A/N: #3 is one of two haiku I’ve previously written for “Intervention.”
form: poetry
“Intervention” Spaiku, Part 1: Intervention (1/16)
Here’s my dish for this Spring’s Spuffy potluck: a heapin’ helpin’ of haiku. (Oh, don’t worry about overeating — you’ll be hungry again in an hour!) I’ll be posting throughout the evening until you’re ready to strangle me midnight so as to space out the spammage a little. Many thanks to enigmaticblues for having us all over again and for being such a gracious hostess. You have a lovely home, dear. Also, gratitude of great magnitude to Mister Beta for his invaluable input and for giving me time to write when there seemed to be none. Thanks as well to rebcake for continued encouragement and the always awesome always_jbj for the beautiful banner.
A Spaiku Intervention
by mere_ubu
Genre: Haiku
Syllable count: 1275
Rating: PG-13 for robotic naughtitude
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy belong to M.E. and never to me. (Um, except in dreams. Then, they’re, like, totally mine. I won’t lie.)
A/N: Here are some Spuffycentric Spaiku caps from BtVS, S5, “Intervention.” Sixteen parts.
Feedback is more refreshing than a margarita on Cinco de Mayo. ::hiccup::
Dedicated with love to mi amigas herself_nyc and philips, just because.
A sonnet by Spike, circa S6
Rating: G
Warnings: Pretentious poetry and forced rhymes. Also, this decided to be neither an English sonnet nor an Italian sonnet, but the bastard love child of both…
Poem – “Offerings”
Title: Offerings
Author: Maia
Rating: G
Medium: Poetry
Words: 82
Thank you to enigmaticblues for hosting!
Limericks: Doing It Spuffy-Style
Rating: R-ish
Word Count: We ought to be counting syllables, but never mind
Summary: Just a few naughty limericks to meet the minimum “April is Poetry Month” requirement:
Seasonal Spuffy
This is one of my own humble attempts to write a poem about Spike and Buffy –
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 6: Fic: Almost A Sonnet
To round off my day of contributions, a fic based round writing a poem. It’s not Shakespeare, but I hope it’s a step up from Dawn’s limerick…
Title: Almost A Sonnet
Medum: Fic
Character: Giles (with implied Spuffy)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 750
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 5: Can You Resist Andrew’s Ballad? (Why would you try???)
The Ballad of Spike and Buffy
By Andrew Wells, post-Damage*
Medium: Poetry
Rating: G
*This ballad may not be fully canon-compliant, nor obey the laws of common sense
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 4: Faith tries an Anacreontic (What? It’s a real thing…honestly)
By Faith, circa Dirty Girls
Medium: Poetry
Rating: PG
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 3: Oh, no! It’s Limerick Time (you knew there had to be one)
By Dawn Summers, aged 15*
Medium: Poetry (if we’re feeling generous)
Rating: G
*(She may have omitted the -uffy from her Spuffy.)
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 2: The Villanelle, friend of the lovelorn
By Spike, circa Normal Again*
Medium: Poetry
Rating: PG
*Like the form, he’s going round and round, turning in on himself with no escape
Bloody Awful Poetry Day 1: Welcome and Clem’s Clerihews
Welcome to Bloody Awful Poetry Day!
Poetry is about reflection, about different ways of seeing and expressing. So, as my contribution to the season, I bring you some Buffyverse characters writing their views of Spuffy. Quite badly, on the whole. (I daren’t attempt haiku, of which there are many distinguished examples, especially some gorgeous Spaiku. But some rarer forms of poetry allow even the worst poets – that would be me – to experiment and have some fun…)
NOT WORK SAFE! Another (sort of) poem: “Acrostic”
Here’s my second and final entry for this round — it’s very very silly and not work safe.
Acrostic: a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words.
-New Oxford American Dictionary
Rating: NC-17
Continue Reading
A (sort of) poem: “Every Night I Save You”
Thank you to enigmatic_blue for hosting the party!
Author’s notes:
Eep! I’m an hour late — sorry!
This is my first attempt at writing a rhyming poem, specifically a “sestina,” and it kicked my ass. A lot. For those who want to know:
The sestina is a pentameter poem consisting of six stanzas of six lines plus a three-line coda (know as the envoy or envoi). The sestina “rhymes” on six end-words, which must be repeated in each stanza in a controlled order, whereby the last end-word in each stanza becomes the first end-word of the next stanza: abcdef, faebdc, cfdabe, ecbfad, deacfb, bdfeca. The envoi must employ two of the end-words in each of its three lines.
– Helen Vendler, Poems, Poets, Poetry (p. 603)
A Limerick!
Today is my posting day, and I must thank enigmaticblues for all her hard work in organising this.
I have 2 items to post this time, later I will be posting a one-shot fic, but at this time I am bringing you a poem.
This season of seasonal_spuffy has a poetry theme. So, my first offering for today is a limerick that I wrote this morning… It is un-beta’d, and my first ever attempt, but I’m going to post it anyway!!
There’s a really great group called Seasonal Spuffy
That’s all about the Slayer called Buffy.
When she ends up with Spike,
Who’s the Vampire we like,
We really do feel warm and fluffy.
Originally psoted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/320149.html
One Last Poem/Art From Dawnofme
For my last entry for this season, I have one more poem. A Kyrielle Sonnet. Again, from Spike’s POV. Continue Reading
Another Poem. Spike to Buffy
This one is a little more cheerful. :) A sort of through the years poem that Spike wrote to Buffy.
A Poem From Spike’s POV + Art
Because this month is National Poetry Month and the theme for this season is poetry, I couldn’t resist. In the cut is an Elegy that I think Spike might have written about Buffy sometime after The Gift. And because I’m a bit rusty with my poetry writing, I added some art to at least make it visually appealing. LOL!
Crushed Spaiku, Epilogue: Undress (12/12)
Disrobes for the day,
asks her weary reflection:
what is it he sees?
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/309937.html
Crushed Spaiku, Part 10: Egress (11/12)
Punches him and leaves
his dignity in tatters,
her shrine in shambles.