I’m not sure when I noticed that Buffy didn’t share her painful feelings with the people in her life.
Regarding Grief (1/2)
Title: Regarding Grief
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Summary: Dawn is grieving… first Buffy and then Spike, and they are grieving for each other. Dawn POV.
Word Count: 7710 total for part 1 and 2, not counting quotes or notes.
Author’s Note: Written for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the As Time Goes By theme. Beautiful banner by eyesthatslay. This story is tied to our collaboration, which I will post this evening, but it is by no means necessary to read both fics. This is unbetaed, so apologies for typos; I did read it over numerous times.
Dedication: For Mahwish, who was beautiful inside and out, and won’t ever be forgotten. For Father Patillo, who was the kindest, funniest, and most down to earth priest and person.
As Time Goes By (1/1)
Title: As Time Goes By
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG
Summary: As time goes by, Spike and Buffy find their way back to each other. Set post-Chosen and then post-Not Fade Away in an alternate, non-comic-book-related universe.
Word Count: 1352
Author’s Note: I wanted to do something for Seasonal Spuffy with the song, and this was all that would come out. This is a bit of a rough one and unbetaed, so hope you like it.
Filling in for megan_peta today, so this one’s for you, dear! *hugs* :o)
Special thank you to all the people who run the community, too!
White Picket Fence
Title: White Picket Fence
Author: Puddinhead
Setting: Unnamed bit of California in 2071
Word Count: 3972
Rating: PG. But I also feel this needs a sadness warning.
Summary: Spike visits Buffy who has been stricken with Alzheimers.
Notes: This was personal and difficult to write so I only just finished it this morning and did not have time for a beta. Sorry about that.
A Matter of Time
First of all, many thanks to the mods for keeping this community going. Second of all, apologies for not commenting on other people’s entries much yet. Hoping to rectify that in the coming days.
Here is my contribution. I only had one idea this round. It’ll become apparent pretty quickly what that was.
Setting: Post-series, not following comics continuity. Buffy is the head of a Slayer quasi-military organisation, but there are no flying submarines, promise.
Rating: PG13/R for slight sexual situations and swearing
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (goes without saying, obvs), brief mention of Spike/Drusilla
Happy Returns (PG13)
Title Happy Returns
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Setting 507 days after Chosen. Give or take an hour.
Words 5200
A/N: There’s a loose backstory to this in which an AU post-Sunnydale Slayer Council set up somewhere in New York City, and Angel’s gang did join W&H but without the Black Thorn climactic fight. Largely unexplored here. Go with it?
Fic: Five times Spike and Buffy were under the influence of… and one time they weren’t
It’s my posting day, yay!
I was quite shocked when I saw garnigal ‘s entry (as much as there was still room for more shock, given her posting date), and even more so when I saw how really amazing it is. (If you haven’t read it, I strongly recommend you go do it!) But my awesome cheer-me-on beta thenewbuzwuzz told me (unasked, I might add :) thank you for that, honey!) I shouldn’t worry, it was different enough from mine, so I stopped thinking about throwing it away and go into hiding on my posting day.
Mine lacks the total awesomeness that is garnigal’s almost poetic piece and is intstead more of a run-of-the-mill fic, but hey, I offer more words, that’s something, right?
A huge thanks to my two betas! While Thenewbuzwuzz was my first impression voice on the raw draft, encouraged me and pointed out some ‘huh?’-moments, my amzing long-time beta (well, it is more than a year now, is it?) seapealsh took care of all those preposition errors, the weird cases of ‘-ing’ or not to ‘-ing’, and generally all those things that happen when a non-native speaker butchers your wonderful language. I’d be lost without her. Thank you both so much!!!
I also want to thank the mods for all the work they put into making this amazing event possible, time after time!
So, here goes… enjoy!
Title: Five times Spike and Buffy were under the influence of…and one time they weren’t
Author: freecat15
Setting: s4 to post series
Rating: PG-13; contains canon typical violence and sex.
Length: ~ 3,500 words
Fic: “Defeat” (1/1)
By: caia
Rating: PG
Genre: angst
Length: ficlet
Standard disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine, just the story.
Feedback: Please! (N.B.: While I appreciate the sentiment behind heart-clicks, I cannot see them.)
Fic: What Happens in Canada (3/4)
Title: What Happens in Canada (3/4)
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 1200
Rating: Mature for language, themes, and science
Setting: Unspecified post-series future wherein Slayers and other supernatural things are known to at least some of the public, and Buffy and Spike are a couple.
Summary: For the good of her sister Slayers, Buffy participates in a study (in Canada). She’s a giver.
Moodboard/collage tribute to “My Life Closed Twice” by anaross
Title: Moodboard for “My Life Closed Twice”
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Author’s notes
Based on “My Life Closed Twice” by anaross.
The idea to make moodboards for fanfic comes from a tumblr post that I saw sometime this year and didn’t manage to track down afterwards. My goal was to arrange pre-existing images and texts so that whoever looks at them would (ideally) feel like I feel when I read the fic.
Thanks goes to the generous freecat15 for quality cheerleading, helping me become unstuck, and providing the valuable perspective of someone who doesn’t see into my head, so that I could then ignore it. Any visual blunders are all mine.
I don’t own any images or other collage ingredients: sources at the bottom of the post.
Fic: Home Free
Title: Home Free
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1000
Setting: The future, for the Under the Influence of War free day.
Warnings: Not Subtle
Summary: Our heroes in war time…
Fic: Desert Wonderland
Greetings! I am (hopefully) getting in just under the wire with my Free for All entry. I hope you enjoy this little something. Comments are always welcome!
Title: Desert Wonderland
Author: st_salieri
Rating: PG
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Timeline: a few years post-Chosen, not comics compliant
Warnings: typical show violence
Summary: An encounter with a creature terrorizing the inhabitants of Palm Springs sends Buffy, Spike, Dawn and Xander on an adventure in the desert. (AKA: Buffy licks the good toad, with my apologies to Lewis Carroll for the title.)
Fic: What Happens in Canada (2/4)
Title: What Happens in Canada (2/4)
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 1700
Rating: Mature — for language, themes, and science
Setting: Unspecified post-series future wherein Slayers and other supernatural things are known to at least some of the public, and Buffy and Spike are a couple.
Summary: For the good of her sister Slayers, Buffy participates in a study (in Canada). She’s a giver.
Note: OMG, you guys! Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about slayer sexual response research and this has become much more involved than I planned. Let me know if you spot any errors, please.
Changing It All
Title: Changing It All
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/Pairing: Spike/Buffy, Giles
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: seasonal_spuffy: A New Era
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 1,812
Date Written: 10 May, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Whedon, not the author, and are used without permission.
Together Again – 6
So, free for all day and all I have is a very new Chapter Six of Together Again. This is not the last chapter; probably not even the next to last. But it’s all I’ve got by now. I’ve gone over it fairly often for something that was still being written this morning, and every time I find something – a typo, a missing word, a little teeny bit of inconsistency with what went before…. My feelings will not be hurt it you give me a poke about something. Chances are, the version that goes up on the archives, and after that, on my own website, will be in much better shape. But it is what it is. As I finish more chapters (probably no more than two, but who knows how the fight will go?), they’ll be available on my LJ under the tag for this story.
Fic: What Happens in Canada (1/4)
Title: What Happens in Canada (1/4)
Author: Rebcake
Word count: 1400
Rating: Mature — for language, themes, and science
Setting: Unspecified post-series future wherein Slayers and other supernatural things are known to at least some of the public, and Buffy and Spike are a couple.
Summary: For the good of her sister Slayers, Buffy participates in a study (in Canada). She’s a giver.
Note: This is very last-minute and unbetaed, so don’t be shy about pointing out any errors you find.
Ch. 3, 4, 5 of Together Again
Next three chapters of my fic for today. I hope to have the last two ready to post before the round ends…