(Fic) His Heart Belongs to You PG-14

This is not only my second fanfic EVER, this also my first post for Seasonal Spuffy EVER. So go easy on me!

Title: “His Heart Belongs to You”
Author: chosenenemy
Timeline: Chosen and right after that. Sort of AU
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-14
Warnings: Just a bit of sex talk
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters and places, they all belong to Joss Whedon, and that other God.
Summary: Right before the big fight, Buffy blurrily said to Spike that maybe after the fight, they might start something. But he died, and the suggestion never came to play. But what if Spike hadn’t died?

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Fic: Fire in the Soul (2a/?)

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Fire in the Soul

Title: Fire in the Soul (2a/?)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13, this chapter
Word count: 1140
Summary: A few years after Sunnydale’s spectacular demise, Buffy and her crew are getting on with their lives in San Francisco. A not entirely unwelcome blast from her past blows into town, but he’s brought more than the generally allowable amount of baggage with him.

A/N: This half-chapter takes place the morning after the events of Chapter 1. Alas, it’s just a couple of gals sitting around talking, but more plot is coming soon (tomorrow?) on my journal. I’ll link from the bottom of this chapter when it’s up.
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Home Is Where They Have To Take You In – Chapter Three

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

The header is a lie. But here’s a link to the next chapter of Home Is Where They Have To Take You In. From this chapter on, the rest of the fic will be posted on my journal (or at DW). This is the last chapter being posted tonight, but I may have time to do another one tomorrow.

Chapter Three

Fic -Home Is Where They Have To Take You In Chapter Two

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

I think this is the last chapter I’m going to put up on the community. In the interest of not clogging things up on open posting day, I’ll provide a link to my journal and all the rest of the chapters will be up on there. Probably take me a while though – it’s a beautiful day and I want to work outside, and I need to clean house, so…

Chapter Two

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Fic -Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

Okay, it’s open posting day and I’m following rahirah – not my favorite thing to do. Try to avoid comparisons, okay? LOL

This is a future fic that totally ignores the comics, so no issues there (except for people who want to take the comics as canon for post show stuff, in which case, just think of it as an AU fic) I’m going to post the first couple of chapters here, then shift to a link to my journal. I’m six+ chapters in to what is probably going to be a fairly long story (just based on where it is right now). Oh the up side, the chapters are fairly long, so there won’t be as many of them as there could be if they were really short. Good for readers who want to get through the story quickly, not so good for those with short attention spans. *g* The fic was inspired by some art work that kudagirl put up some time ago. I asked her if I could use her picture for a fic and she said yes. This is the result.sult.

Title: Home Is Where They Have To Take You In
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: No idea right now. It’s barely PG ATM, but I suspect at some point it could get raunchier.
Summary: Buffy lives in London where she and Giles are running a Slayer/Watcher school. She has found an old house that used to belong to the Pratts and has used some “found” money to buy it and refurbish it to live in. A very weak and badly injured vampire, who claims to be harmless, hides in her garden and she, somewhat to her own surprise, doesn’t stake him right away.

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None So Blind

Whoops! Just squeaking in under the wire. Here’s a little “quickie” ficlet to take the place of the one I didn’t quite finish. It’s really rough, but my laptop is overheating again, so even though I had set aside the entire weekend for writing, I’ve had to do it in short, spaced-out spurts.

The other two stories are almost done, but they’ll have to wait  until the free-for-all day. I’ll also polish this one up and post it to my LJ at a later date.

In the meantime, many thanks to all involved. I’m soooo ready to check out all the great offerings!

Title: None So Blind
Author: annapurna_2
Timeline: Post-NFA but AU in relation to the Season 8 comics
Rating: G
Genre: Future; reunion
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Ficlet: How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Words

Title: How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Words
Author: Jen (the delinquent – one more week of classes and then finals, and then I get to all of the seasonal_spuffy reading/viewing reward goodness! *insert*chortle*)
Medium: The ficletiest of ficlets
Rating: G
Setting: post-NFA, on the occasion of an anniversary (because in my world, there would so be anniversaries!)

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Fiction: The Fourth Wish: Prologue

It’s my seasonal_spuffy debut. *curtseys* I am delighted to be on board and I’m Spuffy to the core!

Title: The Fourth Wish: Prologue part 1/?
Author: scarlett2u
Setting: Post-series. Prologue covers the series as aired. Story goes AU in early s8.
Rating: Probably R overall; this prologue is PG
Genre: It’s an AU/wishverse
General Disclaimer: Although I am a Spuffy enabler, I did not create and do not own the characters, canon, or anything else that might to Joss Whedon or Mutant Enemy Productions. If I did, it would be Spuffy 24/7 and that little Grrr!Argggh! guy would hang out in my home office. I am not about the profit, just the love. My icon was created by the lovely and talented beloved_77
Summary: What if Buffy said those all-important little words: “I wish…”?
Feedback: Last night, I went to TGI Friday’s and the entire wait staff sang me a very long birthday song and gave me a huge ice cream sundae. I’m lactose intolerant and I blush on occasion. Obviously, your feedback would be much better for me.

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Fic: Domesticity

Title: Domesticity
Author: gabrielleabelle
Era: Post-series
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9,364 words
Genre: Curtainfic
Summary: Detailing one day in the life of our couple. We’ve seen them in battle, and we’ve seen them in bed (or, well, missing the bed). Now we get to see them in the happily ever after as they contend with flooded apartments, grocery shopping, and nosy teenage Slayers.

A/N: First, special thanks to all the wonderful ladies running the show, especially ladyofthelog. Then big super thanks to my betas, angearia and gryfndor_godess. Both of you were essential for making this story work!

Now, I hope everyone enjoys some fun domestic fic. :)

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Mostly Sweet (with a few nuts)

Whew.  This is coming in just under the wire.  For those of you that haven’t heard of me, I posted a little story some time ago. It’s titled Origins and can be found on a few of the archive sites. This is a future pic, set in that ‘verse, so some knowledge of the happenings will be necessary. There’s only a brief Spike/Buffy scene in this, but their relationship is the thread that binds all this together, so hopefully it’ll fit the criteria. If not, the mods can remove it. I won’t be insulted.

Author: Niamh (tangwstyl)
Title: Mostly Sweet (with a few nuts)
Word Count: 6,260
Setting: Post The Gift, veers from canon before Buffy’s return.  Set in the future of the Originsverse (but there’s an explanation in the notes!)

[A/N: What a fool I am.  I said, once upon a time, that ‘no, I’d never write seven stories in the Originsverse’, and ‘I don’t think I can come up with enough plots for seven stories’.  Right.  Feel free, right now, to tell me what an idiot and a fool I am.  Because, lo and behold, I’ve written more than seven stories – counting the one-shots.  So there are: Origins, Origins: Bridge, Revelations, Resolutions, Destinies, I Hate How I Love You, All I Want Is You, God Only Knows, Family, and… now this one.  I’m hoping to keep this one quick, and without much drama – I consider this one to be more of a “catching up with the future” than something lengthy and plotty.  Because heaven knows I can get caught up in a plot.  So, here it is...]

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Dark Night of the Soul

I’m not completely comfortable with tagging, since no matter when I do it, it always comes out wrong, so I’ll just give you guys a general heads-up on the content, and then someone far more LJ savvy than I can make it all pretty later (and whoever does has my heartfelt thanks!).

Author: Niamh (tangwstyl)
Title: Dark Night of the Soul
Word Count: 3,663 (minus note and quote)
Setting: Post Chosen, then veers off canon.  Not comic compliant in the least.

Um.  I think that’s it.  Oh, feedback would be lovely, since it’s been so damn long since I wrote anything, the muse is starving for attention.

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After the Deluge – Chapter 19

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

This one’s just a link to my own LJ, as it’s a chapter in my WIP, Spuffy in eventual aim, which I started on this comm this time last year. It’s now up to Chapter Nineteen.

Follow the fake cut to my LJ

Finally, many, many thanks to our lovely mods for keeping this comm running, and to all the contributors who never fail to amaze and humble me with the sheer quality as well as quantity of their work.

Fic: Fire in the Soul (1/?)

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Fire in the Soul

My second offering is a WIP, since inspiration struck rather late. More to follow on open posting day, or on my journal.

Title: Fire in the Soul (1/?)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13, this chapter
Word count: 4400
Warnings: A bit Dru-ish
A/N: NOT comics or S8 compliant, but might’ve been inspired by discussion surrounding a panel in one of the recent IDW Spike comics. No comics knowledge required. Beta’d by  snickfic, who has seen every word and can be held completely liable for any mistakes. (Kidding! She was awesome, but then I messed around with it some more. Tsk.) Some photos contained herein are copyrighted as noted.
Summary: A few years after Sunnydale’s spectacular demise, Buffy and her crew are getting on with their lives in San Francisco. A not entirely unwelcome blast from her past blows into town, but he’s brought more than the generally allowable amount of baggage with him.

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Armor Thin

Title: Armor Thin
Author: aerintine
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover with AtS
Word Count (this part): ~5000
Betas: My heartfelt thanks to these folks. dampersnspoons , whose excellent ideas, enthusiastic support, and patient guidance are the reasons I can do this at all. This story would not exist (or be readable) without her. lostboy_lj , who daily holds up the firmament with his kindness, wit and insight. anythingbutgrey , who graciously lent me her giant brain for this first part to ensure Angel got done right. She gets an extra special thank you, since she agreed to beta despite being as far from a Spuffy as a fan can get. Thank you, Elyssa.

Summary: Some important battles are fought with weapons, and some aren’t. Some we can see and others blind us. Some even involve marbles. All of them lead us away from home and back again, one way or another.
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Show, Don’t Tell (5/5)

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Show, Don't Tell

Thank you again to the mods, and thank you so much everyone who has commented on previous chapters!  It’s going to take me longer than usual to respond individually because I am traveling for the next week and will have sketchy Internet access, but I am so grateful for your kind feedback thus far.

Show, Don’t Tell (5/5)
Author: gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-NFA, early 2006
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,500/25,500
Genre: Biting
Summary: Anya wants to know why she never sees Spike’s bite marks on Buffy’s neck. Buffy wants to know why Spike never asked her to do anything of the sort.
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Show, Don’t Tell (4/5)

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Show, Don't Tell

Title: Show, Don’t Tell (4/5)
Author: gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-NFA, early 2006
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,000/25,500
Genre: Biting
Summary: Anya wants to know why she never sees Spike’s bite marks on Buffy’s neck. Buffy wants to know why Spike never asked her to do anything of the sort.

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Show, Don’t Tell (3/5)

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Show, Don't Tell

Title: Show, Don’t Tell (3/5)
Author: gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-NFA, early 2006
Rating: R
Word Count: 6,000/25,500
Genre: Biting
Summary: Anya wants to know why she never sees Spike’s bite marks on Buffy’s neck. Buffy wants to know why Spike never asked her to do anything of the sort.

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Show, Don’t Tell (2/5)

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Show, Don't Tell

Title: Show, Don’t Tell (2/5)
Author: gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-NFA, early 2006
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,000/25,500
Genre: Biting
Summary: Anya wants to know why she never sees Spike’s bite marks on Buffy’s neck. Buffy wants to know why Spike never asked her to do anything of the sort.

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Show, Don’t Tell (1/5)

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Show, Don't Tell

It’s April 20th in my time zone!  I hope I am not stepping on anyone’s toes in an earlier time zone by posting at the crack of 12:30 AM.  Today I have a 25,000-word fic in five parts.  Assuming there’s no Internet failure in my hotel later, I will post everything today.  Thank you so much ladyofthelogsnickficangearia, and all the taggers for maintaining this wonderful community!

Show, Don’t Tell (1/5)
Author: gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-NFA, January 2006
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,000/25,500
Genre: Biting
Summary: Anya wants to know why she never sees Spike’s bite marks on Buffy’s neck. Buffy wants to know why Spike never asked her to do anything of the sort.

A/N: This fic is set in my post-NFA verse in early 2006. A complete list of the fics in the verse is here, but it’s not necessary to have read any of them to read this. All you need to know is:
-The PTB rewarded Angel, Spike, and Gunn for destroying LA’s W&H by saving Gunn’s life and resurrecting Cordelia and Anya at the vampires’ requests.
-After spending two years in London the Scooby gang moved to New Sunnydale, which has been rebuilt but is not a hellmouth, in summer 2005 to open a second, U.S. based slayer academy.
The established couples are Buffy/Spike, Anya/Xander, Willow/Oz, Cordelia/Angel, and Dawn/Gunn.

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