Banner-The Gift

Title: The Gift
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

For free for all day I made one banner.

I know that “The Gift” isn’t a Spuffy episode per se. For me, seeing how devastated Spike is at seeing Buffy’s body confirmed that he truly loved her and it wasn’t just love or obsession. Enjoy!

Lately, I have been obsessed with templates but they never seem to match the banner I want to make, so I made my own template.

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Assorted Icons, And A Link To A New Season 6 Fic

As I still post over here, I am doing a link here, as well … hope that is OK. (I had aimed to cross-link to DW but don’t have posting access)

This is a banner I made –

And 3 of the icons as a teaser for you ….

And, here is the full post … enjoy.

As I said, I also wrote a season 6 fic here called Bargaining Better … hope you enjoy it.

Thanks again to the mods for all their hard work in keeping this comm going x

Originally posted at:

Eight Fic Banners

Title – 1. Sepia, 2. Comic #1, 3. Comic #2, 4. Lullaby,4. Sepia, 5. Through the Years, 6. The Eyes Have It, 7. Frames, 8. Just Peachy
creator – teragramm
rating – other

For my entry this round, I have 8 banners under the cut. I normally do my entry in two postings but this time I am doing it in one post because I am never sure everyone sees both posts. I hope all the banners aren’t too overwhelming .

If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

1. Sepia

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1 fic banner

Title: You Made a Bear
Creator: teragramm
Rating: other

Happy ritual sacrifice with pie day! Below the cut is one Fic Banner. If you would like any personalized, just ask. Enjoy!!

You Made a Bear

The caps used in this banner were made by me from Buffy HD episodes found here

All resources can be found on my lj profile pageor my dreamwidth profile page

Originally posted at:

Banners: 7 deadly sins

Title: 7 deadly sins
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season: Seasons 4 to 6 and 10
Rating: worksafe
“Spike/Other”: Spike and his date from Hells Bells in #6

My contribution doesn’t exactly match this round’s theme, but it was inspired by it. Specifically, by the hell part, which for some reason led my mind to the seven deadly sins (which I suppose have the potential to land you in hell, according to Christian teachings).  

So I made seven banners, each illustrating one of the sins in connection to Spuffy. Some were more challenging than others! Below, I’ve ordered them according to Buffy and Spike’s journey through time. If anyone wants any of these re-purposed as a fic banner, just let me know.

1. Wrath

There are other scenes I could have chosen for this one, but I wanted to keep things lighthearted.

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1 wallpaper | 1 banner + icons

.| Title: 1 Wallpaper | 1 banner + icons
.| Creator: sintonia

Hi everyone! I made a wallpaper and a shorter version, I don’t have my computer and I can’t make icons without my stuff but I used brushes and textures by joorteloog and sanami276! Oh that was soooo great because I totally love everything about both HAHA! I hope come back at the end, hugs and congratulations for so many years! <3 <3

.| 1 Wallpaper – US | 1366 x 768 pix
.| 1 Banner – US | 900 x 506 pix | + 3 icons

1366 X 768 pix | .jpg | download deviantart

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Banner: Something White

Title: Something White banner
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era/season/setting: meerkat AU
Rating: G
Notes: this is a banner for “Something White“, the second story in thenewbuzwuzz‘s meerkat AU (Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2017).

(Yes, in this AU Buffy is a meerkat and Spike is a white cobra. Go read if you haven’t already!)

Image credits:
Meerkat by Dario Brönnimann on Unsplash
White snake by Kai Rösler (I’m afraid this is a copyrighted image, which I normally try to avoid, but this one was just too gorgeous and perfect not to use. Simply irresistible in its sinister attraction!)

Title fonts:
Bloody Script from
Snake Jacket from

Originally posted at: