Slide show: A Trip Down Memory Lane

title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show

More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.

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Video: Spike | My Favourite Game

Title: Spike | My Favourite Game
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 2 to 7
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”/”Buffy/Other”: brief Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel

So, this vid wasn’t made specifically for Seasonal Spuffy but falls squarely into the category of “something I’ve been working on, but haven’t posted”. It’s a Fandom Trumps Hate 2021 (!) gift for thewiggins . I recently finished it, but have waited until now with making it public. Huge thanks go to thewiggins for the vid idea and for their immense patience while I took my time working on the vid!

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Banners: 7 deadly sins

Title: 7 deadly sins
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 4 to 6 and 10
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”: Spike and his date from Hells Bells in #6

My contribution doesn’t exactly match this round’s theme, but it was inspired by it. Specifically, by the hell part, which for some reason led my mind to the seven deadly sins (which I suppose have the potential to land you in hell, according to Christian teachings).  

So I made seven banners, each illustrating one of the sins in connection to Spuffy. Some were more challenging than others! Below, I’ve ordered them according to Buffy and Spike’s journey through time. If anyone wants any of these re-purposed as a fic banner, just let me know.

1. Wrath

There are other scenes I could have chosen for this one, but I wanted to keep things lighthearted.

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Vid: Spuffy Abridged

Title: Spuffy Abridged
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: All of ’em!
Rating: Same as the show (I guess that’s R?). Expect an overview of ALL of Spuffy, not just the highs but also including the lows.
Notes: This vid was inspired by the classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Abridged vid by Rowena. A Spuffy version seemed to fit the “Celebrating 25 Years” theme pretty well.

I’m sorry if your favourite scene hasn’t been included; it’s hard to cram 11 seasons of Spuffy into less than 2 minutes, so some sacrifices had to be made. Thumbnail clipart (film reel) is from pixabay, the rest of the credits are at the end of the vid!

Originally posted at:

Spuffy Christmas home video

Title: Spuffy Christmas diorama home video
Creator: double_dutchess
Form: other art
Era: comics, S10/S11
Rating: worksafe

I didn’t have time to make something really new, so instead, I spruced up last year’s Christmas diorama a.k.a. peep box. I added lots of nice little presents and some other stuff, making it 5 times as Christmassy. And then I made a proper short home video of it. (You can see it’s a home video from the shakiness. A professional camera person I am not.)

Sorry, I’m having a terrible time getting the embed to work, so here is just a link to the video:

Merry Christmas Spuffy home video 2021.mp4 from Double Dutchess on Vimeo.

The comics art I used is by Rebekah Isaacs and Megan Levens.

The background music is Merry Christmas Baby by Bruce Springsteen. It’s a rocking song and I assume it would be Spike-approved. Listen to it in full here.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

Video: Fire

Title: Fire
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: possibly not entirely worksafe due to some Spike nudity and sexy scenes, but mostly just kissing (lots of it)
Notes: this round’s theme reminded me of “Fire” by The Pointer Sisters, which to my amazement no one seemed to have used yet for a Spuffy fanvid. To me, the lyrics just scream Spuffy, and I thought it was nice to do a vid from Buffy’s pov for a change. Also, it’s just a great song!

For the frame, I used this fire frame by Ben 3D.
For the flames, I used the fire background (no sound) by Mystic Sea.
Also, I made grateful use of this Fire with lyrics video.

Originally posted at:

Banner: Something White

Title: Something White banner
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: meerkat AU
Rating: G
Notes: this is a banner for “Something White“, the second story in thenewbuzwuzz‘s meerkat AU (Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2017).

(Yes, in this AU Buffy is a meerkat and Spike is a white cobra. Go read if you haven’t already!)

Image credits:
Meerkat by Dario Brönnimann on Unsplash
White snake by Kai Rösler (I’m afraid this is a copyrighted image, which I normally try to avoid, but this one was just too gorgeous and perfect not to use. Simply irresistible in its sinister attraction!)

Title fonts:
Bloody Script from
Snake Jacket from

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Video: Truth or Dare

Title: Truth or Dare
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: R. I’ll follow thenewbuzwuzz‘s example, and say that this should be rated 15+ for “moderate sex” because it has scenes from Dead Things in it. Actually I’m not sure I’d call it “moderate” in this case — at least not in terms of quantity. I crammed quite a lot of it into this vid :-)
Other notes: Many thanks to the mods for all their hard work, and to all my fellow contributors so far. If I haven’t commented on your entry yet, I will be checking it out soon, now that I’ve posted mine.

Most of the clips are from the HD episodes on
Background cloud footage
Background smoke effects

Originally posted at:

Spuffy Christmas in bed diorama

Title: Spuffy Christmas in bed diorama
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: other art
Era: comics, S10/S11
Rating: safe for work

For the previous solstice free-for-all I made a diorama of Buffy and Spike’s bedroom in the comics. Then it was Summer, now it is winter — so I decided to make a Christmas version. Here it is, with a Merry Christmas to all!

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Sweet Surrender (gifs)

Title: Sweet Surrender (gifs)
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: other art
Era: S3, S5, S6, S7
Rating: possibly not quite safe for work

This is an entry I had planned but didn’t have time for during the last round of Seasonal Spuffy. It’s a gifset I made for my last buffyversebingo  prompt, “Surrender”.
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Fool for Love: complicated gifs

Title: Fool for Love complicated gifs
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: all worksafe

So these gifs were originally meant for last week’s Fool for Love anniversary, but I didn’t make it before the deadline then. (And in fact, I didn’t quite make it before the deadline today either, but I reckon it’s close enough.)

I call them complicated (not just animated) gifs because I wanted to do something extra with them. As a result of their complicatednes, the first four gifs have pretty big file sizes, so they may take some time to load; my apologies for that. Only the last one is uncomplicated and relatively small in size.

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Wallpaper and banners: shirtless woodcutter Spike (and fairy Buffy)

Title: Shirtless woodcutter Spike + fairy Buffy wallpaper and banners
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: all worksafe

Here is my prompt fill for justwriter2, who wanted shirtless woodcutter Spike. In my interpretation of the prompt, he meets wood fairy Buffy, who seems to have taken a shine to him. I’ve also made a banner, in a daytime and a nighttime version. Wallpaper and banners are customizable in case anyone is interested in that.

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Wallpaper: Storyteller — Sleeping Beauty

Title: Storyteller: Sleeping Beauty (wallpaper)
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: worksafe

Oops, a little bit over time, but here it is: my main contribution for the day. This is already the third fourth Sleeping Beauty entry for this round, and like titti  I had the idea of making Spike the sleeper in this case. The full size of the wallpaper is 1920×1080, and you can see it in its full glory HERE.

I’ll be back on the free for all days with some more stuff!

Screencaps from the HD episodes at HDBuffy on tumblr
Fire by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Originally posted at

Fairytales story banners

Title: Fairytales story banners
Creator: Double Dutchess
Rating: all worksafe

As my first post today, here’s a little warming-up in the form of some variations of the banners I made for this round’s banner poll. They are all 900 px wide.

The first banner has Spike as a loyal knight, offering his sword to Buffy. If anyone is interested in having this as a story banner, I’d be happy to customize it.

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Buffy and Spike’s bedroom peep box

Title: Buffy and Spike’s bedroom peep box
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: other art
Era: comics, S10/S11
Rating: safe for work

It’s lucky that it was (almost) the longest day today, because I needed all of it for the Spuffy project I got myself into! The original idea I had was to make a peep box (the shoe box kind) of Buffy and Spike in their bedroom from the comics; it ended up as a mix between a peep box and a cardboard model.

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Fic (kinda): It’s a great story, don’t

Title: It’s a great story, don’t
Author: GPT-2, with some small input from Double Dutchess
Season: all over the place
Word count: 1271 words
Rating: general audiences
Warning: Buffy/Other and some suggested Spike/Other
Note: What do you get when you try to let a neural network write Spuffy fan fiction? Here you see one of many possible results. Some highlights: Spike losing his virginity while on LSD; an upsetting Buffy/Spike kiss leads to Spike’s arrest; some Riley bashing for those who like that sort of thing; and Angelus owning a comics shop.

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Vid: Please, please, please

Title: Please, please, please (let me get what I want)
Creator: Double Dutchess
Format: video
WARNING: contains clips from Seeing Red. Also, references to “Spike/Other”.

This is Spike’s very own “pity ditty”, set to a song by The Smiths. (A lovely song, but most importantly, a short one!)
Not related to the theme, but made specifically for this round of Seasonal Spuffy.

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Enemies with Benefits (School Hard) banners

Title: Enemies with Benefits (School Hard) banners
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: banner
Rating: safe for work

My first contribution for today! Three “Enemies with Benefits” banners. The first is a slightly improved version of my banner #10 from the banner contest (you always see the flaws when it’s too late :-) and the second is a blue background version of the same banner. The third is a different banner based on the same idea. I could only submit one of the three to the banner contest and decided on the first one, but I’m curious to hear if you think I made the right choice.

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