
TITLE: “Kiss”

MEDIUM: Fiction, approximately 200 words


SUMMARY: This is a short excerpt from my 300,000 word novel, Imitation of a Man. The first chapter of IoaM was posted during the Spring, 2009 round of seasonal_spuffy. The remainder of the novel will be posted as a complete work, not a WIP, at my LJ in late December or early January. Many thanks to enigmatic blues for letting me make this excerpt available here.

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Love’s Growth 3/3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Love's Growth

Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Words: 777
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the third one, but they can be read in any order. In this ficlet Spike, and maybe a little remnant of William, consider the nature of love

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Love’s Growth 2/3

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Love's Growth

Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Words: 1279
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the second one, but they can be read in any order.

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Love’s Growth, 1/3

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Love's Growth

Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Words: 857, some stolen from John Donne
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the first one, but they can be read in any order.

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The Howling of Wolves is without World 1/1

Title: The Howling of Wolves is without World
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: G
Words: 538, some stolen from Ted Hughes
Summary: Usually, Seasonal Spuffy is my chance to dust off something that’s been sitting on my hard drive waiting for a lot of perspiration to be added to the inspiration that made me start it. But with the exception of a WIP, I don’t have anything Spuffy that’s sufficiently inspired to warrant any perspiration. I tried a few things, but nothing progressed. When I came in from covering the tomato plants tonight to protect them from frost (seriously, Iowa, it’s the middle of May, WTF?) I still only had a couple of hundred words of this.

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In A Yellow Wood, 3/?

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series In A Yellow Wood

In A Yellow Wood
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13 for the moment
Distribution: Ask and you shall receive, I’d just like to know where it ends up.
Synopsis: When Warren Meers traps Buffy in an alternate dimension on his first assignment for Wolfram & Hart, she’s faced with the consequences of dozens of choices she’s made. Even if she escapes, can she be certain that her life’s followed the right path?
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place simultaneously with the story “The Lesser of Two Evils,” and contains spoilers for the series to date. Many thanks to betas deborahc, kehf & slaymesoftly. Additional thanks to harmonyfb and evil_little_dog for the loan of their Buffys, who appear respectively in Backward Glances and All Dishevelled Wandering Stars.
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A Window On William

Title: A Window On William (the Bloody Awful Poet)
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Poetry
Rating: G
Summary: Poems in varying styles in the voice of souled Spike for seasonal_spuffy spring 2009
A/N: Cinquain poems follow the following rules:
Line 1 – One word (a noun) naming the subject of the verse.
Line 2 – Two words (adjectives) describing the subject.
Line 3 – Three words (verbs) describing the subject’s actions.
Line 4 – Four words giving the writer’s opinion of the subject.
Line 5 – One word (noun) giving another name for the subject.
Tanka is a Japanese poetry type of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the rest of seven. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan.
Shakespearean sonnet: 14 lines, The usual rhyme scheme is end-rhymed a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g.
Septet, 7 line stanza ABABCCC

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Fic: Jabberwonky 7/7

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Jabberwonky

Summary: AU Comedy/Adventure. Buffy and Spike must learn to rely on each other as they hunt the deadly Jabberwock through a strange and wondrous world fraught with peril (and bad jokes). Story begins Here

A/N: Thank you to EnigmaticBlues for the beta work. Although this is my own bizarre version of Wonderland, some quotes and characters are courtesy of Alice in Wonderland and Jabberwocky, both written by the very gifted Lewis Carroll. Chapter titles courtesy of the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. Mr. Carroll please don’t spin-was merely for fun.

Disclosure: None of these characters are mine, nor will I make money from them. They belong solely to the imaginative pens of Joss Whedon and Lewis Carroll– I just wanted to watch Buffy and Spike wrest information from a Dormouse.

Rating: G  22,500 words complete       Continue Reading

Fic: Jabberwonky 1/7

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Jabberwonky

It’s my day to share and in the spirit of the community I’ve written a story about Buffy and Spike falling into a world controlled by a poem.

Thanks to  enigmaticblues for taking the time from her busy, busy life to steer our little boat through the rapids.


Summary: AU Comedy/Adventure. Buffy and Spike must rely on each other as they hunt the deadly Jabberwock through a strange and wondrous world fraught with peril (and more than a few bad jokes).

A/N: Thank you to EnigmaticBlues for the beta work. Although this is my own bizarre version of Wonderland, some quotes and characters are courtesy of Alice in Wonderland and Jabberwocky, both written by the very gifted Lewis Carroll. Chapter titles courtesy of the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane. Mr. Carroll-please don’t spin, it was merely for fun.

Disclosure: None of these characters are mine, nor will I make money from them. They belong solely to the imaginative pens of Joss Whedon and Lewis Carroll– I just wanted to watch Buffy and Spike wrest information from a Dormouse.

Rating: G –  22,500 words complete

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Seasonal Spuffy

This is my final submission – The GREAT Billie Holiday is the perfect Poet In Song for Spike and Buffy.  This is one of my  favorite Singers and Songs of all and I think is a wonderful connection of music and Spuffy – Please take some time to watch – I think you will like the results.   Wish you could see it at my high res original but the file is just too large.  Thank Goodness for YouTube –


original large image

Originally posted at


Bloody Awful Poetry Day 1: Welcome and Clem’s Clerihews

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Bloody Awful Poetry Day

Welcome to Bloody Awful Poetry Day!
Poetry is about reflection, about different ways of seeing and expressing. So, as my contribution to the season, I bring you some Buffyverse characters writing their views of Spuffy. Quite badly, on the whole. (I daren’t attempt haiku, of which there are many distinguished examples, especially some gorgeous Spaiku. But some rarer forms of poetry allow even the worst poets – that would be me – to experiment and have some fun…)

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