Fic: Fire in the Soul (4/?)

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Fire in the Soul

What do you know?! I’ve got another chapter of my San Francisco story/travelogue ready for seasonal_spuffy!

Title: Fire in the Soul (4/?)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3370
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, but also quite a bit of Dru, though not in this chapter.
A/N: Thanks for the quickie beta by MiAmor. Some photos contained herein are copyrighted as noted. NOT comics compliant.
Summary: A few years after Sunnydale’s spectacular demise, Buffy and her crew are getting on with their lives in San Francisco. A not entirely unwelcome blast from her past (Spike! It’s Spike!) blows into town, but he’s brought more than the generally allowable amount of baggage with him.

Chapter 1 on LJ / Chapter 1 on DW — In which a “chance” encounter leads to strong language and less-than-adult behavior. Also: animal magnetism.
Chapter 2a on LJ / Chapter 2a on DW — In which Dawn makes her feelings known and Buffy tries not to.
Chapter 2bc on LJ / Chapter 2bc on DW— In which Buffy gets on with her Sunday, which naturally ends up being weird.
Chapter 3 on LJ / Chapter 3 on DW  — In which Buffy checks in with Giles and has another bizarre vampire meet up.

New today:
Chapter 4 on LJ / Chapter 4 on DW — In which Buffy possibly overthinks things before she and Spike try that new-fangled “communication” thing.

Fic: Late Nights and Early Mornings

Author: kelpyfinners
Title: Late Nights and Early Mornings
Rating and warnings: PG
Word count: 914
Medium: Fic
Setting: Phantom Dennis’ apartment
Pairing: Spuffy; Dawn
Summary: Buffy comes to visit; Spuffy from Dawn’s perspective (wanted to think about how Spuffy would look to someone from Outside)
Author’s Note: Somewhat set in my personal AU (post-NFA) (purely by some weird pre-set default in my brain) in which Spike is with Dawn in LA and Buffy is (usually) … elsewhere. Lyrics from James Marsters’ “Smile” (

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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (6/7: The One With The Post-Apocalyptic Schmoop)

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Brutti's pick your own adventure day

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 6/7: The One With The Apocalypse and the Schmoopy Household Chores
Rating and warnings PG13, mild sexiness, implied minor character death, possibly prior major character death depending on interpretation
Word count 515
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (5/7: The One With The Discworld Crossover)

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Brutti's pick your own adventure day

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 5/7: The One With The Crossover
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 515
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, Ankh-Morpork, a sequel to Attraction of Opposites by faviconme at AO3, about six months later from Buffy’s POV, though Spike doesn’t know it here
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (3/7: The One With The Wings… in Pylea)

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Brutti's pick your own adventure day

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 3/7: The One With The Wings (in Pylea)
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 390
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, Rulesverse. A sequel to my Faith/Giles wingfic Learn To Fly, and its sequels, in which Slayer powers manifest as wings in Pylea
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (1/7: The One With The Dragon)

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Brutti's pick your own adventure day

I asked my flist what they wanted to read (pretty much as I did for last Seasonal Spuffy), but between us we didn’t come up with one thing I wanted to write. So I didn’t. I wrote seven. They span from season 5 time travel to simple pr0n, Pylea wing-fic to post-Apocalyptic schmoop. One of them not your thing? There’ll be another one along soon. And they’re short.

These are fragments of stories. They could grow, if you’d like to write more with this as a starting point (I’m thinking something like sb_fag_endsPrompt Tag. Totally happy for anyone to take up the challenge, so long as you link back to here and let me know what you’ve written!). Or you can feed me comments or ideas, and we’ll see if some more of one of these gets written by me in time for Free For All. It’s an adventure!

If you’d prefer to read them all and treat them as a whole, they could all be vignettes from the life of Rulesverse Spuffy (since the Pylea fic is definitely Rulesverse, and the PWP probably is too), but I didn’t write them as such. It’s more like a pot pourri of Spuffy possibilities. Pick and mix at will, and enjoy!

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 1/7: The One With The Dragon
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 610
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series
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Graphic Novel: Black Widow Part I

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Graphic Novel: Black Widow

Hi. It is my pleasure this time to kick off the Spring 2012 round of Seasonal Spuffy!

I have something a little different to offer today.

Six(!) years ago I wrote the story Black Widow for this community and it proved to be my most popular story by far (largely due to all the sex I expect). It was also an ideal candidate for this venture, a full blown photo-comic with Barbies!

I give you then, Part I of the Black Widow Graphic Novel:

Warnings: Dark futurefic. Graphic sex. Strong language, including the ‘c’ word. Violence.

No characters were harmed in the making of this fic (okay, maybe a little). They do not belong to me, but are the property of Fox Entertainment and Mutant Enemy.

Summary: Buffy has been missing for several years. When Spike goes to find her, he’s in for a very deep shock.

Timeline: Post-Chosen, Post Not Fade Away.

I will be back in a little bit with more.

Fic: To Lie Down With Wolves, 1/?

To Lie Down With Wolves
By Barb C.

Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: R-ish for violence
Pairing: B/S
Synopsis: Spike’s volunteered for an undercover mission at Wolfram & Hart, much to Buffy’s dismay, but he’s beginning to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew…
Author’s notes: Um, yeah, so I wanted to write a happy fluffy story this time, but that didn’t happen. *cringe* This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It’s a direct prequel to “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray.” I totally screwed up and had the idea that my posting date wasn’t until November 6th, so I haven’t come anywhere near finishing this. My apologies; I’ll be posting the rest here and at my journal as soon as it’s done. I’ve got the rest plotted out and it’s only 1/? because I’m not sure if I’ll need to break it into one or two parts. Don’t be surprised if this post is replaced by a revised version in a week or two!

My eternal gratitude to verity, slaymesoftly, typographer, readerjane, soundingsea, rebcake, downunderdeb, kehf, bruttimabuoni, and fenchurche, for beta duty above and beyond the call of duty on extremely short notice. I love you guys!

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Fic: For Keeps – Chapter 1

Title: For Keeps
Author: gryfndor_godess  / on LJ, gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-series
 PG-13; probably a few chapters will be R down the road.
Summary: When unknown demons attack Spike in autumn 2019 and infect him with what seems to be a parasite, all Slayer and Watcher hands are on deck to try to get it out of him.  But what if the “parasite” could be something more?
A/N 1:
 This is, as you may be able to tell from the summary, an mpreg fic.  Spike gets pregnant.  If the concept of male pregnancy freaks you out, this is probably not the fic for you.
A/N 2: This is a WIP.  I expect it to be a good-sized novella when all is well and done.  Sadly, I am quite far from being well and done, and all I have at the moment is Chapter 1 and maybe Chapter 2 later in the week, if I can get my act together.  Writing (of any kind; not just this) has been like pulling teeth lately, but I am hopeful that this story at least will take off once I get past the introductory, what-the-hell-is-inside-of-Spike chapters.  In any case, this is my first time posting a WIP (in BtVS fandom at least), and my apologies if updates take a while.  Please feel free to friend me if mpreg is your cup of tea and you’d like to keep up with the fic.
A/N 3: So not only is this a WIP, this is a WIP that takes place far in the future in my post-NFA verse, which I not at all ironically call the HEA-verse.  In this verse Anya and Cordelia were resurrected by the PTB after NFA, the Scoobies moved back to the newly rebuilt (but no longer a Hellmouth) Sunnydale in mid-2005, and they all had children a few years later.  The pairings are Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz, Cordelia/Angel, and Dawn/Gunn.  A list of fics in this verse is on my fic masterlist if you’re interested, but below the cut is a brief description of original characters and other relevant information that will tell you all you need to know.
A/N 4: Thank you again to the mods for everything you do!

Lastly, this is for snickfic, who wields her great power of seducing people to mpreg with great responsibility.  Thank you for the inspiration, Snick.

Chapter 1 on my LJ

FIC: And Take My Waking Slow

Title: And Take My Waking Slow
Author: snickfic / snickfic
Setting: post-NFA (hence icon!)
Words: 5400 on the nose!
Rating: PG-13 (for a wee bit of language)
Genre: shanshu!Spike, post-apocalyptic, lots of hurt/comfort
Summary: The world is broken and Buffy is broken and Spike is fixed, kind of, possibly more than he ever wanted to be. He doesn’t know what to do about any of those things.

A/N: This is another fic in the post-apocalyptic universe with the Spuffy mpreg, although (as some of you will rejoice to know) this fic is a prequel and therefore has no mpreg in it. As of now, this is the earliest fic in the chronological sequence, so no prior knowledge of the ‘verse is needed, but other entries in the universe may be found here.

I meant this to be the Spike-deals-with-being-human fic, but I think that theme is going to span more than one fic. Call this the first installment, then. Enjoy. :)

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Fic: Fire in the Soul (2bc/?)

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Fire in the Soul

I’ve got a few more chapters of my story/travelogue for you all today! Set in San Francisco, but NOT comics compliant. Up first:

Title: Fire in the Soul (2bc/?)
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 4100
Warnings: A bit Dru-ish
A/N: Beta’d by snickfic, except for a section added later, which was reviewed by MiAmor. Some photos contained herein are copyrighted as noted.
Summary: A few years after Sunnydale’s spectacular demise, Buffy and her crew are getting on with their lives in San Francisco. A not entirely unwelcome blast from her past (Spike! It’s Spike!) blows into town, but he’s brought more than the generally allowable amount of baggage with him.

Chapter 1 on LJ / Chapter 1 on DW — In which a “chance” encounter leads to strong language and less-than-adult behavior. Also: animal magnetism.
Chapter 2a on LJ / Chapter 2a on DW — In which Dawn makes her feelings known and Buffy tries not to.

New! In the continuation of Chapter 2, Buffy gets on with her Sunday, which naturally ends up being weird…

Read at my journal(s) — Chapter 2bc on LJ / Chapter 2bc on DW

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Xander Harris

Title: July
Setting: Post Chosen/NFA. Wherein Spike and Buffy live in Edinburgh
Rating : Pretty tame PG

A/N : My very lame Seasonal Spuffy Entry:) This is the start of a bigger (but not too big) fic titled How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Xander Harris, which will hopefully be done by free-for-all day, and is not at all as slashy as it might sound!