For those of you who are still staying with me … please do read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 before starting this one. This story will be posted in its entirety in Seasonal Spuffy before going anywhere else.
Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 4
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature
In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.
At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.
This is his story.