Fic: Untitled (1/1)

A bit of seasonal Season 7 from me this time. Unbeta’d, so let me know if you spot any errors. (I’m open to suggestions for the title.)

Thank you to ladyofthelog and snickfic for picking up and carrying the torch.


By: caia
Genre: Basement!Spike, so I guess… discombobulation?
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1914
Standard disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine, just the story.
Summary: Basement!Spike emerges to a night all out of order.
Feedback: Yes, please.

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Time to Rest: Chapter Two

Rating: PGish now. Maybe going up later
A/N: Follows “Beneath You” and going mostly AU after that. Oh, it will stick with the basic theme of Season 7, but more focused on what Joss started in the chapel scene and then just left hanging. Darn you, Joss!
Second post today. I’ll do my best to get more chapters up on free-for-all day.
Many thanks to blondebitz for the super banner!

Time to Rest
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Time To Rest: Chapter One

Rating: PGish now. Maybe going up later
A/N: Follows “Beneath You” and going mostly AU after that. Oh, it will stick with the basic theme of Season 7, but more focused on what Joss started in the chapel scene and then just left hanging. Darn you, Joss!
Posting this part for now. A second part later in the day, and I’ll do my best to get more chapters up on free-for-all day.
Many thanks to blondebitz for the super banner!

Time to Rest

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One-Shot : Un soir comme les autres

One of my Spuffy fanfictions :) I don’t know how many French readers we have in this community, but I can try :)
This is a one-shot who takes place in season 7.

Un soir comme les autres…

Auteur : Miss Kitty (Aurélie)
Couple : Buffy/Spike
Format : One-shot
Rating : G
Localisation : Saison 7, «Dirty Girls» («L’armée des ombres», 7×18)
Résumé : Buffy et Spike se trouvent dans un cimetière pour une habituelle patrouille.
Note de l’auteure : Une petite scène qui me trottait dans la tête et qui ne demandait qu’à être mise par écrit. Entendons nous bien, j’adore complètement le fait que Buffy et Spike montrent des signes évidents de jalousie quand une personne s’approche d’un peu trop près, mais sans jamais aller jusqu’à le manifester clairement auprès de l’autre, parce qu’ils le respectent et ne veulent rien lui imposer. C’est la définition même de leur relation en saison 7: amour, certes, mais également subtilité et respect.

Mais j’en avais envie : ) Je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut, mais j’espère que ça vous plaira.

Vous remarquerez un petit parallèle avec Touched sur la fin. N’hésitez pas à laisser des commentaires!

Disclamer: Les personnages et le concept de base ne m’appartiennent pas, mais sont à Joss Whedon, la Fox, UPN… etc.

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Drabbles: Spuffy By Seasons

Spuffy By Seasons
Author: all-choseny
Ratings: G- PG-13
Summary: Drabbles from season 2-8. Contains spoilers for season 8 comics.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
A/N: I missed my original posting date as a result of being on vacation and writers block. I wanted to post something and stick to my commitment, so I wrote these drabbles at midnight today.

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video: hot chick – uffie – s7 spuffy

I am squeezing my contribution in before tomorrow’s lovely poster, pennydrdful; I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Summary: I wanted to make an upbeat, danceable vid for S7 Spuffy (because there is something WRONG with me.) Hopefully, I’ve succeeded. Enjoy!

Thanks: to my awesome betas, angearia, automaticdoor, flourish, and morgan n

hot chick from verity on Vimeo.

Watch here or download here.


Originally posted at

Fic: Just Like Heaven (1/1)

Just one post from me today. Please enjoy! ^_^

* * *

Title: Just Like Heaven

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: Lying in the warmth of Spike’s arms for the very first time, Buffy is moved to reveal a long-held secret. Set during “Touched.”

Rated: G

Author’s Notes: My sincere thanks to enigmaticblues for keeping this community going. If it wasn’t for Seasonal Spuffy, I probably wouldn’t get any writing done.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Fic: Traditional Love Stories by tashlae

Title: Traditional Love Stories
Rating: PG
Timeline: more or less post NFA (and ignorant of the comics as well) but references to S2-7.  Basically.
Summary: This is not a love story.  It’s sort of hard to say that when there’s this much attempted murder.
A/N:  I’m excited to be posting!  This is a little bit strange, but I hope everyone likes it.

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Fic: Though I Walk Through the Valley… (5/5)

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Though I Walk Through the Valley...

My day for seasonal_spuffy! In under the wire. I hope. (It’s still May 21 where I live, by an hour or so yet…) And at last, this fic is complete.

Many thanks to enigmaticblues for another round of Spuffy love.

Title: Though I Walk Through the Valley…
Author: randi (randi2204)

Rating: PG-13 to R for possibly disturbing images and content
Notes/Warnings: Angst, angst, character death and angst. (Also, please note there is an epilogue attached. The epilogue is not happy.)
Summary: The unthinkable happens, but when Spike is gone, Buffy realizes she needs him back. No matter what.

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This Be the Verse 9/9

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy?
Thanks to slaymesoftly  for the beta-work on this chapter. Any remaining mistakes are the result of my insistent tweaking. :-)

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This Be the Verse 8/9

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy?
Thanks to slaymesoftly, who was an invaluable help on chapters 5-9.

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This Be the Verse 7/9

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy?
Thanks to slaymesoftly, who helped me polish this baby into something less monstrous. :-)

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This Be the Verse 6/9

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy? Many thanks to slaymesoftly, who generously offered to beta the last five chapters. They’re all shiny and new!

A/N: This is as much as I can get posted this morning. I’ll get the rest posted this evening. Sorry about the delay!

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This Be the Verse 5/9

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy? And huge thanks to  slaymesoftly, who generously offered to beta the last five chapters. Now, they’re extra spiffy! And readable!

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This Be the Verse 4/9

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy? Oh, and none of this is beta’d. So reedz at you’re own wrist.

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This Be the Verse 3/9

This entry is part 3 of 9 in the series This Be the Verse

Author:  ghostyouknow27
Rating: R, mostly for swearing and violence
Summary: Begins at the start of Season 7, but immediately goes AU. Buffy gets pregnant with Spike’s baby, and it fixes everything that’s wrong in their relationship. Don’t try to figure out any timelines, because they won’t fit.
Disclaimer: Characters and settings belong to Joss Whedon. The prose and plot are my own.
Word Count: Around the 37,450 mark
WARNING(S): There’s not much violence in this fic, but what’s there involves a baby. That’s right, a baby. Also, don’t expect too much happy mushiness. This is Pregnancy-With-Minimal-Plot and does involve consensual non-sex, naughty words and the author’s rather sick sense of humor. Uh, enjoy? Oh, and none of this is beta’d. So reedz at you’re own wrist.

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