Fic: All in the Family (1 of ?)

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series All in the Family

Title: All in the Family

Author: spikes_heart

Era/season/setting: Buffy Season 4, Angel Season 1

Banner Credit: Twinkles

Notes: Borrowed the opening scene entirely from the end of Angel’s first season episode I Will Remember You, written by David Greenwalt and Jeannine Renshaw. A huge part of the first three chapters is borrowed from Buffy’s 4th season – Something Blue, written by Tracey Forbes. Everything you recognize is their respective writers’ property, and not mine. Interspersed, you will find my small changes, until canon is left behind (mostly).

Warning: There is the slightest bit of canon Bangel. Nothing explicit.

Rating: PG for now

Summary: What if Buffy brought back a little surprise after her encounter with Angel in I Will Remember You?


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Fic: PenPals (1/1)

Title: PenPals

Author: Holly (HollyDB)

Era/season/setting: BtVS season 4

Rating: PG-13

Summary: A few months after the Will Be Done spell, Buffy returns Spike’s ring.

Disclaimer: They’re not mine. Which is a shame, because I am so much nicer than Joss.

Artwork: Made by the eternally awesome teragramm

Author’s Note: This is pure, unapologetic fluff. And being that I finished it at the eleventh hour, it’s only been betaed by therealmccoy1.

Letters from Buffy are in italics; letters from Spike are in plain text.

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Fic: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives (4/?)

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Those Were The Days Of Our Lives

Title: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
Author: flow (flowspuffy)
Era/season/setting: BtVS season 4/AtS season 1
Rating: NC-17 (for later chapters)
Summary: Spike is prepared to die in the battle behind the Hyperion Hotel. But someone else decides to send him back in time…
Spuffy will happen in later chapters.
Disclaimer: All belongs to JW and ME

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Fic: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives (3/?)

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Those Were The Days Of Our Lives

Title:Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
Author:flow (flowspuffy)
Era/season/setting:BtVS season 4/AtS season 1
Rating:NC-17 (for later chapters)
Summary:Spike is prepared to die in the battle behind the Hyperion Hotel. But someone else decides to send him back in time …
Spuffy will happen in later chapters.
Disclaimer:All belongs to JW and ME

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Fic: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives (2/?)

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Those Were The Days Of Our Lives

Title:Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
Author:flow (flowspuffy)
Era/season/setting:BtVS season 4/AtS season 1
Rating:NC-17 (for later chapters)
Summary:Spike is prepared to die in the battle behind the Hyperion Hotel. But someone else decides to send him back in time …
Spuffy will happen in later chapters of this fic.
Author’s Notes: I posted the first chapter of this fic for round 26 of Seasonal Spuffy.
To my utmost dismay, this fic is still a WIP and at the moment I don’t know if and when it will ever be finished. However, I decided to post a couple more chapters here.
I want to thank Stoney, GoSpuffy, debbicles and Priceless for the inspiration and support.Y’all are amazing!
Disclaimer:All belongs to JW and ME

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Fic: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [3/3] NC-17

Title: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [3/3]
Author: Iamblichus
Era/season/setting: Post-series, no comics
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ‘Tis the season at the Slayer Academy, and the night is dark and full of terrors. Join Buffy, Spike, and the rest of the Scoobies for monsters, (mostly) chronologically-appropriate pop culture references, and just a bit of smut. Takes place about three months after the main events of Liebestod, but can be read as a standalone if you ignore the handful of references to preceding events and Spike being randomly human-ish.


[previous here]

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Fic: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [2/3] NC-17

Title: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [2/3]
Author: Iamblichus
Era/season/setting: Post-series, no comics
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ‘Tis the season at the Slayer Academy, and the night is dark and full of terrors. Join Buffy, Spike, and the rest of the Scoobies for monsters, (mostly) chronologically-appropriate pop culture references, and just a bit of smut. Takes place about three months after the main events of Liebestod, but can be read as a standalone if you ignore the handful of references to preceding events and Spike being randomly human-ish.
A/N: The bit with the tree is a mini ode to another (spectacular!) holiday fic: OffYourBird’s “A Different Kind of Christmas”


[previous here]

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Fic: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [1/3] NC-17

Title: Grandma Got Run Over by Sleipnir [1/3]
Author: Iamblichus
Era/season/setting: Post-series, no comics
Rating: NC-17
Summary: ‘Tis the season at the Slayer Academy, and the night is dark and full of terrors. Join Buffy, Spike, and the rest of the Scoobies for monsters, (mostly) chronologically-appropriate pop culture references, and just a bit of smut. Takes place about three months after the main events of Liebestod, but can be read as a standalone if you ignore the handful of references to preceding events and Spike being randomly human-ish.

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Fic: William versus the Beast [1/1] PG

Title: William versus the Beast
Author: Baphrosia
Setting: pre-series – S4
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1330
Summary: William’s not happy about losing control of his body to a ravening, ravenous beast.
A/N: I don’t really subscribe to the spilt personality theory, but it’s interesting to explore.  I haven’t posted in awhile, so let’s hope I remember how. Thanks to bewilde for the beta!

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drabble: Spike and his son go on an adventure — an excerpt from an upcoming long fic

Title: Excerpt from upcoming longer fic tentatively named: Love Lives Here
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/season/setting: Several years post NFA.
Words: 3,500
Set up: Buffy and Spike have reconnected, married, mated, started a family. Spike has the Gem of Amara. They are living in L.A. where the new Council and Slayer Army is headquartered. They are still cleaning up the area around the Hyperion (called the Wasteland) where the Senior Partners opened a portal several years ago. Today is Spike’s turn to join some Slayers in patrolling the area. His son, Billy, age five and three-quarters, has wriggled his way into going with him for the first time.

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Fic: Pieces by myrabeth

Title: Pieces

Author: myrabeth

Setting: AtS Ssn 5

Rating: PG-13

Words: 3,000

Summary: The third time, I came back in pieces. I’ve put together what I could in the months since, but I don’t think I’ll ever quite finish the puzzle. I only even made it this far because I was so driven to remember the guy who burned my hand.

A story told in drabbles, Buffy POV

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Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part II (Buffy/Spike, T)

And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part II
By Barb C.

Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It immediately precedes “To Lie Down With Wolves” and “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,” and it’s pretty damn angsty, folks. The story includes some elements of Dark Horse comics canon, but I do very different things with them. Thanks to my incredible betas,   slaymesoftly, trepkos, typographer, and cornerofmadness  – any remaining errors are entirely my own.

Part I

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Breaking the Habit (Chapter One) by electric_heart

Title: Breaking the Habit
Author/creator: [personal profile] electric_heart
Era/season/setting: Season 8 Buffy Comics/Post Angel After the Fall
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Spike/Original Female Character; Buffy/Satsu; Eventually Buffy/Spike
A/N: This is my first attempt at a Buffyverse fic that is longer than a drabble in about a decade. I decided to try my hand at writing Spuffy fic again for seasonal_spuffy because I missed the characters and the fandom. “Breaking the Habit” is a story that was conceived about eleven years ago. Unfortunately, I lost every word written because back then I did not properly save or backup anything I wrote. It bummed me out that I lost hours of work, and I’ve been thinking a lot about that story since returning to the fandom. I decided to “reboot” the story and incorporated this round’s “Dark Carnival” theme in the first chapter. I’m no spring chicken, so my memory isn’t the best. I remember vaguely what the story was about, but it’s been over a decade. So, everything written is brand new. Additionally, the story is an AU of season 8 and admittedly, I will be playing fast and loose with the timelines between Buffy seasons 8-9 and Angel season 6.
I’d like to also thank my beta for this chapter, cornerofmadness. You are awesome! Any mistakes are all mine.
Disclamimer: The characters are not mine.
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Fic: Bring It On Home (2 of 10)

Title: Bring It On Home
Author: fra_apples
Length: ~8.000
Setting: Comics canon, post-After The Fall
Rating: R for violence and language, eventually NC17
Summary: A few months after the whole LA-in-hell thing is done, Spike and his friend the telepathic fish have some drinks. The fish convinces the vampire to take a trip to Scotland. This story is about what happens when said vampire finally decides to face up to a certain blonde over there.
Author’s Notes: This is my first Spuffy story, so I’m a bit nervous. Also, I think it’s fair to say that I’m not an expert writer, which will probably result in a story that is too long, too wordy, and not that much polished. Still, Seasonal Spuffy has been inspiring me for a long while with this idea, so I wanted to finally give it an honest try and put something out there during one of the free-for-all days.
My outline puts it at ten chapters, and I’ve written a little over half of it already; I will eventually publish it on EF (where I’m MaggieLaFey) and AO3, as soon as I finish it. For now, if you want to give the first two chapters a try, I hope they make you smile at least half as much as they do me. :)
PS: I LOVE critiques and feedback. Especially considering that this isn’t my first language, feel free to point out anything that sounds wrong, I’ll be thankful!

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Fic: Bring It On Home (1 of 10)

Title: Bring It On Home
Author: fra_apples
Length: ~4.000
Setting: Comics canon, post-After The Fall
Rating: R for violence and language, eventually NC17
Summary: A few months after the whole LA-in-hell thing is done, Spike and his friend the telepathic fish have some drinks. The fish convinces the vampire to take a trip to Scotland. This story is about what happens when said vampire finally decides to face up to a certain blonde over there.
Author’s Notes: This is my first Spuffy story, so I’m a bit nervous. Also, I think it’s fair to say that I’m not an expert writer, which will probably result in a story that is too long, too wordy, and not that much polished. Still, Seasonal Spuffy has been inspiring me for a long while with this idea, so I wanted to finally give it an honest try and put something out there during one of the free-for-all days.

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Fic: Calliope Unsheathed – Chapter Three

Title: Calliope Unsheathed
Author: eurydice72
Era/season/setting: Set between S4 and S5, canon divergent AU
Rating: Eventually NC17, but only R for language and violence for what gets posted here
Summary: When a carnival comes to town, Spike gets wind of a plot that doesn’t sound good for Sunnydale…or the Slayer.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Thank goodness for free-for-all days! I meant to get this up last night, but time is not my friend right now.

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Oblique Strategies

Many thanks to sandy_s for the thoughtful beta!

In lieu of starting with an actual plot, I used Oblique Strategies to provide a prompt every time I didn’t know what happened next … I’d say the result is more plot-like than one might expect. Prompts listed at the end, though some of their initially merely shakey relevance has been whittled away to nothing during editing.

I do plan to continue this 2 or 3 chapters, I think.

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Fic: Calliope Unsheathed – Chapter Two

Title: Calliope Unsheathed
Author: eurydice72
Era/season/setting: Set between S4 and S5, canon divergent AU
Rating: Eventually NC17, but only R for language and violence for what gets posted here
Summary: When a carnival comes to town, Spike gets wind of a plot that doesn’t sound good for Sunnydale…or the Slayer.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: This is my first Seasonal Spuffy in YEARS so to say I’m nervous is an understatement. I went for something comfortable for me which means adventure time for Spike and Buffy. I had originally hoped to have five chapters to post today, but it looks like it’s only going to be three at most. Those will come later today. My outline for this puts it at 12 chapters, though I reserve the right to have that change if the story decides to take its own path. :)

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