Something Special (1/6)

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Something Special


Title: Something Special
Story Artist: Eyesthatslay
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy sets out to help Spike feel like he means something to her for their anniversary. Set in an AU universe after season 5 of AtS.
Word Count: 7773 (not including this voluminous intro)
Pictures: 6
Author’s Dedication: For eyesthatslay  and musing_mia  for always being so kind to me and for zarrah04, _sin_attract, inxsomniax, aimeedee, jenniepennie, velvetwhip, amoonchilde, and ghostgirl13  just because. Special thanks to eyesthatslay  for coming up the magnificent title and for so beautifully illustrating the story. Collaborating with you has been an amazing, unique, and fun experience!
Artist’s Dedication: For sandy_s, truly one of the kindest people I know, and a friend I will always treasure. For Natalie, my sister by choice. I’m so grateful for you. For amoonchilde and musing_mia, my two earliest fandom friends, that I’ve been blessed to call real life friends for many years now. And for my wonderful Mom, who is more amazing than I can say.
Author’s Note: This project was created for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the theme As Time Goes By. It’s also the 20th anniversary of BtVS, so an anniversary tale…. :o) Thank you to eyesthatslay, petzipellepingo, rebcake, tx_cronopio, gillo, kazzy_cee, trepkos, fangfaceandrea, facingthesun, shapinglight, amoonchilde, and slaymesoftly  who helped me with little details, such as what Giles might drink after dinner, little Spuffy moments, and location ideas. While I didn’t use all of them here, I appreciate the discussion… made the fic writing more fun and interactive and made my little corner of fandom feel warm and cozy again… like coming home.

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Regarding Grief (1/2)


Title: Regarding Grief
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Summary: Dawn is grieving… first Buffy and then Spike, and they are grieving for each other. Dawn POV.
Word Count: 7710 total for part 1 and 2, not counting quotes or notes.
Author’s Note: Written for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the As Time Goes By theme. Beautiful banner by eyesthatslay. This story is tied to our collaboration, which I will post this evening, but it is by no means necessary to read both fics. This is unbetaed, so apologies for typos; I did read it over numerous times.

Dedication: For Mahwish, who was beautiful inside and out, and won’t ever be forgotten. For Father Patillo, who was the kindest, funniest, and most down to earth priest and person.

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As Time Goes By (1/1)

Title: As Time Goes By
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG
Summary: As time goes by, Spike and Buffy find their way back to each other. Set post-Chosen and then post-Not Fade Away in an alternate, non-comic-book-related universe.
Word Count: 1352
Author’s Note: I wanted to do something for Seasonal Spuffy with the song, and this was all that would come out. This is a bit of a rough one and unbetaed, so hope you like it.
Filling in for megan_peta  today, so this one’s for you, dear! *hugs* :o)
Special thank you to all the people who run the community, too!

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Fic: Glimpses [1 – 3 / ?]

Hi! *waves*
I didn’t sign up this time because I wasn’t sure if I was going to have something done until now, and I wasn’t so wrong. I didn’t write a word until – yeah, until Seasonal Spuffy started (YAY!) and really lured my muse out. It’s not much yet, but it’s a start, and since it’s now exactly (almost to the minute!) 1 year that I posted here for the first time, and its a Free-For-All day, I thought I should celebrate it with a post…

I’m afraid it’s not Spuffy yet. It will be eventually,

Also, due to my fickle muse waking up so late, it’s unbeta-ed. So, in case you find a mistake or any weird expression (not a native speaker, so it’s not unlikely…), please tell me.

Title: Glimpses
Author: freecat15
Era: Season 1 – 7 (these chapters: S1 and S2)
Rating: PG13
Summary: Glimpses into the story of a Slayer and a Vampire. A series of drabbles along the series, each of which can be read as stand-alone; sometimes two build a unit.
Word Count: 8 x 100  Continue Reading

White Picket Fence

Title: White Picket Fence
Author: Puddinhead
Setting: Unnamed bit of California in 2071
Word Count: 3972
Rating: PG. But I also feel this needs a sadness warning.
Summary: Spike visits Buffy who has been stricken with Alzheimers.
Notes: This was personal and difficult to write so I only just finished it this morning and did not have time for a beta. Sorry about that.

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Ficlet: Something White (Meerkat AU #2)

Title: Something White
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU based on Something Blue
Rating: T, probably (but it’s a WEIRD T)
Word count: 412
Summary: Around two years later, Meerkat!Buffy and Albino!Cobra!Spike seem to be under a mysterious spell. Can their love transcend species?
Notes: Thank you again to seapealsh  for language beta. And that’s all from me today! I might finish a fic moodboard for one of the free for all days.

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Ficlet: Meerkat Hard (Meerkat AU #1)

Title: Meerkat Hard
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: AU based on School Hard
Rating: G, I think
Word count: 471
Summary: How do you think School Hard would have gone if Buffy was a meerkat?
Notes: This is a ripoff of the All-Penguin AU, the Serengeti-verse, etc., inspired by rule 5 of the posting guidelines. A big thank you to seapealsh for helping make sure the thing is written in real English.

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Happy Seasonal Spuffy!

This got… weird.

I got all hung up on the theme. First I tried time travel (it’s been done, and much better), then I read a whole bunch of Harry Potter fanfic (surprisingly helped me not at all), and then I listened to the song, and looked for quotes… all the usual triggers.

Then I wrote half of three terrible stories and barely restrained myself from throwing my laptop across the room.

Eventually, I came up with something. It’s Spuffy… if you squint? Either way, I’m happy to be kicking off this season of Spuffy with a look back in time. And hey, I’m doing everyone a favour – your contributions are going to look fantastic compared to this!  Continue Reading

Fic: Little Sister, Part 10, Buffy/Spike, T

Little Sister, Part 10
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: Ask and you shall receive, I’d just like to know where it ends up.
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” Many thanks to betas typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing above and beyond the call of duty to torrilin & slaymesoftly!

Please note that due to my excessive procrastinating, Part 10 has only been partially beta’d, so all errors should be considered my own. I will eventually replace this version with the final one.

Previously in “Little Sister:”

Thirty years after Buffy Summers freed the demon essence that powers all Slayers from the Shadow Men, Addie McElroy is a young Slayer out of the San Diego creche. Believing that their mixed human and demon nature means that Slayers, like souled vampires, are doomed to Hell, Addie conceives a daring plan to save her sisters’ souls. That plan involves kidnaping the granddaughter of the infamous Buffy Summers herself, and it doesn’t go well – Addie is captured by Buffy and Spike, who contact her Watcher and make arrangements to return her to the Council.

Addie’s faith in what she knows about Slayers, vampires, and rogues is shaken by her encounter with Buffy and Spike’s daughter Vicki, while Buffy fears she’s inadvertently damned the Slayer line. But it’s not until Addie’s fellow Slayer Alicia arrives to rescue her, and Buffy discovers Alicia’s true heritage, that things really hit the fan…

Catch up on the previous parts at my website or at AO3 or jump right into

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Under the Influence of Thanksgiving (and Vengeance Demons) – Just Like Old Times, Chapter 1

I’d like to apologize for not reviewing anything yet this round. I decided to hide from the world after the election-that-shall-not-be-named because I’m entirely too sensitive. Sad. But! I told myself I would contribute this year to Seasonal Spuffy and I really didn’t want to break that promise to myself. Again.  I actually wrote the first chapter of this early this month, and then tonight I decided to completely rewrite it, so I’m sorry for no-doubt numerous errors.  Also, this is all I’ve got so far because I’m hitting my self-imposed deadline of Thanksgiving Day.

I should probably issue some warnings for 1) overuse of commas (maybe), 2) overuse of adverbs (definitely), 3) playing fast and loose with the supernatural rules of canon, and 4) ripping lines directly from the season 4 episode Pangs, written by Jane Espenson. All that being said, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope y’all enjoy it!

This part rated PG-13/R for coarse language and very minor sexual situations. Approx. 2500 words.

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Under the Influence of… Thanksgiving: Thankful

Title: Thankful
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/Pairing: Spike/Buffy, Dawn, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Ensemble
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: seasonal_spuffy: Under the Influence of… Thanksgiving
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 3,014
Date Written: 15 November 2016
Summary: Holidays never run smoothly with family gatherings, but they”re what makes them worthwhile. They”re what makes everything worthwhile.
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Whedon, not the author, and are used without permission.

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A Matter of Time

First of all, many thanks to the mods for keeping this community going. Second of all, apologies for not commenting on other people’s entries much yet. Hoping to rectify that in the coming days.

Here is my contribution. I only had one idea this round. It’ll become apparent pretty quickly what that was.

Setting: Post-series, not following comics continuity. Buffy is the head of a Slayer quasi-military organisation, but there are no flying submarines, promise.
Rating: PG13/R for slight sexual situations and swearing
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (goes without saying, obvs), brief mention of Spike/Drusilla

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Fic: Served Cold (2/2)

Title: Served Cold
Author: bewildered
Rating: NC-17
Words: 4300 (one-shot, but in two posts due to size)
Season: 4
Summary: What do you do when your vampire ex-boyfriend comes to town, stalks you with the help of your so-called friends, and then leaves without saying hello, much less goodbye? Revenge sex, obviously! Shameless PWP set after Pangs.
Thanks to EF’s Sigyn & Zabjade for betareading!

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Fic: Served Cold (1/2)

Title: Served Cold
Author: bewildered
Rating: NC-17
Words: 4300 (one-shot, but in two posts due to size)
Season: 4
Summary: What do you do when your vampire ex-boyfriend comes to town, stalks you with the help of your so-called friends, and then leaves without saying hello, much less goodbye? Revenge sex, obviously! Shameless PWP set after Pangs.

Thanks to EF’s Sigyn & Zabjade for betareading!

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Some Spells Have Lingering Effects…

My day is here! This little (7000+ words) fic is a somewhat smutty Spuffy interlude that follows my fic Muzzled. All you need to know about that one is that in this non-canon Sunnydale, Oz and Spike were both captured by the Initiative at the same time and bonded while in there. When Buffy gets a tour of the facility from Riley, she sees Oz (and Spike) and gets them out. Once they’ve filled Giles in on what happened to them in those labs, as well as that the Initiative is now after Buffy, he is on the phone to the Council. Willow does her My Will Be Done Spell, with similar consequences. That story ends with Oz off in Tibet to learn to control his wolf and with Spike and Buffy having less contentious relationship than in canon. This story picks up a few weeks later…


Title: Some Spells Have Lingering effects
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: NC17
Genre: fic
Season 4 (non canon)

An interlude after the end of Muzzled and before Oz comes back.

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