The Quest (1/5)

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series The Quest

Greetings, everyone. It’s my posting day, and I’m getting in under the wire as usual.

I have something a little different to share with you. It has action! adventure! romance! maybe more! My only request is that you start at the beginning and follow the instructions as you read.

After all, this is your adventure too.

Title: The Quest
Author: Salieri
Rated: PG
Summary: Buffy, Spike and Angel find themselves involved in a deadly quest. Takes place post-series, and in my world the comics don’t exist.

Thank you to enigmaticblues! I hope you all enjoy it!

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Fic: Daddy’s Girl by Bogwitch

Hello again. Right, story two!

Title: Daddy’s Girl
Author: Bogwitch
Word Count: 1769
Rating:: Teen
Warnings: Not really, some sexual references.
Spoilers: Post-Chosen. Ignores Season 8 which I have not read and have never accepted as canon.
Summary: Spike ‘gives away’ his daughter at her wedding, sort of
Authors Note: last year I asked my friends list for some prompts and so the ones I accepted were duly written. Yet there was one prompt that went so totally against very fibre of who I am that it proved quite a challenge. This is the result. The prompt? ‘Spuffy – Spike giving his daughter away at her wedding’. Thank you xc_runner50  for waiting, this one is yours.

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Fic: Traditional Love Stories by tashlae

Title: Traditional Love Stories
Rating: PG
Timeline: more or less post NFA (and ignorant of the comics as well) but references to S2-7.  Basically.
Summary: This is not a love story.  It’s sort of hard to say that when there’s this much attempted murder.
A/N:  I’m excited to be posting!  This is a little bit strange, but I hope everyone likes it.

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Fic: Holiday on Helarth ~ Ch.02 ~ by Dawnofme

For my last post the season, I leave you with the second chapter of this fic.  Thank you, enigmaticblues, for all your hard work to keep this community going.

Title:  Holiday on Helarth
Author:  dawnofme
Rating:  NC-17
Timeline:  End of Season Seven
Betas:  mabel_marsters, seapealsh, diebirchen & megan_peta All mistakes are my own doing.  I was in a bit of rush to get this last chapter posted and made some quick, last-minute changes.

Summary:  Buffy refuses to leave Spike to die in the high school basement.  When she takes the amulet off, they end up in another dimension.  Alive, wounded and exhausted, they must deal with a world that’s very different from their own, yet eerily familiar.  It’s not Hawaii or a cruise in the Caribbean, but they manage to make a holiday of it.

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Fic: Holiday on Helarth ~ Ch.01 ~ by Dawnofme

Title:  Holiday on Helarth
Author:  dawnofme
Rating:  NC-17
Timeline:  End of Season Seven
Betas:  mabel_marsters, seapealsh, diebirchen, megan_peta & xtanitx

Summary:  Buffy refuses to leave Spike to die in the high school basement.  When she takes the amulet off, they end up in another dimension.  Alive, wounded and exhausted, they must deal with a world that’s very different from their own, yet eerily familiar.  It’s not Hawaii or a cruise in the Caribbean, but they manage to make a holiday of it.

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Fic: Basiare

Title: Basiare
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Medium: fiction
Rating: PG
Genre: romance, angst
Timeperiod: post-“Not Fade Away”
Warning: some Buffy/Other
Thanks to: My betas: angearia for perspective, encouragement, and some of the best bits of dialogue; and snickfic for squee, snark, clarity, and saying, “Um, I think this needs a shape. You know, an actual arc.” Y’all constantly save me from myself. Thanks as well to quinara for Latin-y type help with the title.
A/N: This is a prequel to Infinitas Infinitio Infinitus. It’s not necessary that you read that fic, though you might enjoy it after you’ve finished this one. :D
Summary: “She didn’t kiss him hello, and she doesn’t kiss him goodbye.” This is Buffy and this is Spike and they’ve never done anything the easy way.

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Fic: Crossing

Title Crossing
Author Brutti ma Buoni
Word count 1700
Rating Mild R
A/N: Just one short offering for my day; ah well. I write a post-Chosen AU called the Rulesverse, which is mainly a Faith/Giles world. But Spuffy has turned up in that world, far into the future. I’ve never written how they reconnected post Chosen – till now. You don’t need any Rulesverse background info to get this story, though I hope you’ll be inspired to come and read more!

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Fic: Reoffender 1/4

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Reoffender

Thanks to enigmaticblues  for continuing to maintain this. I had to miss my original posting day, so following is a story I first began posting for seasonal_spuffy  two years ago, finally complete.

Title: Reoffender
Author: Anne
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Post both AtS and BtVS finales. Mild spoilers for early S8 comics.
Disclaimers: Still not mine. Wish they were.
Summary: “They say it’s really him, William the Bloody.” Even with a Slayer’s stake pressed to his chest, she could hear the worshipful tone. “They, they say the city’s wide open now, after last year, that Wolfram and Hart debacle, word’s out that he’s recruiting, building an army. Gonna be the Master of LA, I reckon.  Continue Reading

(Don’t) Call Me Love 1/2

Here’s my second offering for the day. I’ve debated with myself about posting it at all because it didn’t turn out the way i anticipated and i’m not sure i like it. My beta tells me it’s worth posting so i guess i will, and hope that someone enjoys it.

(Don’t) Call Me Love
~14,000 words
Much thanks to starrynights24  for the beta’ing. Any remaining mistake is my own.

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