Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Words: 857, some stolen from John Donne
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the first one, but they can be read in any order.
Love’s Growth 2/3
Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Words: 1279
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the second one, but they can be read in any order.
Love’s Growth 3/3
Title: Love’s Growth
Author: Miss Murchison
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Words: 777
Summary: For this story, I went to an old favorite, John Donne. Opening the book, I found myself reading “Love’s Growth,” and I’ve written three short fics based on lines from the poem. This is the third one, but they can be read in any order. In this ficlet Spike, and maybe a little remnant of William, consider the nature of love