So Rudely Interrupted (Spike/Buffy, PG13)

Title So Rudely Interrupted
Author brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Words 6000
Setting post-series
A/N Also contains London, Dawn, Giles, a Bad Dragon, rogue Team Angel and a bleakish AU post-Chosen and NFA. Thank you to my flist who voted for a significant proportion of these elements to appear, and apologies as always to quinara for what happens to the dragon.
Genre reunion

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Hello. It’s my posting day today, so here’s another fic with a terrible title (I have a history of those on this comm). Hope you enjoy.

Setting: post-series
Rating: PG13/R (for language)
Beta: Many thanks to rebcake for the very speedy beta.
Disclaimer: Not for money, don’t sue, etc.
Author’s note: this ought by rights to be a really angsty fic, but it just didn’t come out that way.
5660 words

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After the Deluge – the WIP that just won’t die.

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

Today is slaymesoftly‘s posting day, but she is struggling with a poorly computer, an inept repair service and the impossibility of using tablets and phones to post anything of actual substance.

So I offered to step in, to share something I had planned to post at the weekend, when you Colonials have a Mother’s Day. Many, many moons ago now I started a post-NFA, post-Chosen story called After the Deluge. Quite a lot of its early chapters were posted to this community. One point three three recurring percent of you may even recall the fic, which had Spike and Buffy slowly moving, one from California, the other from Rome, until they finally meet in the Cotswolds, with a substantial cast of others. The last chapter I posted was Chapter 25.

Well, an MA took up a lot of time, and other writing was a distraction. But I did do more, and as it started on this comm, it seems a good place to offer it up. Spike, Buffy and the gang are in a barn in the Cotswolds, it’s dark, and The First has recently appeared to scare everybody a bit.

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Fic – Hotel Suite Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

As I agreed to the second free-for-all day, I thought I should have something to post on it. This is not quite the end of the story, but very close, and will be followed, tomorrow I hope, by a final section, which won’t be quite so vanilla.

Chapter Four, 957 words. PG13.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to this session of – you have produced some fabulous stories and artwork. Long may our little corner of this fandom continue.

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For Seasonal Spuffy

at_last_thumb1Title: At Last at_last_thumb
Author: comlodge
Characters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Artwork – banner, wallpaper, icons
Rating: PG
Prompt: A story by anactoria written for seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: Just for fun.
Summary: As I played around with a final project for seasonal spuffy, I took a break to catch up on the posts on that comm and read a future fic titled All the Shakespearoes written by anactoria. It’s a great post apocalyptic, post series and comics stories and I was prompted to produce the following. I do recommend the story though a warning, there is major charachter death.

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It’s free for all day on Seasonal Spuffy

spike_buffy_thumbTitle: Spike & Buffy love_story_thumb
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Buffy
Medium: Artwork
Genre: High Romance
Rating: PG
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: I play for fun.
Summary: So basically I’ve been able to work my Spuffy heart a lot this past week or three. The problem with Spuffy art, is that Joss was mean and gave us so little ‘couple’ time with these guys – even in promo shots. So one is restricted to either heads and caps from SB or S6 or Buffy bot and, nothing wrong with that, but we have to go rip off other peoples’ bodies to get in some good cuddling time. I’ve done a bit of both in my attempt to give my fave couple just a little romance.

All totally work safe. As always, I’m happy for anyone to use anything that takes your fancy.

So, I started with a simple one and used a time honoured phrase that i think fits them both well.

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Fic – Hotel Suite Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

In which I admit to being a moron.

Originally my day was to have been Tuesday last week, but at a slightly later point it seemed to make sense to switch to today, which was then vacant.

However, BECAUSE I AM A MORON I actually posted on Tuesday, which was NOT MY DAY. I apologised properly to the lovely sintonia, who was extremely kind and gracious about it.

So, today is officially my day. And it so happens I have another chapter of my fic, Hotel Suite ready to post. And a banner I made to go with it. This is the landscape you should imagine, folks.

Still PG at most – and that only because of Spike’s language.
Chapter One is hereContinue Reading

Fic – Hotel Suite

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Hotel Suite

It’s my day – or was until an hour ago. A mod gave me permission to post now, though, as it’s before bedtime, just. (Guess which mod. ;-) )

Here’s a fic which started out as a ficlet but just growed. This bit is G-rated, as mild as you get. I’m not planning for it to stay that way, though. The rest will come on the Free-For-All day.
Word tells me it’s 1,575 words. Spuffy. But you guessed that.

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Fic: ‘In Remission’ by Quinara. [4/4; ~19.5K words total; PG-13]

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series In Remission

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I had to go out and things overran… But I bring the conclusion! Please let me know what you think, and I will get back to you all in the actual tomorrow. Thanks for reading! I’m so sorry for any typos. Especially know/now. I can’t stop it; it’s a plague…

In Remission
by Quinara.

In the five years Spike’s been missing, the world around Buffy has irrevocably changed. The general population has woken up to vampires’ existence and the kill count has dropped way down. She’s sharing a house with a soulless vampire, still going by the name of Faith. But what does Spike have to do with it? And what does it mean for their future?

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Fic: ‘In Remission’ by Quinara. [3/4; ~17K words total; PG-13]

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series In Remission

Thanks for everything, mods – and thanks to people reading. I’m going to try and get the last chapter posted tonight, but editing does seem to be taking quite a long time. I hope you’re enjoying things!

In Remission
by Quinara.

In the five years Spike’s been missing, the world around Buffy has irrevocably changed. The general population has woken up to vampires’ existence and the kill count has dropped way down. She’s sharing a house with a soulless vampire, still going by the name of Faith. But what does Spike have to do with it? And what does it mean for their future?

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Fic: ‘In Remission’ by Quinara. [2/4; ~17K words total; PG-13]

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series In Remission

Hi again! This is the second part of the story – first part here. I think my total word count might end up being a little short, but we’ll figure that out later…

In Remission
by Quinara.

In the five years Spike’s been missing, the world around Buffy has irrevocably changed. The general population has woken up to vampires’ existence and the kill count has dropped way down. She’s sharing a house with a soulless vampire, still going by the name of Faith. But what does Spike have to do with it? And what does it mean for their future?

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Fic: ‘In Remission’ by Quinara. [1/4; ~17K words total; PG-13]

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series In Remission

Well, hello Seasonal Spuffy! It’s been a long time. Hope you’re all having a nice Sunday! I’ve got some fic for my offering, complete in four chapters, all of which I’m hoping to get posted today, though it might be touch and go. If I don’t manage it, then the ending will definitely be posted on the free-for-all day. I hope you enjoy! (And I know, I’m surprised I’m giving you a summary that actually sums up what the fic is about as well.)

In Remission
by Quinara.

In the five years Spike’s been missing, the world around Buffy has irrevocably changed. The general population has woken up to vampires’ existence and the kill count has dropped way down. She’s sharing a house with a soulless vampire, still going by the name of Faith. But what does Spike have to do with it? And what does it mean for their future?

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Fic: Fashionable Ladies And Gents, NC17 by Laure Alexander

Hi, apologies first to Quinara for invading her day, but I was supposed to post yesterday and by the time I was ready, I realized I didn’t have posting access and our lovely mod was unavailable. She gave me permission to post today and I have only one story so hopefully the invasion will be brief.

So, a little silly, smutty fic for you…

Title: Fashionable Ladies And Gents
Author: Laure Alexander
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Sex
Disclaimer: Nothing about BtVS belongs to me; it’s all Joss; I’m just playing with his characters and making them do naughty things.
Distribution: Please ask first. Will be at my site Meandering Muse some day.
Word Count: 1582
Summary: Spike has no clue why Buffy is suddenly interested in what women of quality wore two hundred years ago, but he really likes modern bras.
Author’s Note: Written for The Good Old Days prompt at seasonal_spuffy. I’d hoped to write more, but, hey, smut! Oh, and in my world, Spike was sired by Angelus in 1798 and he was the third son of a baron, just because… (and because Joss said he was two hundred years old and called Angel his sire, dammit, in School Hard, and I’ve been writing this fandom from just a few months after that episode originally aired).

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