Forget and Smile – Chapter Four

This entry is part 4 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter Three

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter Two

This entry is part 2 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter One

This entry is part 1 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

It’s my day, and I bring fic.

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Heroes in Hell Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Heroes in Hell

Hello. Today is my posting day (changed from October 30th). I’ve never tried to write what you might call ‘pure’ Spuffy before so I hope I haven’t managed too badly. The story is complete and will be posted in 7 chapters.

Setting: Post-Chosen. The events of AtS season 5 are playing out but without Spike’s involvement, for reasons that will become clear pretty quickly. There are also very vague references to BtVS season 8, the comic. However, familiarity with it is not needed to understand the story.
Rating: R, I think.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (of course), mention of Buffy/Angel
Beta: beta’ed by darkapple to whom many thanks. All remaining mistakes are, of course, mine.
Author’s note: This fic was inspired by one short line of dialogue from Hellbound in AtS season 5, quoted at the beginning of the story. At the time, I thought it massively unfair, though in Jossian terms it made perfect sense as well.
Disclaimer: The title of this story is borrowed from a shared world fantasy series from way back in the 1980s but the content of the story bears absolutely no relation to anything in that series, save the setting. Also, all Hail Joss, as always.

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Fic: Another Time, Another Place (Part 1)

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Another Time, Another Place

Hello folks, I guess today is my day. This fic will be posted in installments, with the first going out now. There will be a second section this afternoon and the last one will go up tonight. My family didn’t entirely cooperate with my writing plans, darn ’em, but you will have it all today.

Deep thanks go to my best buds and betas, married_n_mich and spiralleds, who stepped in at the tenth hour to polish this up. Also thanks to enigmaticblues for heading up this community and helping to keep the Spuffy alive (because there can never be too much Spuffy).

This fic is rated PG, for mild language and some fun descriptions of demon gore. Set immediately post-Not Fade Away

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Always Wait For You – 13

This entry is part 14 of 15 in the series Always Wait For You

I apologize to everyone for that last chapter and the lack of a cut. All fixed now. That’s about third or fourth one that I’ve had to go back and fix – hopefully none of the others caused a problem before I noticed them and added the cut. *peers around to see if anyone is growling at me*

Behind the cut (let’s hope) is Chapter Thirteen in which lots of stuff happens, not all of it very nice or fluffy.

 Chapter Thirteen

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