Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [7/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

I’m not sure this is all that angsty, to be honest. I take it all back. Or maybe it is. It’s something or other. Anyway, the conclusion!

Hope you enjoy the fic, generally!! Thanks again to everyone who made seasonal_spuffy happen.

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [6/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

I wonder what could happen in this particular chapter…

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Five]

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [5/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

A certain level of angst develops from here on out. But in a way you might enjoy?

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Four]

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [4/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

Apols for the spam attack; please imagine these are perfectly and elegantly spaced instalments, which arrive in easy, serene sequence for your delectation…

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

[Chapter One]
[Chapter Three]

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [3/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers


By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [2/7] [NC-17ish]

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

Sorry I’m so late back!! But to continue the fic, here I am… What could be going on???

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

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Fic: ‘By the click of someone else’s slippers’ [1/7] [NC-17, but not this chapter]

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series By the click of someone else's slippers

Hello Seasonal Spuffy!! So glad to be here for another year! There are seven parts to the fic I’m hoping to post today, and I’m hoping to get all of them up. Most of them I will have to come back to this evening, but as a taster I have here chapter one to post before work. Thanks to all the mods for running this again and to everyone who’s taking part and therefore likely to keep me entertained over the next few weeks…

As usual, I have no real idea what genre this is: it’s sort of angsty, but there’s something of a comedy element as well and I like to think it’s not actually depressing. It’s at least partly inspired by the rewatch running with fantas_magoria, which has currently got us to the middle of S2. Even though this is set in S6… But, anyway, I hope you enjoy it!! Huge thanks to bogwitch for being my beta and for listening to me swear about the aforementioned S2.

By the click of someone else’s slippers


S6 | NC-17(ish) | ~33,500 words total

Spike has spent the last few months in an AU LA with no memory of Buffy or even Sunnydale. Buffy comes to rescue him, but Spike’s not sure why she bothers. At the end of the day, though, it’s really just a rewrite of Smashed

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Fic: Fashionable Ladies And Gents, NC17 by Laure Alexander

Hi, apologies first to Quinara for invading her day, but I was supposed to post yesterday and by the time I was ready, I realized I didn’t have posting access and our lovely mod was unavailable. She gave me permission to post today and I have only one story so hopefully the invasion will be brief.

So, a little silly, smutty fic for you…

Title: Fashionable Ladies And Gents
Author: Laure Alexander
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Sex
Disclaimer: Nothing about BtVS belongs to me; it’s all Joss; I’m just playing with his characters and making them do naughty things.
Distribution: Please ask first. Will be at my site Meandering Muse some day.
Word Count: 1582
Summary: Spike has no clue why Buffy is suddenly interested in what women of quality wore two hundred years ago, but he really likes modern bras.
Author’s Note: Written for The Good Old Days prompt at seasonal_spuffy. I’d hoped to write more, but, hey, smut! Oh, and in my world, Spike was sired by Angelus in 1798 and he was the third son of a baron, just because… (and because Joss said he was two hundred years old and called Angel his sire, dammit, in School Hard, and I’ve been writing this fandom from just a few months after that episode originally aired).

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Fic: What A Drag It Is, Buffy/Spike, NC17

OK, I’m a teensy bit early, but it’s past midnight somewhere, right?

What A Drag It Is
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike, Willow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Buffy decides to spice things up for Spike’s birthday. Things get a little spicier than she bargained for.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It contains spoilers for previous works in the series. Written for Seasonal Spuffy’s 2012 Fall Round. Many thanks to betas bruttimabuoni, slaymesoftly, typographer, and kehf, without whose invaluable help this story would be significantly less nifty. As an aside, it should be noted that The Vamp is a real thing, available at fine purveyors of erotic appliances everywhere.
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fic: with my face to the sun

author: verity
title: with my face to the sun
rating: NC-17
setting: post-series
words: 4200
contains: parties, pancakes, resurrection, explicit sex, redemption, and friendship.
summary: After mysteriously surviving the battle in LA, Faith joins Buffy and Spike in Cleveland. It’s complicated. (Spuffy romance, Buffy & Faith and Spike & Faith friendship.)
notes: This is a direct sequel to the principle of the thing (700 words), which I recommend reading beforehand.
thanks: to aerintine for her comments about a much earlier draft which I shared with her many moons ago!

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Victory is Ours, Chapter 1/?

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Victory is Ours

To anyone who has read Fixing the Factors by ImmortallySpuffy might recognize the ‘dream’ that is the prologue of this story. The dream was betaed by Spikeslovebite, and the rest was betaed by Tasha with a special thanks to Dragonflylady for support. Not sure how soon this will be updated past today. I think this story will be WIP 16ish. LOL

Title: Victory is Ours
Rating: NC-17
Main Pairing: Spuffy
Genre/Era: Fantasy AU
Beta: Spikeslovebite, Tasha
Summary: Captured by the Slayer, Spike finds himself embroiled in a plot that will change his view of the Slayers and vampires forever.
Warnings: I used a lot of my regular OCs in this story. If you have any questions about them, I’ll be happy to answer any questions.
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