Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 4

For those of you who are still staying with me … please do read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 before starting this one. This story will be posted in its entirety in Seasonal Spuffy before going anywhere else.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 4
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Fic: Faithful Will (Part 1 of 3)

banner shows Buffy with a sword, Spike smiling in her general direction, fairytale castle

Title: Faithful Will
Author: the_wiggins
Rating: PG
Era/Season/Setting: Once Upon A Time (or maybe Season 5)
Warnings: Some Buffy/Riley.
Author’s Note: OK, so here’s the fusion fic no one ever asked for: BtVS with the very obscure Grimm’s fairy tale (at least, I’d never heard of it) “Faithful John.”
This originated in an extended brainstorming session with thenewbuzwuzz, so I owe them a lot of credit for the inspiration. But of course, anything that is weird or doesn’t quite work is probably my fault. Buzwuzz is also responsible for the lovely banner and for the last-minute beta, so applause and confetti for them!

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Fic: Apology for Declining an Invitation to Dine (Part 1 of 2)

It is technically still the 23rd here in California, so I’m coming in under the wire for my second posting day. I had all these plans about the one-shot I wanted to post today, but, as it happens, things didn’t work out the way I wanted. So, what I’ve got is the first half of the one-shot. I’m going to post the second half on Sunday’s Free-for-all Day.

But to make up for only having half of this now, I have a little treat at the end.

Title: Apology for Declining an Invitation to Dine
Author: Eurydice
Era/season/setting: S5, set immediately after my story, Charms of the Clarion
Rating: R
Author’s Note: The one thing I get comments on the most, even after all these years, is the chocolate sauce story from Charms of the Clarion. Way back in the day (I wrote/posted it in January-May 2003; gah, I’m old), I deliberately chose to fade to black at the end as Spike was telling Buffy what happened, because I figured that anything I came up with wouldn’t be nearly as good as what the reader might imagine. They had a tendency to disagree with me, so the requests for the chocolate sauce story have come in like clockwork ever since. Since this is a special anniversary for Seasonal Spuffy, I decided to get it out there, once and for all.

In the original spirit of Charms, the title is courtesy of Robert Burns.

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Fic: Dear Friend (2/?)

Title: Dear Friend (2/?)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: referenced Spike/other and Buffy/other to begin with (tamer than the show)
AN: Hi all! Here’s the 2nd installment. I finally got the second chapter to where I wanted it! I welcome constructive criticism from all of you. This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm.
Rating: PG (Warning: some foul language)
Fic: Dear Friend (1/?)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: Parfumerie, The Shop Around the Corner, In the Good Old Summertime, She Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit. I also do not own an iota of William Shakespeare’s work, but am borrowing a quote from him presently.

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Fic: Dissonance, Part 1/3

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Dissonance

Title: Dissonance
Author: wolfshadoe
Era/season/setting: S6, between Older And Far Away – As You Were
Rating: uh… NC-17?

Notes: One-shot, complete at 8.6k, but I’ve had to split it for postability.
Beta read by the divine Micrindle23; remaining errors all mine.
I’ve been pretty stumped for words since… around the time I thought I could safely sign up for this. But finally thrashed something out just in time. Far from a fairy-tale, but here it is anyway

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Fic: Sleeping Beauty Awakes

Title: Sleeping Beauty Awakes
Author: titti
Character: Buffy/Spike, Willow/Kennedy
Era: Post-series
Rating: G
Summary: After a fight with a demon, Spike falls asleep and doesn’t wake up. Willow, Kennedy, Dawn and Buffy go to LA to help.
Notes: Written for Fall 2020 round of seasonal spuffy will run on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth. Theme: Fairy Tales Retold

I don’t read the comics and I don’t know what happened in the post series-comics for Angel and/or Buffy. If you consider the comics canon, then it’s AU since I’m making it all up.

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“Life Serial” limerick

Title: Life Serial limerick
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Era/Season/Setting: s6
Rating: G
Notes: What would a “Fool for Love” anniversary be without any bloody awful poetry? :) To make sure we have at least a little of that, here’s a tiny little limerick (which is also the longest piece of fiction I’ve completed in the last three months, yay!).

She’s neither a shop girl nor a schoolgirl.
She’s a fighter, commander, and doer.
She’s a creature of dark,
and this demon bar
will for sure be the right place to woo her.

ETA: this is, of course, halfway found poetry, so credit to David Fury or Jane Espenson or whoever wrote “You’re not a schoolgirl. You’re not a shop girl. You’re a creature of the darkness. Like me.” – Life Serial

Further note: this post continues in the comments.

Originally posted at

Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 3

For those of you who are still staying with me … please do read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 before starting this one. This story will be posted in its entirety in Seasonal Spuffy before going anywhere else.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 3
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Buffy, Spike, and the Witch of the Acheron River (1/1)

Title: Buffy, Spike, and the Witch of the Acheron River
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: A sort of fairy tale. Buffy receives word that someone she knows has come to the meadows across the river. Written for the 15th anniversary of Seasonal Spuffy and for all the lovely people who make fandom a wonderful place to be. (This was written in about three days after my son went to bed so any mistakes are all mine.)

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Fic: A Fairy Tale, They Say – Part 1 (of 2)

Title: A Fairy Tale, They Say
Author: Eurydice
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: PG
Summary: Buffy receives anonymous gifts that lead to questions she doesn’t have answers to.
Author’s Note: I have to work today so I only have time to get part 1 up now. Part 2 will be up later tonight. The story is complete, though, clocking in at around 8k.

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Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 2

For those of you that remember, I had intended to start posting this story back in May, but due to catching Covid, I was delayed. So I only ended up posting the first chapter, which could sort of stand alone as-was. I have since caught up with my writing, so am now launching the rest of the story, starting with Chapter 2! You can either read Chapter 1 as originally posted in seasonal_spuffy here, or the (slightly) updated version on AO3 here. I do recommend reading it somewhere, because chapter 2 does follow on directly.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 2
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: There is some Spike/Other in this chapter, but it’s brief and is not carried over at all into the rest of the story.

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline — to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Fic: William the Bloody: Prince of Thieves (1 of ?)

Title: William the Bloody: Prince of Thieves, Chapter 1

Author: DarkVoid116

Setting: AU Season 4

Rating: R

Word Count: 2438

Author’s Note: Thank you to CubbieGirl1723 & Kanotari for beta-reading. This is 1st chapter of maybe 10ish? More will be posted during free-for-all days later in the month. Also, Happy Birthday to me. Decided to choose my own birthday, lol

Summary: Spike, Robin Wood, and their merry band of friends travel to California to rescue a mage. Faced with the Sunnydale Slayer and the Initiative, what are five vigilantes to do?

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