Fic: Third Base

Title: Third Base
Author: the_moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike, (Buffy/Riley)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~5,400 words
Timeline: S4, after ‘A New Man’ but before ‘The I in Team’.
Warnings: sorta mild, beginning-of-a-maybe-relationship infidelity on Buffy’s part; Spike being his manipulative, semi-evil S4 self.
Summary: sequel to Fool Proof (AO3 | EF). Buffy decides she needs help with figuring out the male anatomy as things progress with Riley. Who’s she gonna call? Spike. It’s Spike.
Notes: I set myself a stern limit for this round: 5k and NO MORE. I am as surprised as anyone that I actually made it! (Give or take…) This story is a PWP, has zero nutritional value, and I strongly recommend having a toothbrush to hand to protect your teeth from the ending :D Many thanks as always to bewilde, who made this silly, porny little bit of candyfloss the best silly, porny little bit of candyfloss it could be <3

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FIC: Kintsugi (NC-17, Spike/Buffy) by enigmaticblue

Title: Kintsugi
Author: enigmaticblues
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters; too bad, so sad.
Pairings/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Dawn, Willow
Spoilers: Smashed/Wrecked, a sequel to The Temporary Nature of Any Precious Thing, and part of my ongoing series.
Word Count: ~13,500
Warnings: Vague references to past bad acts, consistent with the show
Summary: Brokenness can be beautiful, particularly when you can be broken together.
A/N: WARNING: There is mention of the fearsome foursome (Angelus, Darla, Drusilla, and Spike) as well as references to what they got up to. It’s relatively vague, and I don’t think it would be triggery (far less graphic than the mentions of what they did in the series), but YMMV. If you’re concerned, it’s in Part III, and you can scroll right past if you need to.

Written for the 2016 spring Seasonal Spuffy challenge, A New Era, with a hat-tip to garnigal for the title. For those of you who don’t know, kintsugi is the Japanese art of golden repair: repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, and not something to disguise. For the purposes of this fic, the prior story ended somewhere in the vicinity of “Smashed/Wrecked” and this one picks up right after that one.

Note: If I haven’t already nattered on enough, I am throwing canon out the window here. This is a smaller story than I had intended, but real life got in the way, and it’s not quite as long as I wanted it to be. I hope you all enjoy it anyway. It’s posted on AO3 due to RL getting in the way.

Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [6/11]

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever. She didn’t get to beta this chapter yet, though, because it’s the last minute. It may change.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [5/11]

This entry is part 8 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [4/11]

This entry is part 7 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [3/11]

This entry is part 6 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [2/11]

This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [1/11]

This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

Click for a chapter index!

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Fic: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed [Master Post]

This entry is part 3 of 12 in the series The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed

Title: The Spuffy, the Witch, and the Utility Shed
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS between s3 & s4
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Summary: When Buffy encounters Spike at her college orientation, the last thing she expects is to be hurtled with him into a demon dimension. Now they must battle together against hordes of unnatural creatures, talking beavers, and… is that a lion?

AU set between seasons 3 and 4. Don’t let the hints of plot fool you, this is mostly just an excuse for some smut. Well, smut and mayhem; it is Spuffy.

With deepest, most heartfelt apologies to C.S. Lewis for the mutilation of his characters and bits of his dialogue.

Warnings: NC-17 for violence and sex. (As of initial posting, 5/15, the smut is still Future Smut, but is on the way soon!) Lots and lots of beloved childhood character death. Sorry!

Thanks to the_moonmoth, who inspired this fic by sending me fic prompts and then egging me on as I got sillier and sillier, and then beta-reading at the very last minute. I am the luckiest ever.

NOTES 5/31/16 Fic is now complete! enjoy!

Chapter 1: Into the Forest

Chapter 2: Turkish Delight

Chapter 3: What Buffy Found

Chapter 4: A Day with the Beavers

Chapter 5: What Happened After Dinner

Chapter 6: In the Beaver’s House

Chapter 7: C.S. Lewis Rolls Over in his Grave

Chapter 8: Smuttery and Sudden Vengeance

Chapter 9: The Lion Marches Tonight

Chapter 10: The Hunting of the Great Lion

Chapter 11: Back on This Side of the Door


Originally posted at

Flames – Free for All Day

633480_original.jpgTitle: Flames
Creator: comlodge
Characters: Buffy and Spike – of course
Rating: R – sexual themes – explicit sexual descriptions in story. Images are worksafe.
Medium: Fanvid/Podcast – Artwork – Banners and Wallpapers
Disclaimer: For fun and entertainment only
Summary: Yes folks. Something completly different for me. Comlodge has read her naughty little fic, a sensual Spuffy interlude during their full on S6 affair. It’s a podcast recorded as a video showing several pieces by comlodge herself that do not necessarily match the timing of the story line. They are pretty though. The music is Gympoiedia by Incompetech. The images are included after the video. The video is set to adults only on youtube. I might add, that it is dashed hard recording yourself reading even a short story, lol. Fun though. The video was uploaded in high def and is best viewed full screen if you wish to study the images. Just saying. :D

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Fic: Imperial [7/7]

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Epilogue
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 1022)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: Imperial [6/7]

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Chapter 5: What Doesn’t Kill Me
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 5644)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: Imperial [5/7]

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Chapter 4: Open
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 4224)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.
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Fic: Imperial [4/7]

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Chapter 3: Goodbye Iowa
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 4118)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: Imperial [3/7]

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Chapter 2: Bound
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 3903 )
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: Imperial [2/7]

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial, Chapter 1: The Return
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 2273)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies (Think: Mi:II, Wanted, The Matrix). This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: A New Life

Just in time for my posting day double_dutchess posted the beautiful icon that I of course had to snag right away :) Thank you for allowing it!
Many thanks to my two betas, my dear friend braxen, who encouraged me to sign up in the first place after reading the raw draft and gave me some very good advice, and my wonderful, spontaneous, reliable and most sensitive beta seapealsh who cares for you not being taken out of the story by my second-language mistakes.
After all the fantastic posts until now I’m even more proud to participate!
Contains canon typical violence and sex.

Title: A New Life
Author: freecat15
Setting: Tabula Rasa (btvs s6)
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4.365 words

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Fic: Imperial [1/7]

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Imperial

Title: Imperial
Author: Sunalso
Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya)
Rating: NC-17 (this chapter: PG)
Length: ~21 K (this chapter: 545)
Timeline: Prologue S3, the rest S4, this is an alternate reality world in which things didn’t go quite the same for Buffy at the end of S2
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (including gun violence), Sexual Situations
Summary: Buffy returns to Sunnydale in order to take down the Initiative and find her chosen mate, she’s just a little different than when she left. My love letter to heroic bloodshed movies. This one’s for fun!
Notes: The Initiative is bigger and badder than in canon. Beta’d by Gort and 13Lilies. Response to a challenge on Elysian Fields by Sharade.

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Fic: Stitched Up (10/10 FINALE)

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.


Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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Fic: Stitched Up (9/10)

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Stitched Up

Title: Stitched Up
Author: bewildered
Era: BTVS s2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Something goes horribly, horribly awry with Willow’s ensoulment spell, and Angel’s soul finds an unexpected home – in his dirty laundry. Read now the tale of a Sock with a Soul; it’s on a mission to help the helpless, and it’s starting with Spike and Buffy.

Departs canon forever during Becoming Part Two. Has about the nuanced characterization one should expect from an Ensouled Sock AU. As seems to be my preferred genre now, this is a shameless smutty Spuffy farce, once I get that pesky canon drama out of the way.

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