Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 6/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

So here it is, the last instalment for today. Hope you like it!

ETA: I am now posting the next chapters of this story on my journal, since I don’t think I’ll have time to post them all on the free-for-all day. I’ll bring over one or two then, but if you want to get ahead…

Turn and Face the Strain.

[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)

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Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 5/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

Dum dum duhhm!

Turn and Face the Strain.

[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)

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Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 4/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

For some reason I feel like it’s necessary to put a new random comment here for every chapter, so… Welcome to chapter 4! Hope you’re enjoying.

Turn and Face the Strain.

[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)

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Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 3/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

Here we go…

Turn and Face the Strain.

[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)

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Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 2/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

Carrying on to Chapter 2!

Turn and Face the Strain.

[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)

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Fic: ‘Turn and Face the Strain’ 1/15 by Quinara [strongish R]

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Turn and Face the Strain

Hi! I have a novel-length fic for seasonal_spuffy this round, which is completed, but which I’m not going to post in its entirety today, because I don’t want to overload the world with ~80,000 words and because I still need to edit bits. Instead I’ve got the first six chapters, ~30,000 words, which I’ll post over the course of the day and then I’ll make sure to have the rest up on the free-for-all day. This will be either on the comm itself (the current plan) or on my journal, which I’ll make sure to link to, so you won’t be left hanging for any more than a week! The rationale behind going with six chapters today rather than a few more, also, is because they do make something of a self-contained arc/story-bit on their own, so what’s up today comes to a certain sort of pause before the nine chapters afterwards respond to it.

Turn and Face the Strain.
[Sequel to The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest.]

When Buffy thought about falling in love again, she didn’t expect it to be nearly so complicated as it actually turns out to be.
Also, she didn’t expect it to be Spike. (She’s not sure he did either.)

Author: Quinara
Rating: R…? I’m not sure I even know anymore with ratings, but there’s sex in it and people swear lots and (gasp) I think there’s some underage drinking too, which probably needs to be censored. ;)
Length: ~80,000 words in total; ~33,000 words today; chapters are generally between 5000 and 6000 words.
Setting: Late S6, AU As You Were (and so much more! Not least in an AU AtS S3…)
Notes: Many thanks to the fabulous bogwitch for putting up with me and being my beta! This is the final story in a series I’ve written for the previous two rounds of seasonal_spuffy, consisting of The More Things Stay the Same and As Good as a Rest. I think what I’m posting today probably could stand on its own as a S6 AU, but I do follow up some stuff that happens in the previous fics, because it’s a sequel. The main thing is that Dead Things went differently and some stuff happened in LA. Other stuff happened around Buffy’s birthday.
Warnings: I don’t think this would need any of the AO3 listed warnings. I think the genre of this is much more of a drama-going-on-mystery-ish-adventure story, so it’s mostly in line with the show in terms of what it involves.
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (5/7: The One With The Discworld Crossover)

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Brutti's pick your own adventure day

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 5/7: The One With The Crossover
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 515
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, Ankh-Morpork, a sequel to Attraction of Opposites by faviconme at AO3, about six months later from Buffy’s POV, though Spike doesn’t know it here
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Fic: Elegies Part 1 – Words for the Faded, Chapter 1

Title: Elegies Part 1 – Words for the Faded
Author: useyourlove
Era: Post-Comics, Dollhouse-Crossover (it makes sense in context?)
Rating NC-17 (language, sexual content)
Genre: eventual post-apocalyptic crossover–see author’s notes

A/N: I feel like this whole endeavor needs some explanation. So, I spent my summer watching Buffy, Angel, and Dollhouse for the first time, and I managed to cram them all in in less than six weeks. Which, by the end of it all, led to much sleep deprivation. It was in one of those strange half-awake moments when I got the idea for this. My brain said “hey, I bet all of Joss’s worlds are really one big interconnected world. A literal Jossverse. Wow… wouldn’t that be angsty as hell?” So, in perfect Whedon Tradition, I’ve made Spike and Buffy an established, stable, and happy couple just so I can steal their happy ending from them.

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Armor Thin

Title: Armor Thin
Author: aerintine
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover with AtS
Word Count (this part): ~5000
Betas: My heartfelt thanks to these folks. dampersnspoons , whose excellent ideas, enthusiastic support, and patient guidance are the reasons I can do this at all. This story would not exist (or be readable) without her. lostboy_lj , who daily holds up the firmament with his kindness, wit and insight. anythingbutgrey , who graciously lent me her giant brain for this first part to ensure Angel got done right. She gets an extra special thank you, since she agreed to beta despite being as far from a Spuffy as a fan can get. Thank you, Elyssa.

Summary: Some important battles are fought with weapons, and some aren’t. Some we can see and others blind us. Some even involve marbles. All of them lead us away from home and back again, one way or another.
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FIC: What semi-retired champions do on their nights off (1/1), by bobthemole [PG]

Title: What semi-retired champions do on their nights off
Author:  bobthemole
Era: post-S8
Rating: PG
Genre: Crossover with Dancing with the Stars

A/N: Follows angearia ’s utterly hilarious His Majesty, the Bug Queen – which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it yet. The relevant bit is that Spike is living with Dawn, Xander and Buffy because he got kicked out of the Bug Ship and is too comfortable to find a place of his own. The mooch.

Beta/Hand-holding: Humongous thank yous to angearia , snickfic and ladyofthelog for cheering me through the writing process, coaching me through my blocks, and offering advice throughout. Emmie, especially, gave me a crash course in writing action sequences and laughed at me while I watched Dancing with the Stars for “research”. She is also half-responsible for this cracktastic verse and some of the funnier lines here.

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Fic: ‘The More Things Stay the Same’ (3/3) by Quinara [R]

And the last part! I’ll be back later with something extra. :)

The More Things Stay the Same.
Buffy goes to Wesley instead of Tara about the resurrection spell.

Author: Quinara
Rating: R for for reasonably explicit sex and a whole bunch of swearing.
Length: ~25,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 8300 each.)
Other Pairings: None as such, though Angel is around, so there’s certainly Buffy-Angel interaction and a friendly acceptance of the Bangel of yore.
Notes: Big thanks to bogwitch  for the beta job! It rather got away with me after she saw it, though, so don’t blame her for anything you don’t like. ;) Also, this fic is set after DMP (where the chapter titles come from) and immediately after Loyalty on AtS.
Warnings: Nothing AO3 would make you warn for; otherwise, a certain amount of S6-y misery, but it’s not what I’d call the angstiest thing in angst town.

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Fic: ‘The More Things Stay the Same’ (2/3) by Quinara [R]

Cheers again to the mods (and everyone reading)!

The More Things Stay the Same.
Buffy goes to Wesley instead of Tara about the resurrection spell.

Author: Quinara
Rating: R for for reasonably explicit sex and a whole bunch of swearing.
Length: ~25,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 8300 each.)
Other Pairings: None as such, though Angel is around, so there’s certainly Buffy-Angel interaction and a friendly acceptance of the Bangel of yore.
Notes: Big thanks to bogwitch  for the beta job! It rather got away with me after she saw it, though, so don’t blame her for anything you don’t like. ;) Also, this fic is set after DMP (where the chapter titles come from) and immediately after Loyalty on AtS.
Warnings: Nothing AO3 would make you warn for; otherwise, a certain amount of S6-y misery, but it’s not what I’d call the angstiest thing in angst town.

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Fic: ‘The More Things Stay the Same’ (1/3) by Quinara [R]


I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes, but it’s just ticked over to my posting day in my time zone, and I was getting antsy, so does anyone mind if I begin? (Hi, mods! Thanks so much for running this again!!) I’ve got a three-part fic and a vid to post today, so will be popping in at fairly regular intervals!

The More Things Stay the Same.
Buffy goes to Wesley instead of Tara about the resurrection spell.

Author: Quinara
Rating: R for for reasonably explicit sex and a whole bunch of swearing.
Length: ~25,000 words (in three chapters of approx. 8300 each.)
Other Pairings: None as such, though Angel is around, so there’s certainly Buffy-Angel interaction and a friendly acceptance of the Bangel of yore.
Notes: Big thanks to bogwitch for the beta job! It rather got away with me after she saw it, though, so don’t blame her for anything you don’t like. ;) Also, this fic is set after DMP (where the chapter titles come from) and immediately after Loyalty on AtS.
Warnings: Nothing AO3 would make you warn for; otherwise, a certain amount of S6-y misery, but it’s not what I’d call the angstiest thing in angst town.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 10/9

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 10/9 (because I DO WHAT I WANT)
Epilogue: She’s Filled with Secrets
Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for helping me through a bajillion drafts of the end of this pie monster. This part is only half-beta’d, because I always finish things waaaay before deadline. **pets betas**

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers 9/9

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: PG and only that for one vague joke
Word count: About 4000

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

And that’s all! Thanks to ladyofthelog and snickfic for keeping this comm going!

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers 8/9

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: Probably won’t get past PG
Word count: Probably about 4000 when complete.

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers, 7/9

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: Probably won’t get past PG
Word count: Probably about 4000 when complete.

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers, 6/9

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: Probably won’t get past PG
Word count: Probably about 4000 when complete.

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers, 5/9

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: Won’t get past PG, and that only for one vague joke
Word count: About 4000 when complete.

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

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Buffy and the Dalek Slayers, 4/9

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Buffy and the Dalek Slayers

Title: Buffy and the Dalek Slayers
Author: Miss Murchison
Rating: Probably won’t get past PG
Word count: Probably about 4000 when complete.

Summary: This is a sequel to Who’s the Doctor? and Where’s the Doctor?, my previous BtVS/Doctor Who crossovers.

This one involves the Seventh Doctor and his companion Ace. Chapter One is here.

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