6 icons + Requests
Credit betweenthewoods or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
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6 icons + Requests
Credit betweenthewoods or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking
*waves* I actually haven’t been able to get online much these past few months (and LJ not at all) so it’s completely by chance/luck that I could get on here today. I didn’t even realize it was my day until just a couple of hours ago. Hence, 4 pretty crappy walls. But I didn’t want to not post anything. Hope someone finds them useful.
Size: 1280×720
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Typing this with mostly one hand because I’ve come down with some carpal tunnel like symptoms. Which means my graphics aren’t as nice as I like them. I’m hoping to still be able to complete a couple of fanmixes that I’ve been working on by the free-for-all day, as well as a few more animated icons. We’ll see:)
ETA: I’m so sorry I posted this a day early. Premature postage! I thought for sure my day was Thursday. Sorry for stepping on today’s posters toes. :
{01-12} Icons
{13-24} Animated Icons
{25-30} Wallpapers
{31-31} Friend’s Only Banner
{32-32} Header/Banner
{33-33} Manipulation
Please credit betweenthewoods (my graphics community) or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking!
Comments keep the fire burning
A continuation of my last icon post. 19 icons from Touched & Chosen
Credit betweenthewoods or effulgent_girl
Comments are <3
I had hoped to complete my Spuffy vidlet by my posting day, but no such luck. Hopefully I can finish it by the free-for-all. In the meantime, I have several animated icons to tide you over. From seasons 5-7 (I’ll be posting some Chosen ones that I didn’t finish on the ffa day too). Also, dial-up users beware: this will probably kill your internets.
56 animated Buffy/Spike icons
Please credit either or
Comments are like crumbs:)
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Since I was a procrastinator and because I was painting my bedroom, I wasn’t able to finish the video that I wanted to post to follow up last year’s entry. I was able to put together an EP and a few icons to celebrate the Spuffy love for this season. I hope you enjoy my contributions. I might have more icons on the free for all day.
Title: Effigy
Vidder: Aurora (effulgent_girl)
Song Title/Artist: Effigy by Natalie Merchant
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Format: Zipped wmv & streamed
Love In Steps – A Buffy/Spike Fanmix
Notes: Here’s my first contribution this round. This fanmix is a bit of a play on words; the fact that Buffy and Spike have a lot of key scenes on stairs and porch steps, as well as their ever evolving relationship from enemies to lovers and the steps they took to get there.
Since I missed my original posting day (stupid school) I’m posting my graphic goodies today. Hope you enjoy!
{01-18} Icons
{19-21} Animated Icons
{22-24} Wallpapers
Credit betweenthewoods or effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking/altering
Comments are swell:)
Last post for the day!
48 Buffy/Spike Icons
Credit effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking
74 Spuffy Icons
Credit effulgent_girl
Blanks are not bases
No hotlinking
Comments are always lovely
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