Title: Bots”R”us Spuffy Wedding Edition
Author: red_sunflower
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing with them.
Summary: Do you own this Spuffy set edition? If so, read this.
Author’s note: Thank you very much to my wonderful beta dusty273.
creator: red_sunflower
Ficlet: Uncomfortable Trading
Title: Uncomfortable Trading
Author: red_sunflower
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing with them.
Summary: Some things are better to be left untouched (and un-discussed). This story contains spoilers of Angel After the Fall.
Timeline: Sometime in the future.
Author’s note: Thank you very much to my wonderful beta dusty273, who helped with the grammar and style. This is my first fanfic ever so don’t take me seriously.
Final post “Around the world with you”
As always, thank you to itmustbetuesday for organizing the fall round of Spuffy love. This is dedicated to you.
Seasonal Spuffy Fall 06 – Around the world with you
This is a set of 12 songs that remind of about Buffy, Spike and their relationship. The lyrics might not address a particular moment, but the beats and the atmosphere they create remind me of Spuffy. The road we traveled with our favorite couple was full of ups and downs but it was worth it.
Post 4/4
Thank you to itmustbetuesday for organizing this parade of Spuffy love. Also, a big thank you to all of you who have posted in this round, your work has been an inspiration…
Yup, an Spuffy mood theme. It took me ages to make it but I really love it. A special thank you to for her feedback and encouragement.
Post 3/4
Third post of the night…
For these I used some of my favorite Spuffy caps, take a look and you’ll see why.
Post 2/?
This set is inspired in the “fairy tale” challenge…
I know that my imagination is limited and I apologize in advance for it. Anyway, I hope you find them, at least, amusing. :)
Set 03
Post 1/?
Finally, my posting day! I hope to be able to make 4 posts but there is a high chance that 3 will be the final number.
This is my first time sharing wallpapers so be gentle with me, okay?
Set 01
Post 6: Final post of the day… header, fo banner and matching icons
Before wrapping up my day I want to thank itmustbetuesday for having this seasonal celebration. Count me in for the spring repeat.
Actually I managed to make two banners, but I think the second one is not as pretty as this :). Anyway…
Post 5: Final set of Spuffy icons (76-100)
Post 4: Third set of Spuffy icons (51-75)
Post 3: Second set of Spuffy icons (26-50)
Second post of the Spuffy icons set. As the previous one, the icons are sorted chronologically.
Post 2: First set of Spuffy icons (1-25)
This set is the first post of 4 more that I’m making to share this huge set of Spuffy icons. All icons are sorted chronologically.
Post 1: Spuffy header, fo banner and matching icons
First entry of the day. A Spuffy banner and matching icons.
Click on the images to view them full size.