Episode 23
era: btvs s2
Season 2 Drabbles (2/4)
Episode 18
Season 2 Drabbles (1/4)
Back with the second set of drabbles. Hope you all enjoy. Thanks, once again, to always_jbj for looking these over for us.
A New Bird – Chapter Five
A New Bird – Chapter Four
Rating: PG
I don’t own the Buffy characters.
A/N – in case you’re wondering, Angel lost his soul when he saw that Buffy was unharmed. Or rather, that’s when he had his moment of happiness. In the show, the soul loss was a bit delayed, so it was here as well, though perhaps took a little less time than in the show.
Beta’d by Always_jbj. Thank you!
(Yes, I am sneak editing, replacing my rushed chapters with beta’d chapters.)
Chapter Four Continue Reading
A New Bird – Chapter Three
Rating: PG
Drat, I forgot a disclaimer on the prior chapters. I own none of the characters of Buffy.
A huge thank you to Always_jbj who was nice enough to beta this for me and wrestle some particularly uncooperative sentences into submission for me.
Chapter Three Continue Reading
A New Bird – Chapter Two
Rating: This one’s the possible NC-17 chapter, but I think it’s still an R. It’s kinda tame. Noted in any case.
Chapter 2
Continue Reading
A New Bird – Chapter One
Hi! Sorry this is so late in my day. I hadn’t written anything in quite some time prior to today, due to work ickiness and being exhausted from said work ickiness, so I had the first chapter for this sitting on my hard drive since the week I signed up and NOTHING ELSE. I think if I had a muse, it died. Or something. But I pleaded with my husband for a day to myself today to finish this and yay, he agreed! I would’ve felt awful not posting after I said I would. So again, apologies for the lateness, but I think it ended up a fair sized story considering I wrote most of it today.
I’m not able to go over this as many times as I usually do editing-wise, due to the time constraints, so please also pardon any typos. Hopefully, I’ll catch most of them. There will be a short delay between posting chapters as I give each one a final look and quick edit. I’ll try to come back and fix anything major if I find it later, right now I just want to get it up there before my time expires. Hope it doesn’t totally suck! :)
Summary/Notes: What if Ford had hit Buffy a little harder? First scene completely taken from Lie to Me then pretty much AU after that, with a line or two of dialogue pinched here and there – you’ll recognize them. Also, the gang never showed up at the Sunset Club (Gang meaning Angel, etc.)
Rating: R for most of it, I think. One chapter may be NC-17, I’ll note that one.
Medium: Fanfic
Title: A New Bird
Warnings: It’s a bit angsty, I suppose, but I don’t like sad endings so there isn’t one, well not really. Angel’s Buffy’s boyfriend during this time period, but there’s no Bangel in the story, honest. There’s character death, but not Spike or Buffy and I promise, you probably won’t care. Just warning in case someone’s really sensitive.
Fic: Beginnings – very mild R (01/01)
I hadn’t originally planned to post anything beyond the previous story (written a few months ago), but I came down with a bad case of the writing bug over the last week or so.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Heh.
This one is a series of related drabbles, posted as one fic.
Title: Beginnings
Author: annapurna_2
Rating: Very mild R
Continue Reading
When One Door Closes – Conclusion
Title: When One Door Closes – Conclusion
Author: married_n_mich
Rating: PG
Word Count: 11,000ish
Author’s Notes: Set Post S2 after Buffy left Sunnydale, but she doesn’t go back.
Beta’d by the spectacular mommanerd and spiralleds. Any inconsistencies or typos made after they looked this over is entirely my fault. Why? Because they’re the best of the best! Love you, ladies.
When One Door Closes…
Title: When One Door Closes – Part 1
Author: married_n_mich
Rating: PG
Word Count: 11,000ish
Author’s Notes: Set Post S2 after Buffy left Sunnydale, but she doesn’t go back.
Beta’d by the spectacular mommanerd and spiralleds. Any inconsistencies or typos made after they looked this over is entirely my fault. Why? Because they’re the best of the best! Love you, ladies.
Season Two Live Journal Layout
Fic: Equal Opportunities
Season Two. Some time post Surprise. 6800 words. Rated a mild R. Beta’d by slackerace.
You can have all that’s left off me 1/? by AlexPallex
It’s around lunchtime here in Sweden and my posting day! I’m really nervous because this is huge for me. It was Seasonal Spuffy that introduced me to fan fiction and to LJ. So, it’s a really big day. First I will post a fic that only has one chapter so far but it will come more.
Author: alexpallex
Pairing: Buffy/Spike (duh)
Summary: It’s set in an alternate dimension where Buffy staked Angel sometime right after Surprise. He had then already killed Jenny. Giles is devastated and walks around like a zombie. Buffy feels guilty that she couldn’t save Jenny and heartbroken because she had to kill her lover, even if he had lost his soul. Drusilla became even more insane after the loss of her “daddy” walked out in the sunlight during a delusion. Spike didn’t discover it until it was too late and couldn’t save her from becoming dust. He became really depressed and one night he takes his wheelchair out for a spin to find something that can ease his misery.
Author’s note: This is beta’d by the most awesome girl ever, angelic_amy!
Continue Reading
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 11
Spike calls, there’s a new slayer in town, and the Specter has a new power.
Chapter 11
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 10
(Starts season 3) Zombies at the art gallery. Poor Spike, stuck in Brazil with Dru and her sidekick.
Chapter 10
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 9
Angel goes to Hell, and pay attention to Whistler
NC-17 for some dry humping.
Chapter 9
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 8
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 7
Beth finds out the extent of Spike’s injuries and meets her mother’s new beau, Ted.
Chapter 7
The Secret Slayer, Chapter 6
What’s My Line? Part 2 Spike makes friends with a Scooby and the ceremony in the church has the same dire consequences.
Chapter 6