I Love You

Title: I Love You
Creator: Comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy Free for All June 21st
Disclaimer: This is a work of love and learning. Dedicated to Spike & Buffy lovers everywhere.

There is something about Spuffy art that is very good for the soul…oh right….they’re meant to be!


Please click the image for the full size version.

Night & Day

Title: Night & Day
Creator: Comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: Seasonal Spuffy Free for All
Disclaimer: This is a work of love and learning. Dedicated to Spike lovers everywhere.

There is something about Spuffy art that is very good for the soul…oh right….it’s playing with Spike!


Please click image for full size.

 Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/622638.html

Under the Influence – For Her

Title: For Her
Creator: comlodge
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Artwork – Icons, Banner, Wallpaper
Rating: G
Prompt: Round 21 Under the Influence
Disclaimer: All belong to their orginal owners
A/N: As soon as I read the theme for this round I knew what I would do. I did however get All Saints Day and All Souls Day confused and had found this wonderful image through google to use because I thought I was doing All Souls Day – silly girl! I liked it too much not to use it, placing Buffy’s eyes bright and clear within it. If Joan of Arc is considered a saint I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is most certainly a warrior saint and Spike is her chivalric Knight Errant and for her he changed his world.

Some Icons

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

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Flames – Free for All Day

633480_original.jpgTitle: Flames
Creator: comlodge
Characters: Buffy and Spike – of course
Rating: R – sexual themes – explicit sexual descriptions in story. Images are worksafe.
Medium: Fanvid/Podcast – Artwork – Banners and Wallpapers
Disclaimer: For fun and entertainment only
Summary: Yes folks. Something completly different for me. Comlodge has read her naughty little fic, a sensual Spuffy interlude during their full on S6 affair. It’s a podcast recorded as a video showing several pieces by comlodge herself that do not necessarily match the timing of the story line. They are pretty though. The music is Gympoiedia by Incompetech. The images are included after the video. The video is set to adults only on youtube. I might add, that it is dashed hard recording yourself reading even a short story, lol. Fun though. The video was uploaded in high def and is best viewed full screen if you wish to study the images. Just saying. :D

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Not your average couple….

For my posting day for this round, I present two banners with wallpapers, Warm Chanpagne and Leather and Leather, under the cut. Totally worksafe. Here is a bunch of icons made from the two pieces. Feel free to snag any, be inspired to write stories or already have a story they’d suit. Happy to personalise if required.

I’ve written a bit about my process after the images, for anyone interested. My goal here was to create a tribute to the comics using screen caps. So a combination of paint, photorealistic and drawing.

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In the Corridors…

in_the_corridors_thumb.jpgTitle: In the Corridors of My Mind
Artist: comlodge
Character: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Artwork – Banner, Wallpaper, Icon
Prompt: Celebrating 10 years of seasonal_spuffy  and our love affair with the angst that is Spuffy. PS – I had not finished this piece when I posted because I was running late and still managed to come after the mod’s wrap up post. The finished (are they ever) banner is included in this post now.

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I Walk Alone

matter_of_time_thumb.jpgTitle: I Walk Alone
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Art Picspam – heavy emphasis on the spam
Rating: PG
Setting: S5
Disclaimer: Joss does not even own them, damn it!
A/N: This is one of my fave Spuffy scenes and I liked the way the camera slowly panned them. From intent to murder to silent comforter. That Spike! He walks his own path and so does Buffy. A nice excuse to make a Photoshop action to clean up, textureise and present a bunch of images. Forgot to make an icon. And durn uploaded in order instead of reverse. One at a time add then it is. 28 images you scroll quickly to get one of those old time flickering films. :D Thans to Greenday who sometimes sound quite nice, for singing about our star crossed kids.

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The Journey of Spike and Buffy

spuffy_moments_thumb.jpgTitle: Spuffy Memories
Author: comlodge
Characters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Art – Wallpaper
Rating: M – depictions of violence
Disclaimer: They belong to someone else.
A/N: Some snaps of some my fave episodes and scenes in the journey that was Spike and Buffy from S4 to S7. One almost always begins with Something Blue for Spuffy. There was so much more to their engagement than a simple wish of “Why don’t they just get married.” The happiness, the intimacy, the thoughtfulness from both. Feelings to linger in both long after the spell.

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A Matter of Time

matter_of_time_thumb.jpgTitle: It’s Just a Matter of Time
Author: comlodge
Characters: Buffy & Spike
Medium: Art – Icon, Wallpaper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters but they should be.
A/N: An homage to the comics finally seeing the light and drawing the Spuffy!!! It’s about time!!! Comic Canon!! In colours of red and gold for the passion and truth of their love.
Winner at the 2015 No Rest for the Wicked Arwards

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And my dreams

dreams_thumb.jpgTitle: My Dreams
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike/Buffy
Medium: Art – icon, Banner, Wallpaper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters or clips. My Photoshop skills
Season: S6
A/N: I loved this particular scene from Dead Things in S6 and thought of it immediately when I was listening to the song behind Blue Eyes by the Who. I thought the line I’ve used is particularly suited to Spike and Buffy at this particular time. Their relationship is the wrecked house. He is still a demon who struggles to have a conscience worthy of the Slayer he loves and his love for her is drawing him out of the dark, into the light. Buffy is struggling to come back to life, to feel again, to get past the harsh reality of losing her place in heaven and the feelings that being with Spike is changing those lights from dark hysteria into the colours of life. Their relationship burns them both even as they struggle to achieve the dreams they each hold deep inside…

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You love so hard…

you_love_so_hard_thumb.jpgTitle: You Love So Hard
Author: comlodge
Medium: Art – Icon, Wallpaper, Banner
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: For play
Season: S7
A/N: I love this scene. Soft, a changing in their relationship, a new beginning after the horrors of S6. I’ve used the colours of passion and love – reds and purples – with a touch of gold for the truth and purity of his love for her and finally hers for him. The blues are for their strength and the texture for the depth of their passion, A tender moment that acknowledges what they recieve from the other.

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Bouncing Back – A Spuffy Banner

ssicon_2015.jpgTitle: Bouncing Back
Author: comlodge
Medium: Art – Banner
Rating: PG
Season: S7
A/N: For me the scene of Buffy sleeping in Spike’s arms is the turning point, the boucing backpoint in the battle against the first. The good guys are in chaos having ousted Buffy and about to suffer a defeat under the new leadership. Spike’s belief and unselfish devotion to Buffy gives her heart, she retrieves the Scythe and gathers her troops back to her leadership, finds in those last moments that she can and does love and Spike finally gains his humanity in his ultimate sacrifice…

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For Seasonal Spuffy

at_last_thumb1Title: At Last at_last_thumb
Author: comlodge
Characters: Spike and Buffy
Medium: Artwork – banner, wallpaper, icons
Rating: PG
Prompt: A story by anactoria written for seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: Just for fun.
Summary: As I played around with a final project for seasonal spuffy, I took a break to catch up on the posts on that comm and read a future fic titled All the Shakespearoes written by anactoria. It’s a great post apocalyptic, post series and comics stories and I was prompted to produce the following. I do recommend the story though a warning, there is major charachter death.

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It’s free for all day on Seasonal Spuffy

spike_buffy_thumbTitle: Spike & Buffy love_story_thumb
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Buffy
Medium: Artwork
Genre: High Romance
Rating: PG
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: I play for fun.
Summary: So basically I’ve been able to work my Spuffy heart a lot this past week or three. The problem with Spuffy art, is that Joss was mean and gave us so little ‘couple’ time with these guys – even in promo shots. So one is restricted to either heads and caps from SB or S6 or Buffy bot and, nothing wrong with that, but we have to go rip off other peoples’ bodies to get in some good cuddling time. I’ve done a bit of both in my attempt to give my fave couple just a little romance.

All totally work safe. As always, I’m happy for anyone to use anything that takes your fancy.

So, I started with a simple one and used a time honoured phrase that i think fits them both well.

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The Good Old Days… Part 3

not_because_thumbTitle: Love and Sacrifice
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Buffy Summers and Spike aka William the Bloody
Medium: Art – Icons, Banners, Picspam
Genre: Romance with a dash of Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The charachters belong to others. This is a small tribute.
Summary: A retrospective of a relationship that was unlikely, that began with obsession, continued in desperation and ended in love and sacrifice.

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The Good Old Days… Part 2

barriers_thumb3Title: Obsession and Need
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Buffy Summers and Spike aka William the Bloody
Medium: Art – Icons, Banners, Picspam
Genre: Romance with a dash of Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The charachters belong to others. This is a small tribute.
Summary: A retrospective of a relationship that was unlikely, that began with obsession, continued in desperation and ended in love and sacrifice.

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