Mortal Allies Series, Season 3. Postcards From the Edge, Chapter 1: Hate You, Too (1/?)

Story Title: Postcards From the Edge. Season 3 of the Mortal Allies Series

Chapter Title: Hate You, Too

Note: You might miss a couple of ‘inside jokes’, but do not have to have read prevoius stories to follow this (at least that is my goal! If you find it too confusing, I would love to know. I tried to, through the chapter, explain in broad strokes what’s happened thus far). But if you are intrested in the previous episodes, you can find them here.

Author: Passion4Spike

Banner by: PaganBaby

Rating: PG (for series so far, for language)

Season/Setting: Season 3 after Band Candy but before Faith’s new ‘watcher’, Mrs. Post, shows up.

Summary: Yeah, Spike, the master vampire, had joked that he’d send her postcards, and he had left that one on her door before he screeched out of town, again, with Dru, again. But would the Slayer of Slayers really send the Slayer of Vampires postcards? And would she even read them, if he did? Teetering on the razor’s edge between friends and enemies, which way will they fall?

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drabble: Spike and his son go on an adventure — an excerpt from an upcoming long fic

Title: Excerpt from upcoming longer fic tentatively named: Love Lives Here
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/season/setting: Several years post NFA.
Words: 3,500
Set up: Buffy and Spike have reconnected, married, mated, started a family. Spike has the Gem of Amara. They are living in L.A. where the new Council and Slayer Army is headquartered. They are still cleaning up the area around the Hyperion (called the Wasteland) where the Senior Partners opened a portal several years ago. Today is Spike’s turn to join some Slayers in patrolling the area. His son, Billy, age five and three-quarters, has wriggled his way into going with him for the first time.

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Whac-A-Mole Drabble

I’ve been working on a longer fic and haven’t had time to come up with anything for the Free Day, so this is a short little fun scene from the longer fic I’m working on that you might enjoy.

Title:  Whac-a-Mole (I don’t have a definate title for the whole fic yet)
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/Season: Post NFA — Spike still a vampire, Buffy still a Slayer
Rating: PG (language)
Setup: Spike and Buffy are at the arcade on Santa Monica Pier on their first offical ‘date’ after reconnecting post NFA.

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Fic: Closer to Heaven Chapter 1 of 3

Title: Closer to Heaven
Author: Passion4Spike
Season/Setting: Season 6, The day after ‘Once More with Feeling’
Rating: NC17 (NSFW applies to later chapters which are not done yet — check on EF later for them)
Inspired by: The wonderful banner done by pfeifferpack during the Road Trip SS round 25

Summary: Buffy had kissed him. All ‘Gone With The Wind’, with the rising music, and the rising … everything. And then she’d pulled away, the singing demon’s spell apparently broken. Spike had released her, not willingly, but he knew he couldn’t hold her. What had that meant? That kiss? He had to find out, but he had to be smart about this. Not just run in in a billow of smoke and demand answers. That wouldn’t do at all. He needed a plan. A good plan. This was too important to bugger up.

Pfeifferpack’s wonderful banner:

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Fic: Spike’s a Good Boi, Chapter 5: Best Mates

Title: Spike’s a Good Boi
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/Season/Setting: Season 3, Band Candy, AU
Rating: PG (language)
Banners by: Paganbaby and Holi117
Author Note: This is the first chapter of the ROAD TRIP in this story (chapter 5 of the story overall). You can read the preceding chapters here on EF . If you don’t want to do that, you don’t need to! I’ve included a short setup summary at the start.

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